Congratulations to West Seattle See Dogs and friends!

(Video from West Seattle See Dogs and other guide puppies meeting SPD horses in Highland Park in June)
Tonight at the Mariners-Angels game, guide dogs will be in the spotlight – local Guide Dogs for the Blind volunteers, puppy-raisers including West Seattle See Dogs, and others, sold more than 738 tickets for the game and get the honor of throwing out the first pitch! West Seattle See Dogs’ Ruth Oldham tells WSB, “There will be over 40 guide dog puppies and guide dogs in the stands and on the Main Concourse Meeting and Greeting fans as they arrive. (Section 128 behind Home Plate) at the Main Entrance.” Then around 6:40 pm, Ruth says, “The First Pitch (will be) thrown out by Bob Sonnenburg and his guide Nino (since this whole thing was Bob’s idea!). Other pre-selected GDB volunteers and pups will join Bob on the field.” They’ll also have informational tables for Guide Dogs for the Blind at a couple of places around the stadium, and if you’re at the game, you’ll hear announcements too. Ruth enthuses, “What an incredible opportunity. There has never an event this large with the potential for increasing public awareness about Guide Dogs, and increasing public awareness about blindness in general.”

4 Replies to "Congratulations to West Seattle See Dogs and friends!"

  • grr August 31, 2010 (10:29 pm)

    awwwwwwww :D

  • nicestuff August 31, 2010 (10:45 pm)

    I love it – a tail wag AND a kiss! Both are too sweet!

  • grr September 1, 2010 (3:02 am)

    and a nose lick :)) What a great horse. And sweeeeet dog.

  • brokeasajoke September 1, 2010 (8:30 am)

    Now why can’t humans get along like that?

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