It’s the little things that matter. You’ll find paperless hand dryers in two new restrooms on the lower level of Camp Long Lodge when you visit this Saturday, during the party to celebrate its grand reopening after 7 months of renovation work – a million-dollar project funded by the Parks and Green Spaces Levy that Seattle voters passed two years ago. We asked for a sneak preview, and toured on Tuesday. Both workers and volunteers were busy with finishing touches – we found Mary Quackenbush from the Camp Long Advisory Board bringing back some of Camp Long’s historic artwork, like this self-portrait of Clark Schurman:

That’s Schurman as in Schurman Rock, which itself got some sprucing-up a few years back. More than a dozen of his paintings were rediscovered at Camp Long several years ago and were being brought back to the park on Tuesday. But the renovation project is all about the beautiful old lodge. Click ahead for photos and video taking you inside to see what you’re getting for your money:
First, meet our tour guide, Parks Department project manager Kelly Goold:

While the centerpiece of the work was the brand-new kitchen, we’ll get to that in a minute, and you’ll be able to tour it on Saturday. What you probably won’t see unless you ask is this also-very-important room that took a sizable part of the renovation budget – listen to Kelly explain what’s in the new boiler room, converted from an old, not-much-used restroom:
(The old boiler room is now converted to an area where the park naturalists have access to their own sink and laundry, plus a fridge for experiments.) Energy efficiency is a theme for much of the new work. You’ll even find it outside the lodge, where Goold says old halide lights have been replaced with lights over individual entrances, all connected to a central timer. But technology is good for more than efficiency – the lodge had to make its way into the 21st century, too:

There’s new wiring and connections for data – including a wireless router, not just so Camp Long can use it, but also because the facility is rentable as a meeting space, and who can have meetings without wireless connectivity these days? Now, as for that kitchen – here’s a quick video look around:
Key points include all-new appliances, sinks, and lower counters so the kitchen can be used by visitors in wheelchairs – ADA-compliant accessibility features have been added in several spots, including a ramp between major rooms downstairs, where those new restrooms mentioned earlier also are accessible.
Back upstairs, many items that weren’t replaced got a facelift nonetheless – the radiators were sandblasted and now are so shiny they look new:

Same goes for the floors on both levels – and if you haven’t been to the lodge before, you might miss the fact that the reception area has been expanded, too.
Now, back to the party (which we should note, Camp Long is advertising on WSB) – it’s on Saturday, 4-7 pm, promising tours, activities, and cake – after which you can enjoy GreenStage’s Shakespeare in the park!