2 more Junction notes: Haiti relief office-item sale; Bin 41 sign

(photo added 1:36 pm)
OFFICE ITEMS, FURNITURE ON SALE TO RAISE HAITI $: Just got the word from the folks at Westside Dermatology (WSB sponsor). Outside their building, Olympic Court in The Junction, there’s a sale under way “till 4 or 5 pm” to raise money for Haiti quake relief. From Joe Erickson at Westside Dermatology:

All proceeds will go to the Haiti Relief Fund. There is lot of furniture and office items. We are hoping to raise $5-10 per item. Some items are free with an optional donation. Please come by and help out.

Joe also says they have a lot of framed prints. (added 12:55 pm) Also: “Office chairs, lots of framed floral prints, a Nordic track exercise ski machine, desk tops antiques, solid marble table with heavy metal base, desktops, heavy lockable file cabinets etc.” Here’s a map to Olympic Court. Meantime, less than a block away:

BIN 41 SIGN: Driving through The Junction late yesterday, we spotted the sign going up for Bin 41, the specialty wine store going into the former Georgia Blu space between Pharmaca Integrative Pharmacy (WSB sponsor) and KeyBank. In this January 29th WSB story, Bin 41’s proprietors told the story of what their store will be all about.

2 Replies to "2 more Junction notes: Haiti relief office-item sale; Bin 41 sign"

  • Cheryl February 20, 2010 (12:10 pm)

    I wonder if they’ll have any office chairs? I desperately need to get OUT of this metal folding chair & into something more ergonomically correct.


    • WSB February 20, 2010 (12:16 pm)

      Joe says they “Have office chairs, lots of framed floral prints, a Nordic track exercise ski machine, desk tops, antiques, solid marble table with heavy metal base, desktops, heavy lockable file cabinets etc” – I’m adding that to the story.

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