West Seattle wildlife: Coyote in Arbor Heights

Just out of the WSB inbox, from DRG:

Just wanted to drop a quick note about a coyote sighting (my first): I was driving south on 44th Ave SW (between 43rd Place SW and SW 100th [map]) shortly after 10 pm tonight, and saw a coyote dart across the street into some bushes.

As always, we want to share the “coexisting with coyotes” info-link, in case their presence among us is news to you. (All our coyote reports, some with photos, are archived here, newest to oldest.)

3 Replies to "West Seattle wildlife: Coyote in Arbor Heights"

  • seriously? March 1, 2010 (12:39 pm)

    After living in the Southwest for decades I continue to scratch my head over all the “alerts” to coyotes in the area as if they are some sort of stalking wild animal that will run away any man, woman or child in sight. (Pets, yes!) While there I heard of several pets being taken but no interactions with humans nor do blogs there alert residents when they see them. There packs run free at night. I think it’s time to accept they are here, realize you can’t leave your pets out at night and move on to more serious issues to worry about.

    • WSB March 1, 2010 (12:51 pm)

      These aren’t “alerts” – they’re reports, and just when we think everybody knows coyotes live among us, we get word of people who don’t. So it’s kind of a public service, which is why we include the “coexisting with coyotes” informational link, as opposed to an OMG RUN FOR THE HILLS COYOTES WILL KILL YOU link. If it is news to just ONE person who then thinks twice, for example, about letting their cat out at night – then good. We know not everything we publish is of interest to every reader, but that’s the beauty of the format – room for a LOT of stories … TR

  • luckymom30 March 1, 2010 (1:25 pm)

    We see a coyote now and then in Arbor Heights area too as well as weasels and some huge racoons. Add living on a busy street and those are the reasons we keep our pets inside.

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