West Seattle Crime Watch: Auto theft; car damage

2 quick West Seattle Crime Watch reports this afternoon from Gatewood and Arbor Heights. First, from Justine:

We switched cars with our business partner last Friday night and thought they were driving our car to the airport, it turns out they took a cab and left our car on the street in front of their house at approximately 39th and Southern [map]. When we went back to pick it up tonight, it was gone, and it had not been towed. We’d love it if you could let the neighborhood know, and if anyone spots a black Nissan Maxima with black leather interior, license number 469 UNP, please let the police know.

From an Arbor Heights resident:

A neighbor just came to my door to report that several vehicles on the block of 35th Ave. SW south of SW 102nd St. [map] were car prowled last night. The rear windows were either shot or punched out with a tool, according to police. Unclear if anything was taken, or if this was vandalism.

P.S. As we finished editing this update, we heard the police-radio dispatch for the aforementioned stolen Maxima, which reminds us that Seattle Police continue to keep a list of stolen cars via the Twitter account they launched earlier this winter, @getyourcarback – it’s featured on our Crime Watch page, if you’re not a Twitter member and ever want to check the list.

SUNDAY NIGHT UPDATE: If you haven’t checked out the comment discussion – Justine found her car, thanks to Gary.

13 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Auto theft; car damage"

  • Dale February 27, 2011 (6:06 pm)

    Are we taking enough action to discourage people from stealing in our neighborhoods, or are the same professional thieves robbing us repeatedly without getting caught? An active and organized block watch might be necessary to “nip it in the bud” (google Barnie Fife Nit it video). They just seem to be getting so brazen as if they think they are are just doing their job.

  • Dale February 27, 2011 (6:35 pm)

    Somebody stole my car twice from in front of my mom’s house in the Admiral district and both times they stripped out the brake light modulator for the trailer lights. Another reader suggested they might have stole it to use in motorcycles. The last time, it had been parked near 44th and Hanford for only a few hours before they took it. The first time, they dumped it with six blocks. I suggest watching near by.

  • lina rose February 27, 2011 (7:55 pm)

    Last week, our friend’s car parked in front of our house and our neighbors car had back windows broken…. we live on 35th at 98th. :(

  • gary sims February 27, 2011 (8:46 pm)

    check on kenyon and 39th your car is there I called it in 4 days ago.

    • WSB February 27, 2011 (9:12 pm)

      we drove by and the license plate is different BUT car thieves do swap those out sometimes, so we will flag Justine to your comment … TR

  • ummm February 27, 2011 (9:22 pm)

    Thanks TR and Gary, I’ve got the message! We’re on our way now to check it out. xo Justine

  • ummm February 27, 2011 (9:48 pm)

    Hooray, it was our car! There was another Nissan a block away, thankfully ours still had our plates on it. Looks like the thieves just slim-jimmed their way in. They tossed some stuff around, but there was nothing worth stealing, so they just left it a mess, left the window open, and took our spare key with them. Thanks for your help, all, we really appreciate it!

    • WSB February 27, 2011 (9:59 pm)

      Glad to hear it! Thanks, Gary! Interesting, however, that there wouldn’t have been crossreferencing between your report (which as I wrote, I heard go out over the scanner today, and saw on Twitter shortly thereafter) and his call from a few days ago. Maybe there’s a lag on crosschecks.

  • Kami schweiger February 27, 2011 (10:38 pm)

    We live on 110th near marine view drive and our rear window was also smashed out last night. Nothing appeared to be taken just glass everywhere even the front dashboard. There was no sign of a rock or any other object so probably a bat or tool. What a pain to clean up and get replaced. It happened around 8pm. Hope they get caught! Keep your eyes open.

  • Donnie February 28, 2011 (9:45 am)

    1992 red plymouth voyager with Wisconsin plates was stolen from 20th & Barton near Westwood Village early Monday morning 2/28. Sounds like a lot of theft in this area recently….please let me know if you see this van.

  • Ex-Westwood Resident February 28, 2011 (9:50 am)

    The on-going problem with car theft/prowls will continue until the Prosecutors Office starts treating this as a serious offense and starts sending these jackholes to prison on their first conviction instead of there 8th or 9th conviction AND starts treating these as adult crimes, no matter the age of the perp!!

  • furor scribendi February 28, 2011 (10:08 am)

    Everyone – if someone breaks your car window (even if they don’t take anything) make sure you still file a police report! There are many such occurances the past few months in our area where car windows are shot out with a pellet gun from a passing car. The police responding to our call were keen on getting as much information as they can get, which means they’re actively pursuing these leads you can supply. Good luck on arresting those responsible!

  • wsblockwatchcaptainsnetwork February 28, 2011 (10:15 am)

    Great that the stolen car was located! Way to observant neighbor!

    There is a Blockwatch Training Event next Monday night here in West Seattle!

    If you and your neighbors are fed up with these opportunistic criminals, and if you don’t have an active block watch on your street, attend the FREE Block Watch Training next Monday, March 7 at the Southwest Precinct, sponsored by the West Seattle Blockwatch Captains’ Network. 6:00-7:30 PM

    Be proactive!
    Get organized!

    Blockwatch works to deter crime BEFORE it happens. Learn how to stop crime on your block with your neighbors as your allies. Did I mention to be Proactive my neighbors? Make your block less hospitable to criminals.

    Make reservations and inquiries through one of the following:

    Folks who are already in a blockwatch and want a refresher course are welcome too!

    Hope to see you Monday night!

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