Scam alert: Seattle City Light renews “bill collection” warning

This one’s gone around before, and Seattle City Light says it’s going around again – people getting phone calls from someone claiming to be an SCL employee and demanding a credit-card number, even in some cases a Social Security number, to prevent allegedly imminent disconnection of service. This item on SCL’s Power Lines site explains how to tell who’s legit and who’s not.

1 Reply to "Scam alert: Seattle City Light renews "bill collection" warning"

  • Brandon February 25, 2010 (2:35 pm)

    I got a similar call (last year around this time) to this not from Seattle City light but from someone claiming to be from Chase Bank, this was in regards to my fathers account, they said was overdrafted and wanted payment over the phone. I knew that it was not however because a weekbefore he passed away so I was well aware of his finances. Needless to say I gave this scam artist some choice phrases and then reported it to Chase who was less then helpful, who seemingly since no fraud occured could care less. SO just be wary

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