West Seattle Weather Watch: Another icy night ahead

No, that’s not an interpretation of how upset people are down in Southern California since a cold snap plunged them into the … 30s. That’s a palm tree near Alki Point’s Constellation Park, next to a frozen-in-place fountain, photo shared by Lisa. The latest forecast? Here you go – still a possibility of snow starting tomorrow night – “light” snow, then followed by a mention of snow possibilities in every daypart through Monday. Meantime, tonight’s expected to go down into the teens yet again.

10 Replies to "West Seattle Weather Watch: Another icy night ahead"

  • LMA December 10, 2009 (6:09 pm)

    I am form California a little surfer town
    Cardiff by the Sea . I have never touch snow in CA this is a nice picture Wow what a surprise for the natives in CA . I moved to Seattle in 1994 just this last Dec I learned how to drive in the snow , my son and I enjoy a great snow ball fight :)

  • LMA December 10, 2009 (6:15 pm)

    I heard that it may snow this weekend anyone up for a snow ball fight with me and my son? we will be here at Cafe Rozella

  • Jesse December 10, 2009 (7:56 pm)

    I’ve been away all week on business and left the pump running on the pond. This makes me wonder what my waterfall is looking like and how much water is left in the pond?

  • changingtimes December 10, 2009 (8:12 pm)

    well….lools like after the snowball fight you can go ice skating over at jesse’s lol! :))

  • Ms Evelyn December 10, 2009 (8:54 pm)

    Reminder to my fellow pet owners. Remember to protect your pets from the bad weather. Give them a warm and protected environment. Bring them inside, ESPECIALLY at night even if you think they like being outside all the time. They don’t and if it was the other way around YOU wouldn’t want to be stuck out in the cold that long either.

  • Tony December 11, 2009 (9:29 am)

    Lest anybody doubt that our weather is not being ‘manipulated’ take a look up in the sky over WS NOW! How long is this going to continue before people wake up and educate themselves about the overt operations occurring right above them?

    • WSB December 11, 2009 (9:43 am)

      Hi, Tony, what exactly were you seeing when you wrote that? I’ve been away from the keyboard a couple hours.

  • JumboJim December 11, 2009 (9:46 am)

    If the special weather ops you so cryptically refer to were “overt” we would all have noticed. Maybe they are covert??

  • Tony December 11, 2009 (9:56 am)

    The telltale airborne aerosolization, i.e. ‘chemtrails’ and the unnatural scaler signatures in the clouds.

    Informative site:


  • Tony December 11, 2009 (10:04 am)

    “overt” vs “covert” – in this case is all a based on one’s perception.

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