West Seattle Friday: Relay for Life; All-Access Showcase; ‘Race’

June 18, 2010 6:55 am
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(Photo taken this week by Cheryl – shared via the West Seattle Blog Flickr group)
Even if you’re not walking in it – between 6 tonight and noon tomorrow, stop by West Seattle Stadium to cheer the participants in Relay for Life of West Seattle. It’s an all-night fundraiser for the fight against cancer, and its memorable moments include the survivors’ lap at the start, and the memorial with luminarias later this evening. Whether or not you can be there, you can pledge by going here … Speaking of health, men’s-health issues will be discussed in a special, free presentation at 6 tonight at Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy (WSB sponsor) in The Junction … That’s also the start time for “Race to Nowhere,” a documentary screening at West Seattle High School, 6 pm, followed by 7:30 pm discussion with director, full details here … Another 6 pm event: All-Access Showcase at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center – drop by any time up till 9 and sample amazing performances/art creations and more – here’s our preview … If you got a collection bag for the Windermere Real Estate door-to-door food drive, please remember to fill it and leave it for them to pick up – donations go to the West Seattle Food Bank & White Center Food Bank. … Even more ahead – check the West Seattle Events calendar!

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