PM updates from “Nickelsville” encampment: Police move in

(For more photos from before and during the camp clearance, see this later WSB report)

(Twitpic from @otherthan)
As police move in inside, law enforcement vehicles line W Marginal Way, along with buses. Loud cheers can be heard. We’ve got one person inside, one person outside; you can see other reports via Twitter (this will bring up everything mentioning Nickelsville). Here’s our photo of the start of the vehicle lineup along W. Marginal Way outside the encampment/T-107 Park – besides port police, there are school-type buses, an animal-control vehicle, and a Fife police car that we’ve seen:

3 PM UPDATE: 12 people arrested. Maintenance crews are standing by to move in and start cleaning up. From the south side of the camp, nothing looks different – still a group of tents – just, nobody there. Most of the vehicles have moved off West Marginal Way but there were a few traffic slowdowns so if you have to head north on W. Marginal Way, note that things may be slow going past T-107. As the Port’s spokesperson told us yesterday, the park may be closed for some time for “repairs and maintenance.” The sign on the path at the south side announces the closure:

3:20 PM: Seattle Post-Globe‘s Kery Murakami reports some of the encampment residents are regrouping at a “nearby city park” to decide where to go next. Judging by the TV trucks we’re seeing, that appears to be Herring’s House Park a block north, across from the Duwamish Longhouse.

5:29 PM UPDATE: The port has issued another statement:

Most of the residents at the homeless encampment called Nickelsville chose to leave Port of Seattle property voluntarily today, departing the property peacefully. Twelve homeless advocates refused to leave in an act of civil disobedience to raise awareness of the issue, and were subsequently arrested for trespassing. The arrests were made without incident. The individuals were processed for identification, issued a written trespass warning, and released.

Encampment organizers announced shortly thereafter that St. Andrews Episcopal Church in Seattle would provide a temporary location for the encampment.

The Port of Seattle will store any belongings left behind. Encampment members were given information about how to reclaim their property.

The public park at Terminal 107 will remain closed temporarily while the port’s maintenance staff conducts necessary repairs.

Note the addition to the closure sign on the north end of the park entrance:

41 Replies to "PM updates from "Nickelsville" encampment: Police move in"

  • Kate September 30, 2009 (2:46 pm)

    Amazing documentation! Thank you for covering this.

  • JanS September 30, 2009 (2:48 pm)

    now, why would there be a Fife police car there?

  • Danno September 30, 2009 (2:52 pm)

    Looks to me like a Port of Seattle Police cruiser.

  • Debra Aguilar September 30, 2009 (2:56 pm)

    Just drove by. There is indeed a van from the Fife P.D. there….

  • WSB September 30, 2009 (2:57 pm)

    The Fife car was not in the photo – further down the line.

  • rnl September 30, 2009 (2:59 pm)

    Our tax dollars at work….

  • Mike September 30, 2009 (3:02 pm)

    Van from Fife PD? Hmmm, makes me wonder who they plan to nab in this round up. Keep an eye on the Fife PD reports of warrant arrests today.

  • angrywestseattleite September 30, 2009 (3:03 pm)

    Wonder what Obama would say about this? Oh that’s right, he is too busy trying to get the Olympic’s in Chicago, sorry I forgot!

  • timeslid September 30, 2009 (3:23 pm)

    Obama? Wow, now that’s off topic. Distract, distract ……

  • PlaneGuy September 30, 2009 (3:36 pm)

    an Animal Control vehicle?? These aren’t animals!

  • Fulltilt September 30, 2009 (3:49 pm)

    Animal control is there for the peoples pets. On most raids like this, when the homeless participants are jailed, their belongings are taken to a landfill, and their pets are taken to a shelter. It is nearly impossible to get a pet out of a shelter if you have no address.

  • thenoble September 30, 2009 (3:53 pm)

    I guess putting the homeless in jail is one way to get them shelter at the city’s expense.

  • West Seattle September 30, 2009 (3:57 pm)

    Thank you Seattle Police!

  • Kayleigh September 30, 2009 (4:00 pm)

    How incredibly sad.

  • Mike September 30, 2009 (4:13 pm)

    There are a select group of homeless I feel bad for. They are called children.

  • jiggers September 30, 2009 (4:17 pm)

    Holy smokes!! I haven’t seen this many officers gathered at one time since W.T.O.

  • SorryButNo September 30, 2009 (4:42 pm)

    KOMO is reporting that the only people arrested today were homeless activists who wanted to be arrested. Those who were homeless but wanted to stay out of jail cleared out (with their belongings and pets) before the police shut down the illegal encampment.

  • WSB September 30, 2009 (4:45 pm)

    Final word will have to come from the Nickelsville spokespeople, if at all, but the people you cite had the wrong number of arrestees earlier; Kery from the Post-Globe has been all but embedded on this story for several days and he reports half activists, half residents.
    Whatever the case, it’s only half as many arrestees as the sweep in fall of last year, and that also was part residents, part activists.

  • West Seattle September 30, 2009 (4:50 pm)

    “KOMO is reporting that the only people arrested today were homeless activists who wanted to be arrested.”

    Ah, like Peggy Hoates, taking a break from her million dollar home to alleviate her guilt.

    Ok, lets brush away the fake pretense surrounding this camp. Scott Morrow, Anitra Freeman, Peggy Hoates, and all the rest of the people in this ‘homeless†camp are not “homeless†they are political activists, most with jobs, many with homes, who belong to a group called “SHARE†that abuses the homeless in order to extract public money and property under the pretense that they want to “help the homelessâ€.

    Those of you who are good hearted and want to help with real solutions for homelessness get sucked into helping this group that is trying to build a permanant squaters camp because they take advantage of your good nature and hope you will believe their lies and not do any research.

    HUD and the Committee to End Homelessness have stated that Tent Cities are not a viable option in the fight to end homelessness. No legitimate homeless advocacy group supports these frauds.

    SHARE is in violation of the consent decree between them and the city over the creation of what is now TC3. Because the gravy train was drying up and they wanted public land for free they created TC4 that was intended to squeeze King County for free land. That failed and the cities that host TC4 have put restrictions on the camp to protect the campers and communities they “visitâ€. Again the gravy train has started to run dry on that camp so now SHARE has created “Nickelsville†with the same purpose, to extract free property for squaters to live on.

    These people are dishonest, untrustworthy, and have no interest in helping the homeless. They will lie to your face to take what they want from you and then turn on you when it suits their purpose.

    Yes there is a need for homeless services, but there is no need for these Tent Cities. Most “real homeless†shun these camps after a few days when they realize the scam going on and the abuse of the homeless by SHARE. Those that are there could be in legitimate shelters but because they have chosen the squaters life style they have no interest in anything that advocates for getting them back into being productive members of society.
    TC3 and TC4 are nowhere near full. The 47 people at Nickelsville are mostly people from those other camps, or people that have places to live, who are there to push this political agenda.

    Follow this closely and you will see the School Teacher with the Million dollar home in Bellevue and others who are not homeless pretending to be “campers†there. You will see the same people in these camps year after year hiding from taxes, child support, warrants, sex offender resgistration, and on and on.

  • SorryButNo September 30, 2009 (5:14 pm)

    But all those arrested knew it was coming, and all those who did not want to be arrested had time to clear out with their belongings.

  • mark September 30, 2009 (5:27 pm)

    Fife? Like Barney Fife? Mayberry RFD? He is the only cop I know that would arrest the homeless for trespassing on toxic waste.

  • JanS September 30, 2009 (5:46 pm)

    West Seattle…a question….you know all of this because….?

  • d September 30, 2009 (5:55 pm)

    Hopefully the animals will be given a better home. If one cannot take care of themselves, there is no reason they should have a pet to take care of as well.

  • West Seattle September 30, 2009 (6:15 pm)

    I know all this because I’m informed.

  • Mark September 30, 2009 (6:53 pm)

    Thank you “West Seattle” for clearly articulating the argument against encampments. The idea that “shanty towns†could flourish as a viable solution is RIDICULOUS, unsustainable and demeaning to the folks that are seriously trying to reintegrate into the community.

    The group SHARE should be billed for the cost to decommission the illegal encampment and return the park back to its intended purpose: a green space park for all, not a protest area for the duped and their complicit, would be extortionists.

  • Martin September 30, 2009 (7:30 pm)

    Being a tc-4 resident and activist (homelessness has a way of doing that in one of the most hostle places to be homeless – the United States). In the 60 days Nickelsville has been there, the only thing damaged at T-107 is a loss of some grass – that will grow back in no time…churches that host tent cities now know this. Seattle winters kill people…so does living on the streets of DT Seattle. “Public Saftey?’ what ALL American citizens pay for – (note : about 99% of the homeless housed via SHARE are just that – Americans). You’d be surprised how many of these people are veterans. You’d be surprised how many men live there that lost jobs and families…now they lose a SAFE place to live. SHARE makes deals with the city only to have a sinking economy pick the very pockets of these people and now SHARE doesn’t have enough money to operate – for SHARE to work…transportation is a MUST. Due to the City creating conditions we can’t accept – SHARE cannot aford bus tickets to give to people few employers would hire and few care about. The sooner Seattle gets a new mayor – the better!

  • d September 30, 2009 (8:05 pm)

    d @ 17:55 –

    For the second time, please do us both a favor by please changing your posting ID. I do NOT agree with your opinion and I do NOT want my opinion confused for yours. I have been posting under “d” for 2 1/2 years and I am asking you publicly and politely to Change Your Sign in Name. Surely you can come up with another name? Why must a person ask twice of you?

  • WSEvelyn September 30, 2009 (8:05 pm)

    Just think, “WESTSEATTLES” knowledge and all of the $$’s that it cost today to uproot everyone/everything could make some real positive changes!

  • Steve September 30, 2009 (8:45 pm)

    I like you folks that try to make it all politics and out wit the opponent. I am familiar with TC4 and have volunteered monthly for the last year. You are all blowing BS off some blog. You should go and serve and learn before you spew all your self righteousness. Most of you do not know what you are talking about. I have walked beside the 100 residents in Kirkland and the eastside who work hard to do something about their lives and do not want to be kicked off a bench at night. Perhaps you think they and you would be better off on the streets.

  • West Seattle September 30, 2009 (9:18 pm)

    Law and order are worth every penny.

  • CD September 30, 2009 (9:26 pm)

    D at 1755- I totally agree.
    D at 2005 -are you serious??? Unless you have copyrighted “d” anyone can use it. Your post was so rude and patronizing. Give me a break.

  • CD September 30, 2009 (9:39 pm)

    I changed my mind. d you are right.

  • CD September 30, 2009 (10:18 pm)

    Hahaha. Taste of my own medicine eh? So very clever. Yes anyone can use “cd” now and pretend I changed my mind.

  • d September 30, 2009 (10:25 pm)

    What ever.

    Not really all that clever CD.

  • Farndigawiggi September 30, 2009 (10:54 pm)

    “West Seattle” is 100% correct. Dig into some of the SHARE/WHEEL back story and the attempts at extortion of public officials. Maybe that will change your minds.

  • Living in West Seattle since 1985 September 30, 2009 (10:58 pm)

    ohh dear, very sad for everyone involved.

  • Living in West Seattle since 1985 September 30, 2009 (10:59 pm)

    ohh dear, very sad for everyone involved. Everyone on both sides.

  • TenTruckie October 1, 2009 (11:07 am)

    What is the matter with people camping in a park that so far one person has admitted to using. As I posted in the build up to these arrests people sleep in every park in the city. I tell them to go there when I have to go see them at 2 AM. I tell them no one will bother them there. I guess I am wrong in telling them that. Teenagers have camped in the park on Denny and 10 E. every summer for as long as I have worked on Capital hill. Nobody bothers them and tries to kick them out. Those SHARE clowns are drawing too much attention to these camps and forcing the authorities to act. Posters like West Seattle and Mark pressure the fuzz to act on pretenses that are not real. All of you should just leave them alone. If they want more help from you or any organization they know where to go, what to do and who to ask. Taking up space in a crappy park in the middle of an industrial area should not be a crime. Hands Off The Bums. Law and order can be reserved for crimes. All those police could have been out proactively seeking burglars and real bad guys. Not bums that go camping!

  • Martin October 1, 2009 (11:27 am)

    Steve…are you retarded or something?
    I state fact … and you make baseless judgements on my character as a homeless person. You MUST be a Seattle politician or a cop (the kind that stops someone when he/she jaywalks and before that person knows it, he/she is at Harborview medical with a cracked skull soon to be taken off to jail simply because he/she spoke to you out of turn)…but the report states he/she was ‘aggressive’ towards the officer.

  • Martin October 2, 2009 (1:16 pm)

    oh, by the way…Nickelsville is alive and well…. a church took them in ( and that church says it’s their DUTY to provide santuary to the poor!) … City of Seattle, just try to do what you did at T-107 … and the church will sue the pants off Seattle … the city will pay BIG TIME if they touch Nickelsville again….


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