West Seattle, Washington
07 Friday
We were away for the keyboard covering the West Seattle HS-Chief Sealth HS game (final: WSHS 26, Chief Sealth 8, details and video to come) and are just getting the reports about a helicopter over eastern West Seattle for a while. Seattle PD isn’t reporting anything significant on its media alerts, so we’re checking. It’s been quiet for a while till this crazy week but a reminder we haven’t issued for a while, if you see something notable and you don’t see news of it pop up here quickly, PLEASE call us – 206-293-6302 – that will reach us wherever we are and we can get on the case if we’re not already. All our other contact methods are here but the phone’s always the fastest and we answer 24/7. 2:52 AM NOTE: Haven’t dredged up anything yet. Been listening to the scanner the last few hours and nothing noteworthy lingering in West Seattle. In the WSB Forums, member “newcarissa” reported asking a police officer who said there’d been “a liquor-store robbery down the road” – if so, that would be White Center, and we’ll check with the Sheriff’s Office over the weekend too.
King County Public Health has announced that those special H1N1-flu-shot clinics – including one in White Center – have already run out of vaccine. Here’s the announcement:Read More
SDOT has just sent out a handy list of all the downtown road work happening this weekend – if you’re heading that way despite the fact the Alaskan Way Viaduct is scheduled for 6 am-5:30 pm closure Saturday and 6 am-6 pm closure Sunday, check this out:Read More
Just before the last few breaking stories happened, we had just walked out of King County Superior Court Judge Greg Canova’s courtroom downtown, after the sentencing hearing for 19-year-old West Seattle repeat offender Skyelar Hailey wrapped up. This was the sentencing for the incidents in mid-August in which Hailey and a teenage girl were arrested for stealing a teacher’s purse at West Seattle High School, then burglarizing the home of a nearby acquaintance (detailed here); earlier this month, Hailey pleaded guilty to residential burglary and theft. The prosecutor handling the case was Maurice Classen, who deals with “repeat burglar” cases, on which the King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office has placed a special emphasis. After hearing Classen declare, “This is an individual who has had a significant effect on a community” (while mentioning our presence in the courtroom as further evidence of that), then hearing Hailey say his criminal record is all because of a drug problem he didn’t admit till now, Judge Canova gave him the sentence the state had requested: 13 months on one count, 12 months on the other, to be served concurrently. The judge said Hailey’s lengthy record, mostly juvenile offenses since he is just 19, showed no previous evidence of a drug problem, so he dismissed the defense attorney’s request for a sentence focusing instead on drug treatment. Hailey offered no words of remorse:
I know I have a significant juvenile history, I’ve committed several crimes. I’ve never been looking at this much time – it kind of opened my eyes a bit – that I had a drug problem and was ignoring it. I don’t have the support of my parents, I don’t have a job – I’ve been on my own more or less since I was 15 – seems everything I ever got in trouble for was related to drugs – I’m hoping I can get through this and change.
The judge then asked sharply – referring to this April hearing, the last time we were in court to see Hailey being sentenced – “You didn’t think THAT was an appropriate time to raise the issue of your drug problem?” Hailey replied, “I never looked at myself as having a drug problem.” The judge noted that the report from this incident showed him as having been found with a small amount of white powder and pills, but nothing else indicating a problem or addiction. Judge Canova (a West Seattleite, by the way) pronounced sentence without further remark, aside from “Good luck, Mr. Hailey” as a deputy re-cuffed him and took him away – same thing he had said to two defendants whose unrelated sentencings we’d watched in the preceding hour while awaiting this one.
Afterward, we talked with prosecutor Classen to ask how much time Hailey will really spend in prison: Answer – about half a year. First, he has been in jail for two months since his mid-August arrest; then, Classen says, for a crime like this, one-third is taken off the sentence (which is less than some others, but more than violent crimes). So unless something changes, he will be out again by May. Classen acknowledges that doesn’t seem like enough for the “significant impact,” but Hailey did not have enough of an adult record for more.
(Photo by Christopher Boffoli, added 3:19 pm, showing where Fauntleroy is blocked by police)
Take alternate routes. Police tell us this is because of a series of crashes. No word yet how long the bridge approach will be closed there. 3:34 PM UPDATE: Via Twitter, SDOT says the bridge entrance has been reopened. And the department’s communications director Rick Sheridan explains why we also noted some heavy equipment heading onto the bridge before it reopened:
A Jersey barrier was knocked out of alignment in the eastbound lanes of the West Seattle Freeway just east of 35th Ave SW. SDOT crews responded to the scene and restored it to its normal position. Traffic was detoured from the roadway while the work was underway. The road just reopened to traffic a short time ago.
(Photos by Christopher Boffoli)
WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli is on the scene and we’re working to get more information. They’re keeping media way back – this apparently happened deep inside the park – but a public information officer is said to be on the way. 2:42 PM UPDATE: We are now told this – like the incident last night at Westwood Village is believed to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound. It’s important to note in these cases – suicide claims more lives than homicide each year – but is little-discussed publicly. If you or anyone you know has considered it, you can get help around the clock through the Crisis Clinic, 206.461.3222.
Nine months after we first reported a proposal to give the West Seattle Bridge a new name in honor of former City Councilmember Jeanette Williams, the naming was officially commemorated beneath the bridge this afternoon. Shown in the photo above with Councilmember Tom Rasmussen – who worked with Ms. Williams for years – was her son Rusty Williams (who ran for City Council himself earlier this year). At today’s ceremony, Rusty explained how proud she would be:
Ms. Williams died a year ago. She had fought long and hard to get federal funding to build the “high bridge” – that covered $60 million of its $150 million price tag.
We have information now on an incident reported in the WSB Forums last night, after people in The Junction around 9:30 pm saw a woman screaming, followed by a police search. Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen confirms it was a “strong-arm robbery” near the QFC – 2 people, described only as “black males,” grabbed a woman’s purse and tried to take her cell phone, which the lieutenant says “she was using at the time.” No arrests so far. They’re looking into whether this might be related to other incidents, but they don’t have enough analysis to confirm a pattern so far.
Halloween-themed events for this weekend (and the week ahead) are also part of the WSB Halloween page – but in the meantime, all kinds of other fall fun is happening this weekend too – from tonight’s West Seattle High School Homecoming/Huling Bowl game (previewed here) to drumming the salmon home at Fauntleroy Creek (previewed here), 1st weekend for “Measure for Pleasure” at ArtsWest, West Seattle playwright Keri Healey at Hugo House tonight, West Seattleites participating in the 350 Day of Climate Action on Saturday, West Seattle Eagles‘ Oktoberfest breakfast and flag football, and more – plus DON’T FORGET THE VIADUCT CLOSURE! More than 50 events/activities in the West Seattle Weekend Lineup, brought to you by Skylark Cafe and Club:Read More
That’s “Hipp T” from the staff at Providence Mount St. Vincent and Clara from Pegasus Pizza, delivering 10 donated pies from Pegasus to The Mount about an hour ago for their lunchtime conversation group to enjoy. This is the 16th year the group’s been meeting! Arlene Carter from The Mount explains, “The group consists of residents who cannot otherwise get out for lunch, and they appreciate so much the volunteers and vendors who provide them with a different meal every Friday for lunch!”
All three of West Seattle’s high schools play football tonight. Marquee game: The 92nd Homecoming for West Seattle High School, which is also the 10th crosstown “Huling Bowl“: Westside vs. Chief Sealth, 7 pm at West Seattle Stadium (4432 35th SW). Both principals agreed to go on camera for video messages about the big game – first Bruce Bivins from WSHS (the hat he wore was for Royalty Day), then John Boyd from CSHS:
As you heard the principals mention, a barbecue (free hot dogs!) and rally are planned before the big game, 5:30 pm, and there’s an afterparty at Rocksport in The Junction. Meantime, Seattle Lutheran High School plays football tonight too, 7 pm vs. Tacoma Baptist at Curtis HS in University Place (map).
This morning we’re welcoming one of our newest sponsors, Endolyne Joe’s. While it’s the southernmost restaurant in West Seattle, it’s just minutes away from wherever you live. Joe’s is owned by Chow Foods, known for other popular Seattle restaurants like the 5 Spot. Endolyne Joe’s has the same manager, Dicki Crumm, who’s been there since it opened in 2003, as well as many of the opening waitstaff (photo at left: Dicki with Cindy Luby).
Theme menus are continuing, and there’s a spotlight on specials, including the Not-So-Early-Bird Breakfast. How about a goat cheese and fresh herb scramble? Or Caramel Apple French Toast with half a rasher of bacon? Or maybe the Trailer Park Benedict, a buttermilk biscuit topped with thick-sliced ham, poached eggs and cheddar cheese sauce? Any Not-So-Early-Bird Breakfast Special is $5 (including the Breakfast Burrito!), Monday-Friday only from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
For dinner, you’ll find a rotating dinner menu that changes every 3 months to highlight a different region of the “Americas.” This allows neighbors and West Seattle residents to try a new menu each calendar quarter, while Joe’s also offers all of the favorite standards off of their base menu.
Endolyne Joe’s isn’t just about food. Joe’s is very active in fundraising for local West Seattle concerns. Fundraisers in the past several months have included such causes as musical instrument and art supplies for a New Orleans elementary school leveled by Hurricane Katrina, the Fauntleroy Community Association and West Seattle elementary and middle schools. Joe’s, along with the other Chow Foods restaurants, is in the midst of a monthlong campaign in October to raise funds for Arts Corps, a locally operated non-profit that provides art, music and dance programs for Seattle area schools and community centers. Visit www.chowfoods.com for more information on this effort. There is a big, big prize for some fortunate entrant!
The historic Endolyne district — where else in Seattle will you see a neon sign that says EAT AT JOE’S? — is a few blocks east of the Fauntleroy ferry dock. Find Endolyne Joe’s at 9261 45th SW (map). (206) 937-JOES. We thank Endolyne Joe’s for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news on WSB; the sponsor team, with info on joining, is all here.
The forthcoming West Seattle Weekend Lineup will have more of what’s up tonight and beyond, but one event is just a few hours away – at 12:30 pm, the ceremony to give the West Seattle Bridge the new name Jeanette Williams Memorial Bridge, as a tribute to the late former City Councilmember who fought for the funding to make The Bridge reality a quarter-century ago. Her family will join Councilmember Tom Rasmussen and others at 3682 West Marginal Way (map) for the event, and you’re welcome too (here’s the invite).
WSB contributing photojournalist Christopher Boffoli recently photographed salmon in the Cedar River for that video essay. Here in West Seattle, the watch is about to begin along Fauntleroy Creek – and Judy Pickens tells us they’re still recruiting volunteers to take turns watching for the returning spawners. Whether or not you decide to sign up, you are invited to come join an annual tradition this Sunday – drumming at the Fauntleroy Creek overlook to help call the salmon home. Be there, 5 pm Sunday (upper Fauntleroy Way at Director; here’s a map; here’s our coverage from last year). Creek Watch begins the next day and runs for about a month; for questions or to get on the list, contact Judy at 938-4203 or judy_pickens@msn.com.
3 more Crime Watch notes this morning – but they start on a positive note, with this e-mail from Laura:
Good news for one West Seattle family! The police found our 2007 Acura (stolen last Friday night at 41st & Brandon) parked in front of a fire hydrant on Delridge near the Skylark Café. SPD ran the plates before ticketing it, it came up stolen, and they called us to come retrieve it. Damage appears to be negligible though we haven’t seen it in the daylight yet. We are grateful to SPD for their help in getting our car back!
We also have updates from two of this week’s meetings – South Delridge/White Center Community Safety Partnership Thursday night, Fairmount Community Association Wednesday night – with graffiti vandalism among the hot topics at both – read on:Read More
It started as an assault-with-weapons call – then it “closed” on the Fire Department 911 log – which means either a false alarm/unfounded report OR medical attention’s not needed. WSB contributing journalist Christopher Boffoli is on the scene and says it looks like the latter – tons of police near the Bank of America at Westwood Village, yellow tape, and what appears to be a body on the ground. More as we get it. 1:11 AM UPDATE: Police tell Christopher they are “95 percent sure” the person died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, so homicide detectives are NOT coming out to the scene.
(WSB photo by Jonathan Stumpf)
From Wednesday night’s Delridge Neighborhoods District Council meeting: 2 city money matters. Finance director Dwight Dively gave the group the grim outlook for the upcoming budget, as the council gets ready to review Mayor Nickels‘ proposal. And Department of Neighborhoods director Stella Chao discussed proposed changes to the Neighborhood Matching Fund program – same ones discussed at the Southwest District Council meeting earlier this month (here’s our report). Attendees voiced support for folding Small Sparks into Outreach, with a new $1,000 funding ceiling; according to Chao, that “would give more flexibility in how (they) develop smaller projects.” Applications will be taken twice a year instead of quarterly. However, another proposed change – allowing large-project funds to be used for citywide proposals in addition to neighborhood initiatives – drew concern at DNDC, as it had at SWDC; Pete Spalding said that funding should remain neighborhood-based, because doing otherwise “gets ahead from the intended purpose … (helping) neighborhoods build a sense of community.” (The proposed changes are outlined in this Department of Neighborhoods document that was provided by SW District Coordinator Stan Lock after the SWDC meeting – see section 3.)
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