West Seattle coyotes: A “surreal .. symphony of sound”

October 27, 2010 4:05 pm
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 |   Coyotes | West Seattle news | Wildlife

Usually, we hear about sightings. This one’s more like a hear-ing. From John and Joyce Loftus:

Last night at about 9:30 as my wife and I were getting home to our residence on Alki, we heard the unearthly sound of a pack of coyotes yipping and howling in unison in the greenbelt above our house — possible College Street Ravine. This is a symphony of sound that’s amazing to hear in a wilderness setting. It borders on the absolutely surreal when heard in the city. Of course, it heightens our concern for people’s pets.

As noted here over and over again, you can reduce the chance of coyote confrontations by reading and following the advice in this “coexisting with coyotes” info. And you can check out our archive of coyote sightings – some with photos – by going here.

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