Still some room left to party with the folks working to make West Seattle an ever-better place for business … the West Seattle Chamber of Commerce‘s Bordeaux, Bites and Bingo fundraiser is tomorrow (Friday) night, 6 pm at Sodo Park, operated by West Seattle-based Herban Feast (parent to Fresh Bistro). Great food, wine and fun – plus (as you can see on the poster above) raffle prizes. As West Seattle grows, the Chamber should grow too, but can’t without your support – we joined the C of C a few months after becoming a business two years ago, and wholeheartedly endorse membership for all businesses, large and small – the more self-sufficient our community can be, with strong businesses (and potentially more jobs!), the better. And it’s not just about business: It’s also about sustainability (there’s the Chamber’s “Green Team”), civic affairs (the monthly Lunch with LEOs [local elected officials] brown bag), and other initiatives. So go enjoy BBB with the C of C. Call 206-932-5685 to snap up one (or more) of those remaining seats.
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