Junction Plaza Park: New sidewalk about to go in, too

During the last Seattle Parks Board meeting, we reported Superintendent Tim Gallagher‘s announcement that a construction contract has been awarded for Junction Plaza Park. We’re still checking on how soon work will start on the park itself – but we have word from SDOT that work to replace the sidewalk in front of the park (which is at the northwest corner of 42nd/Alaska) is imminent. SDOT’s Peg Nielsen says it’ll start within the next two or three weeks and will be sequenced with the park work. The sidewalk wasn’t part of the original park plan but Nielsen says it’s a “cost-sharing” project, funded with money from the Bridging the Gap Sidewalk Safety Repair Program and the Neighborhood Street Fund. One other example of “cost-sharing” resulting in new sidewalks has just been completed in Morgan Junction – the new sidewalk in front of Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) – the subject of this newly posted SDOT online feature.

1 Reply to "Junction Plaza Park: New sidewalk about to go in, too"

  • ericak April 6, 2010 (1:40 pm)

    We should know in the next day or two when the ground breaking will be. We anticipate it will happen in the next two weeks and will be sure to let everyone know. Our neighborhood is very excited about this park!

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