month : 12/2009 333 results

Metro reminder: Schedule changes for the holiday weeks

December 21, 2009 11:08 am
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 |   Transportation | West Seattle news

Metro sent a reminder this morning about its upcoming “reduced service” days:

*Christmas Eve (Thursday) and Monday-Thursday next week (12/28-12/31), “reduced weekday schedule”

*Christmas Day and New Year’s Day will both have a Sunday schedule

And if you are using Metro in the University of Washington vicinity, the “When No UW” schedule is in effect through 12/31. More info at – and remember they’re now using Twitter for service bulletins, @kcmetrobus.

West Seattle Holidays: Multifaith “Christmas Eve Truce” event

We’ve got several updates this morning about Christmas-week events at West Seattle-area churches. This one in Highland Park is the most unusual we’ve heard yet. Here’s the full announcement:


On Christmas Eve, 1914, between the muddy trenches along the Western Front, the armies of World War I spontaneously stopped fighting. They came out of their trenches and met each other in No Man’s Land as unlikely friends.

This Christmas Eve celebrate the 95th anniversary of the incredible “Christmas Truce.” In an inter-faith and non-sectarian event, hear the story in letters, drama and song. See images from the period and the truce. Share the hope of peace in the most unlikely of places.

Featuring performances by The Seattle Labor Chorus, Seattle-area singer Dan Roberts, Raging Grannies, and the Southwest Seattle Readers Theater. Also participating are Rabbi Daniel Septimus, of Temple De Hirsch Sinai, Imam Hisham Farajallah, of the Idriss Mosque & Islamic Center of Washington, Pastor Jim Major of the Highland Park Community of Christ, and Chris King, Founding President of the Seattle Chapter of Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, representing a secularist perspective.

The event is free of charge, but seating is limited. The doors open at 6 PM; the program begins at 7 PM and will not last more than an hour and-a-half. The event will take place at the Highland Park Community of Christ, at 8611 11th Ave SW [map] – next to Highland Park Elementary School and the park and ball-fields. Reserved seating for disabled or special-needs persons is available with advance notice.

For more information or disabled seating reservations e-mail

West Seattle Christmas services: “Longest Night” tonight

December 21, 2009 10:03 am
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 |   Holidays | West Seattle news | West Seattle religion

We are building the list of West Seattle Christmas Eve/Christmas Day services on the Holidays page (if yours isn’t there yet, we’re actively researching, but info is also welcome at Meantime, one church has a special service tonight – the “Longest Night” service at Tibbetts United Methodist Church. Rev. Dr. Joanne Carlson Brown explains:

No, this isn’t an Elvis Christmas program. For many people this is not the most wonderful time of the year no matter what the song says. Perhaps you have lost someone and this is the first Christmas without them. Perhaps you’ve lost someone around Christmas time and this time of the year is always hard. Perhaps you’ve lost your job or the times of your life are just challenging. This service is a place to acknowledge those feelings of pain and loss and grief and just general out-of-sortedness. Through readings and music and prayers and lighting candles we will move from the dark to a bit of light and comfort and, yes, hope. All are welcome.

Tibbetts is at 3940 41st SW (here’s a map). (Its Christmas Eve service, at 8 pm, is a Celtic celebration again this year, by the way.)

West Seattle Weather Watch: Solstice, sunset, maybe a little snow

The Winter Solstice is at 9:47 our time this morning; less than 7 hours later, you’re invited to join West Seattle astro-expert Alice Enevoldsen for winter solstice sunset-viewing at Solstice Park. Alice says on her Alice’s Astro Info website, “I’ll be there even if it is cloudy because sometimes the Sun peeks through just as it begins to set, but if it is driving rain or sleet I’m staying home with a hot cup of tea.” Anything could happen, says the latest “forecast discussion” – possibly some showers Monday night with snow. But if it’s fairly calm as sunset approaches, Alice’s site also explains (with a custom map) where to find Solstice Park. (Photo by Kevin McClintic, from Alice’s autumn-equinox event at the park.)

Bike crash survivor: “‘No pain, no gain’ has a whole new meaning”

Three weeks ago, we mentioned that the woman who survived a puzzling bicycle accident on Delridge was publicly chronicling her recovery and getting ready for a fundraising concert to help with her ongoing medical expenses. You may recall from our original August coverage that she was found in the street, and nobody could figure out whether she’d been hit by someone or just taken a bad spill. Against the odds, she has recovered, and is now home after being in the hospital and rehab for almost three months. The fundraising concert starring singer violinist Angela Fuller is 7 pm tomorrow (Tuesday) at Mars Hill Church in West Seattle. The bicyclist, 27-year-old Angela Sweet, agreed to answer a few questions from us via e-mail – our questions and her answers, verbatim, ahead:Read More

West Seattle Crime Watch: Burglary bustup; watchful neighbors

Two West Seattle Crime Watch notes tonight: First, via Twitter, Marty reported a burglary attempt today at his home near 35th/Othello (map) – we don’t have the full narrative but he did say police caught the suspects. Meantime, Cathy at 45th/Stevens (map) reports a car break-in, and something heartening she heard when she reported it to police:

Just a reminder to lock your doors and keep valuables out of the car. When I called to report it the dispatcher asked what kind of car. He said someone had already called in suspicious behavior on my block regarding my car. I was glad that I live in a community where people look out for others.

Fire followup: At Fauntleroy Church, “the show must go on”

December 20, 2009 6:42 pm
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Thanks to Tom Dirks for sharing that photo – and headline – via Facebook. Less than four hours after a small fire in the Fauntleroy Church (WSB sponsor) sanctuary, the church’s Christmas concert is under way as promised, moved to the Fellowship Hall. Here’s our previous report on the fire; while we won’t likely have final official word on its cause till tomorrow, it was believed to be accidental, and investigators were examining both candles and a lighting display. Nobody was hurt, and while the sanctuary needs some repair and airing out, people were allowed back into the co-housed Fauntleroy YMCA (WSB sponsor) within an hour, so everything’s OK there. As we noted in an update on the previous story earlier this hour, sprinkler-system installation is part of the major renovation work that’s just getting under way at the church.

West Seattle holiday helpers: DNDA party @ Youngstown

December 20, 2009 5:13 pm
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 |   Delridge | Holidays | West Seattle news

Along with generous donors, the unsung heroes of holiday help are the volunteers who sort, who gather, who greet ... Darrell was among the volunteers at the Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association (DNDA) residents’ holiday party at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center this afternoon. DNDA’s Phillippia Goldsmith had sent us word of the party, and added, “A big thank you to all West Seattle supporters who were a big part of making this happen for the families who live in our affordable housing!” Guests enjoyed food and music – the latter, provided by brass players who told us they’re from the Ballard Odd Fellows:

And then they went into a nearby room in small groups to choose presents from tables overflowing with donated items, like these:

Back out in the hall, while families waited their turn, some kids were so excited they were literally jumping with joy.

Happening now: “Wrap It Up” party, Santa photos

We were working on this when the Fauntleroy Church fire broke out, so it’s a bit delayed, but not too late: Holiday fun happening in West Seattle right now! From the team at Wrap It Up, till 5 at Beveridge Place Pub:

Join us for an exciting day of Seahawk football and bring all the gifts that you need wrapped! The Wrap it Up party is in full swing right now at the Beveridge Place Pub. Donations for giftwrapping benefit the Animals First Foundation. Wrap it Up is sponsored by Furry Faces Foundation. We are here till 5pm!!!

And till 4 pm, Santa photos continue – The Junction is where we found Eamon getting ready to meet the big guy for the first time:

(You know you’re a Northwest kid when you’re not used to the sun, which made a cameo! Thanks to Eamon and mom for posing.) Also in The Junction, volunteers from Pathfinder K-8 were facepainting till about 3 pm:

Over at Westwood, like The Junction, we found a good crowd (but not a massive wait) for Santa photos by mid-afternoon:

That’s it for West Seattle Santa pix after 4 pm today, till next season, but holiday fun continues – like Christmas lights-viewing – the ones we’ve featured, each with a map link, are here.

Updates: Small fire at Fauntleroy Church; road now open again

December 20, 2009 2:25 pm
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 |   Fauntleroy | West Seattle fires | West Seattle news

(photo added 3:07 pm)
2:25 PM: It started as an “auto fire alarm” but has just upgraded to a “fire in building” call and the road’s blocked off at Fauntleroy Church (9140 California; map) and more units are on the way. We’re headed down to find out more. 2:29 PM: Scanner says the fire is “tapped” – so it was small – and they’re canceling some of the units – but avoid the area TFN. 2:36 PM: We’re on scene. Some smoke visible on the roof, and firefighters are up there too. Don’t know yet where/how it started or how much damage but the church has just embarked on a renovation/remodeling project. It also was scheduled to have the Christmas concert tonight – we will be checking on its status. At the scene, firefighters are telling us that people ARE being allowed back into the YMCA portion of the building now. 2:51 PM: We don’t know the cause yet but we are told the fire was in the sanctuary, and that a window broke, or was broken – we hope to speak to church officials shortly – they’re said to be out getting plywood. Also, the roadblocks resulting from the fire call have just been removed, and traffic is going through again. ]

3:07 PM: Photojournalist Matt Durham from is at the scene too and he and WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand have gathered this information from firefighters and church staff: The main damage is to the altar and to a “standard” window in the sanctuary. Investigators are looking at a lighting display and candles as possible causes. Fauntleroy Church pastor Rev. David Kratz says the main focus for them will be clearing the smoke smell out of the sanctuary in time for Christmas Eve services Thursday; as for tonight’s scheduled concert, it’s still on, and will likely move into the Fellowship Hall.

ADDED 6:07 PM: In that photo by Matt Durham, Rev. Kratz and Lyn Kratz were talking with Engine 26’s Lt. Bennet about how to secure the sanctuary right after the fire. Meantime, church volunteer Judy Pickens has reminded us since then about one key component of the church’s remodeling project that will be even more welcome now – a sprinkler system.

West Seattle restaurants open Christmas Eve/Day 2009, version 1.0

treesgraphic.jpgWith Christmas just days away, we’ve received questions about which West Seattle restaurants will be open on the holiday – either Christmas Eve and/or Christmas Day. Once again, volunteer help has saved our bacon, so to speak: First, thanks so much to Suzanne Tiedeman for her volunteer help with this research – (Suzanne is mom to a Junior Girl Scout and Bear Cub Scout and promises to let us know about their upcoming fundraisers – for her daughter, cookie pre-sales are starting soon; for her son, they’ll have a food drive in the 1st quarter of 2010). Now, to the restaurants: So far we’ve confirmed two THREE FIVE places open Christmas Day – Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) with a limited menu, (under new ownership) The Thaitan, (added 4:38, confirmed what Rick reported in comments) Ho-Win and (added Tuesday morning) Redline and Triangle Pub. Click ahead for the list of what we have so far (and please let us know if you have additions/changes – thanks! – we expect this list to evolve over the next few days):Read More

West Seattle Holidays: An unusual lost-and-found item

Gretchen made an unexpected discovery this morning and wondered if anyone is looking for the item she found:

We found a lovely wreath under the play structure at High Point Community Center’s playground this morning. We brought it home and it is now on our front step. It might get hung up if I can find our hanger as it should be displayed. Anyway…if someone wants to claim their lost wreath, they can swing by and snag it.

She added, “I’d rather not have to navigate around a pickup and just let someone pick it up whether we’re here or not,” so the wreath is outside their home at 7339 30th SW (map).

(If you have a lost or found item to report, you are welcome at any time to post it in the WSB Forums; if it’s a pet, please send us info, and a photo if available, to so that we can showcase it on the Pets page – worth bookmarking in case, heaven forbid, you ever have to look for one of your furry friends.)

Today: Santa x 2, mule rides ‘n’ wrap in The Junction, more …

SANTA TIMES TWO … WELL, MAYBE ALMOST THREE: Santa photos in The Junction with Donna Ryan Photography (moving into that spot permanently when the holidays finish). Santa’s in the house noon-4 pm (with wrapping by Swee Swee, free if you spend at least $50 with participating Junction merchants)- remember the hours have moved up earlier for the lovable mules drawing carriages, 11 am-3 pm today:

Before you board the carriage by KeyBank, your young shopping companions can get facepaint from Pathfinder K-8 volunteers at the Hometown Holidays (co-sponsored by WSB) booth at that same corner. And of course remember, just west of there, it’s the last West Seattle Farmers’ Market before Christmas, 10 am-2 pm (here’s the fresh sheet). About that second Santa? Westwood Village, noon-4 pm – bring a food bank donation – also bring diapers (sizes 3-6 especially) for WestSide Baby. The “almost third” Santa – Babbo Natale at Cafe’ Revo (WSB sponsor), telling Italian Christmas stories for kids lunching between 1 and 3 pm. (Bring a gift for WestSide Baby or Furry Faces Foundation and get 10% off your Revo bill! Speaking of discounts – don’t miss the print-em-now WSB Coupons! – and if you go to Jan’s Beauty Supply in The Junction, mention Jan’s WSB ad and get 20% off.)

MUSIC: The Fauntleroy Church (WSB sponsor) holiday concert is tonight at 6; that’s also when The Way Church has a Christmas musical/service; it’s all-ages night at Skylark Cafe and Club (WSB sponsor) with Ambulance, Typewriters, The Hoot Hoots, 7 pm.

REMINDER – DONATE PRESENTS FOR TEENS: And noon-2 pm is today’s window at High Point Community Center for the items needed to make this a happy holiday for area teenagers- full details (including what items are needed) here.

For today’s full list, in chronological order, see the West Seattle Weekend Lineup; for holiday events by activity (including lights and tree info), it’s the West Seattle Holidays page.

Another Art Walk tradition building — in White Center

(artist Leo Schmidt during the White Center Art Walk)
Story and photos by Mary Sheely
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

West Seattle has a monthly Art Walk tradition, every second Thursday – and White Center is working on one too, every third Saturday.

Saturday night during this month’s White Center Art Walk, Damien Jurado played live at Full Tilt Ice Cream, Dubsea Coffee featured the art of Joerael Elliot along with a spoken word and open mic performance by youth from Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, student photos from New Start High School graced the walls of Big Al Brewing – these are by Kat Cabrera:

And student paintings were on display at the Salvadorean Bakery.

Shelli Park, chair of the White Center for the Arts board of directors, admits that the rain and holiday week reduced Art Walk attendance somewhat, but she has high hopes for future events, which take place the third Saturday of the month year-round.

“Our goal is to have more local businesses participating to be representative of the entire community,” Park says. “What they will provide will be poetry, music, whatever resonates with their community.” (We photographed her with her daughter at Proletariat Pizza, which also participated, with photos by Alexander King.)

Park says that the goal of the White Center Art Walk is twofold: “To help local artists and to help the businesses. We don’t want the people who are already here to be shut out because of the inevitable gentrification. We want them to be part of it: the diversity, the food, the color, and the culture.”

Learn more about future programs, including art programs and upcoming film workshops for local students – and watch for a preview of next month’s White Center Art Walk! – at the White Center for the Arts website.

The ’00s are 0utta here: Skylark to throw an End-Of-Decade Party

Skylark Cafe and Club (WSB sponsor) is throwing an End-Of-Decade Party next Saturday (day after Christmas). But have we even figured out what to call this decade yet? Was it the ot-ots? The oh-ohs? The two-thousands? Whatever you call it, Skylark proprietor Jessie SK invites you to:

Dress as your favorite person, event, meme, or thing from the years 2000 to 2009. Best costume wins $100 Gift Card, and there will be runner-up prizes and recession-friendly drink specials aplenty. 8 pm.

Jessie’s got her full holiday lineup in this online update – including Skylark’s New Year’s Eve plan with locals Stevedore and Guns & Rossetti (we’ve added that no-cover bash to the list in the New Year’s section of the West Seattle Holidays page).

Basketball: West Seattle HS-Seattle Lutheran HS doubleheader

December 20, 2009 2:48 am
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The West Seattle High School Wildcats took both ends of the West Seattle Holiday Basketball Classic on their home court Saturday night, with the varsity girls defeating Seattle Lutheran High School 55-26 and the boys pulling off a 42-32 win. In both games, West Seattle used a run-and-gun offense with differing degrees of success. For summaries of, and clips, from, both games, read on!Read More

West Seattle holiday help: Urgent need now = Donations for teens

A new postscript in the saga of the High Point holiday donations: Rebecca Hall from High Point Community Center says that while, as she updated us all last night, they have exceeded the goal of 400 toys overall for Monday’s distribution (backstory here), they still need items for teenagers – and are working with other West Seattle groups that have the same need. They ask you to please drop off the presents for teens during two specific windows TOMORROW and MONDAY. Here are the specifics:

Gifts for teens are still in high demand and can be dropped off at High Point CC on Sunday, 12-2 pm, or Monday at noon. These items will be distributed to various groups in West Seattle that work with teens.

Don’t know what a teen would like? Here are some suggestions:

-sport equipment such as basketballs, soccer and volleyballs

-pajama sets

-hat / scarf / glove sets


-athletic pants/shorts

-vanity mirrors

-hair accessories/brushes

-nail polish

-the type of metal waterbottles that are so popular this year

-music cd’s


Rebecca also says they could use “games for older children.” Again, they’ll be able to accept these donations in two limited windows over the next two days – noon-2 pm tomorrow (Sunday) and at noon on Monday – the main distribution is later Monday afternoon. High Point Community Center is at 6920 34th SW (here’s a map). And as for the items donated so far for the rest of the drive, Rebecca says via Facebook, “The turnout has been amazing and residents of West Seattle and the surrounding communities should know that they REALLY are making a difference this holiday season!”

Video: West Seattle Big Band’s condensed Christmas classics

December 19, 2009 5:09 pm
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From their holiday concert at Grace Church on Thursday night, it’s a hi-def West Seattle Big Band Christmas medley – 6 minutes packed with swingin’ sections of multiple holiday faves. (In the mood for more music of the season? Tomorrow’s the Fauntleroy Church [WSB sponsor] Christmas concert, 6 o’clock – one of many holiday events on the West Seattle Holidays page, which now stretches to New Year’s Eve/Day.)

Update: House-fire call canceled in 4200 block of Beach Drive

(Photo by Christopher Boffoli, added 5:52 pm)
4:32 PM: Beach Drive is about to be blocked off both ways in the 4200 block because of a house-fire call. We’re on the way plus monitoring via scanner – more as we get it. The address has changed from the original report – it’s now 4213. 4:41 PM UPDATE: The call has “closed” on 911 – we’re just arriving in the area and will find out what happened. Road’s open.

What West Seattle Helpline needs before (and after) Christmas

December 19, 2009 3:33 pm
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(Editor’s note: We’ve been checking in with major local nonprofits as Christmas approaches, to see what they need and how they’re doing. Earlier stories: West Seattle Food Bank, here; White Center Food Bank, here.)

(Photo courtesy WS Helpline: Volunteer Donavyn with mom LaTista)

By Lauri Hennessey
Reporting for West Seattle Blog

The West Seattle Helpline tells us their goal is pretty simple this holiday season: keep as many people sheltered as possible. And, every time someone donates $200 between now and Christmas (do it online!), that means one more family gets to stay in their home through Christmas.

The Helpline helps local families with rent and utilities, clothing (through the West Seattle Clothesline), Metro Transit tickets and school supplies.

Executive director Anna Fern says every $200 means a family doesn’t lose a home this season because landlords will accept partial rent payments more than in the past.

(Read on for more of how to help – how WS Helpline is helping – and for details on a savory fundraiser in The Junction tomorrow.)Read More

Bid for a history-making photo book, to help a C & P team member

December 19, 2009 1:17 pm
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Call it a timely two-fer for a good cause: West Seattle’s C & P Coffee has a silent auction under way right now – taking bids online – for a copy of an award-winning Seattle photographer’s book documenting global climate change. The photographer is Daniel Beltra, who you’ll see when you click the clip above, taken from Prince Charles‘s presentation naming Beltra as winner of the Prince’s Rainforests Project Professional Award at the Sony World Photography Awards. The C & P auction is happening as world leaders attending the Copenhagen climate-change conference are being given copies of Beltra’s book. He donated a copy to C & P for the silent auction, which is raising money to help a coffeehouse team members with medical expenses. You can bid by e-mail — – and through the C & P Facebook page (where you can also see what the bidding’s up to – to get a firsthand look at the book, go to C & P at 5612 California SW. (Photos are also viewable at

West Seattle development: Abandoned townhouse site up for sale

(Photo added 12:37 pm, looking toward north side of lot, from SW Yancy westbound)
Thanks to Mike for spotting this one, which online records indicate just went on the market yesterday: The long-abandoned 4-townhouse project at 30th/Avalon/Yancy (map) – fenced-off concrete and rebar at a high-traffic site, inactive for months – is now listed for sale. Here’s the $300,000 listing, which describes the parcel as “bank-owned.”

Today/tonight: Gingerbread, movies, wine, “Tidings,” more

December 19, 2009 9:01 am
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 |   Fun stuff to do | Holidays | West Seattle news

This may be a “shop till you drop” day for many – in which case, your hometown West Seattle stores are thrilled to see you (take along these coupons! and remember the free stocking-stuffers) – and when you can take a break, you’ve got some options: 10:30 this morning, family gingerbread-house building at High Point Community Center ($5/person) … noon, Admiral Theater‘s free holiday movie “Elf” (trailer above), bring a food-bank donation to get in (and they’re also collecting toiletries for Navos clients) … noon-4 is the second-to-last day for Santa at Westwood Village (food donation’s also the “price” for a photo, and bring diapers for WestSide Baby while you’re at it, sizes 3-6 preferred) … Noon’s the Delridge Community Center holiday party, all welcome … 1-6, “Wrap It Up” giftwrapping at Shadow Land, Furry Faces Foundation animal-advocacy benefit (details here) … There’s wine-tasting 1-4 at West Seattle Cellars, with winemaker Ben Smith from Georgetown’s Cadence Winery … At 1:30, the relatively new West Seattle Film Forum screens and discusses “Confessions of a Shopaholic” at Southwest Branch Library … and at 3 and 7:30, it’s a very retro Christmas with “Plaid Tidings” at ArtsWest (WSB sponsor) in The Junction. More in the West Seattle Weekend Lineup!