Gatewood power outage: City Light says they’re working on it

Got a note about an outage in Gatewood that’s been under way since about 8 this morning. Just checked with Seattle City Light‘s on-call media rep – no estimate yet when it’ll be fixed; they say it’s affecting about 53 customers, in the northern Gatewood Hill residential area east of the Morgan Junction business area so far as we can tell from the boundaries.

7 Replies to "Gatewood power outage: City Light says they're working on it"

  • wseye November 14, 2009 (11:40 am)

    Note to Mayor McGinn: Please fix our ancient electrical system in West Seattle. I’m starting to feel that we live in a third world country with all of the power outages we experience. Hopefully we won’t get another discharge of raw sewage into Puget Sound as a result of this one.

  • Mags November 14, 2009 (11:52 am)

    I was just thinking yesterday I would not mind the rate increase if the Gatewood electrical system would be upgraded. I moved to Gatewood from near Alaska Junction and cannot believe how many more outages there are in Gatewood.

  • Anna November 14, 2009 (12:40 pm)

    The good news is I see at least three Seattle City Light trucks on the scene at a pole on 39th. They sure took a while to get there, though. Was at least 11:30 before they all showed up

  • Ttshutterbug November 14, 2009 (2:11 pm)

    No power since 7:03am. No update on outage hotline. Any update??

  • add November 14, 2009 (2:11 pm)

    Power back on as of about 15 minutes ago. That was a long outage – I heard a bang and then lights out at a few minutes before 7am.

  • chinook November 14, 2009 (10:46 pm)

    was there ever any official word on what caused the outage? It was a chilly, dark morning.

  • WSB November 15, 2009 (1:02 am)

    It was not a large enough outage for an official news release – I had to page an SCL on-call media person to find out how many customers were involved – so there’s no official followup report, but I will do my best to find out on Monday what the cause was – TR

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