Saturday afternoon, we showed you the young artists preparing the south wall of Super 24 (Delridge/Findlay) for a mural – now, here’s the finished artwork. Here’s what Philippia Goldsmith from DNDA added tonight in a comment on our Saturday afternoon update:
This project is part of a larger initiative to transform the local corner stores into destinations where local residents have an ‘option’ to purchase affordable, delicious, and healthy food for their families. We will be having more projects like this in the coming months. If you’d like to volunteer or contribute to this effort. Send me an e-mail: phillippiag@dnda.org
Now to Alki:

Abby Suplizio tipped us to the “Save the Tata’s” Breast Cancer 3Day fundraising car wash at Alki Auto Repair this morning/afternoon. The 3Day route skips West Seattle again this year (it went through here in 2007 – WSB pix here) but more than a few West Seattleites are participating; breast-cancer survivor Diana McCasey organized this fundraiser. (If you missed it, you can donate through her page at the 3Day site.) East from Alki, to Schmitz Park:

That’s about the closest Shauna Causey got to the crew filming the online series “Star Trek: Phoenix” again this weekend in Schmitz Park, which had limited public access as a result (Friday night preview here). Shauna reports:
Entering the park from Admiral (Way), there is a sign that says “no admittance” and explains the filming. We came from the Alki Elementary entrance so we did not see this, or any signs that the film crew was still there until we got to the stream and could clearly hear a generator running not too far away in the park. Walking down the trails, we came upon the filming and saw some alien costumes laying on the trail (black helmets covering the head) and looked over to see a man with moss, sticks and brush covering his entire body. The only thing showing was his face, otherwise he looked like a giant pile of moss. I snapped a photo from fairly far away and they wouldn’t let me take any photos closer up.
More about “Star Trek: Phoenix” – which bills itself as “a not-for-profit Internet series and the largest, all volunteer, consistent film production in the Pacific Northwest” – at stphoenix.com. Posted notices said the crew’s work was to be done by 10 pm tonight, so tomorrow Schmitz should be back to normal.