(Scroll down for newest info/photo/video)

(Photo added 7:06 am – this is what’s covering the road)
6:02 AM: Checking on the chopper that seems to be hovering in the Lincoln Park area, not far from WSB HQ. It seems to be searching over the water and is sweeping to the south, too. 6:25 AM UPDATE: Apparently a TV chopper checking on a reported slide. 47th SW is closed south of the 10200 block (map) – our roving crew just spotted the sign.
6:55 AM UPDATE: The actual slide starts in the 10400 block (map). This is at or near a spot that had been reported to the city a week ago, according to e-mail we had exchanged at the time with area resident Tony: He had spotted signs of an impending slide on December 19th; two days later, he said, SDOT “came out … and cleaned the road and coned off half of the sliding road.” No sign of a city crew yet this morning, but sunrise isn’t till 8 am.
7:20 AM UPDATE: From another neighbor, Mary, in comments:
I live on 47th street just a few houses down. It seems that the slide was caused by a tree that fell; that tree broke a sprinkler system that was NOT turned off or winterized. The water came gushing out and caused the slide. The mud is about a foot deep and the street sewers are backed up and clogged by the mud. The other slide area mentioned by Tony is down a few houses and is a different section. The area is still closed off and we are all waiting for the City to do something so that folks can get to work.
8:07 AM UPDATE: Looks like cleanup help is on the way. Our crew is headed back now that it’s light – and just called in to say they’re “behind a backhoe.”

8:23 AM UPDATE: Adding a photo of backhoe in action – will have video shortly. SDOT crew at the scene tells us it’ll take an hour or so to clean up.
8:50 AM UPDATE: And there’s the video. Neighbors tell us this may have happened 2:30-3 am – they heard something loud about that time, and woke up to mud.
10:17 AM UPDATE: Just went back to check on the situation. Not clear yet, but crews are making progress. Along with equipment to scoop and move the mud, they also have a vacuum truck to clear the clogged drains mentioned above.