West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2010: Midday report

(First running report of the day is here; Google Map of sales here; printable map here; changes listed here; scroll down for frequent updates & new pix)

Almost halfway through the 6th annual edition of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – already? – and we’ve seen lots of shoppers out and about; we’re making the rounds to get photos but thanks also to those who have sent pix from their sales, like John Smersh from Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor), sale #12 at 2210 California SW in the Admiral District, where they’ve got half-price lighting as well as handbags on sale, and more. A few miles south on California, an individual sale with proceeds going to a cause close to many hearts:

That’s Krista at sale #161, 7717 California SW, where proceeds are going to the Orca Network. More to come – we’re about to hit the road and check out the high-school sites, among others. 11:52 AM: A shot from a bit earlier:

Carla and Brian are at Ginomai, 42nd and Genesee, sale #78, a multi-seller site and also the place where you also will find a West Seattle Christian Church group raising money for a well-drilling trip to Guatemala. On with the photos:

12:13 PM: That’s a photo Stephen shared from sale #159 at 7729 30th SW, where he says there’s still “plenty left to buy” … that’s also the word from our Twitter pal @cheapsleeps on SW Southern near 37th, who has baby-boy clothes galore – that’s sale #165. Meantime, just got a note from a seller with a specific item of interest:

12:20 PM: Natasha says that vanity at sale #187, 8802 35th SW, is $100 “or best offer”! Which reminds us that prices have just been marked down at one of our recent stops:

12:27 PM: Chief Sealth PTSA is raising money, and donating part of the proceeds to several of the clubs at the school, and now that it’s after noon, it’s 2 for 1, as the signs say (thanks to the student volunteers for taking a moment out to be in the photo). They’re sale #128 on the map. Now on to High Point:

12:37 PM: At Bridge Park Retirement Center (WSB sponsor), the big lot sale (#139 on the map) is raising money for Relay for Life of West Seattle (a cancer-fighting fundraising event, coming up June 18-19). Lots of cool stuff.

1 PM: Old beer signs, anybody? That’s part of the unique slate of stuff at Skylark CafĂ© and Club (WSB sponsor), sale #59 at 3803 Delridge. The sale is BEHIND Skylark – so pull into the parking lot on its north side and go around back. We’re starting the afternoon report next – (update) here’s the link.

6 Replies to "West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2010: Midday report"

  • JayDee May 8, 2010 (1:51 pm)

    Having toured from the tip of California Avenue in the north to Alaska, on foot, I can say the hordes are out in force. I think this garage sale pulls people in from way outside the area — I saw more than one pickup filled with “findings”. Alas no luck for me, but I got 6 miles of shank’s mare in. Now for a nice hamburger on the deck on a sunny Saturday > priceless.

  • lg May 8, 2010 (2:05 pm)

    WSB, looks like a great sale–congrats on another good year.

    I hope you’ll have time to update us on the WS tool library’s haul today. I’d love to hear more about the groups who went out and bought for them. It sounds like a really fun time. I’m so excited about the tool library, can you tell?

    • WSB May 8, 2010 (2:37 pm)

      Yes, we already have a followup plan, no worries.

  • bsmomma May 8, 2010 (2:10 pm)

    Come Get a Cupcake from Cupcake Royale at 2119 42nd Ave. In The Alley! 2 Bucks! We have about 3 dozen left! 100% to NW Epilepsy Foundation!

  • emilee May 10, 2010 (1:36 pm)

    does anyone know if that vanity is still for sale? I’ve been looking for one just like it for a year!

    • WSB May 10, 2010 (1:42 pm)

      I’ll see if I can find the person who sent the pic and send them a note to ask – TR

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