West Seattle family gets free Tony Hawk skateboard, via Twitter

Steph just sent that photo of her kids with their brand-new Tony Hawk-autographed skateboard, procured – sort of – via Twitter. It’s part of a nationwide “Easter egg hunt” promotion in which boards have been hidden in various locations, then announced at the @tonyhawk Twitter account. We happened to be checking West Seattle “tweets” right after this got announced about an hour ago; didn’t get there in time to capture the “find” but got Steph’s photo and note shortly afterward:

Luckly we had Tony Hawk on our twitter an my husband was looking at it during the time his tweet went out. We were picking up my daughter from school and got the call from him to go to the location. The skateboard is sweet! The kids are so excited!

The board was hidden at Shadow Land, by the way. (On Twitter, you can find us at @westseattleblog for 24/7 human-powered updates, including immediate word of breaking news, and @westseattlenews for a feed of WSB links as they’re published. Hope you’ll “be our friend” on Facebook too, where we are WS Blog.)

6 Replies to "West Seattle family gets free Tony Hawk skateboard, via Twitter"

  • christopherboffoli April 23, 2009 (4:28 pm)

    If you look carefully you can see (just under the little girl’s hand) that the deck is signed by Tony Hawk. And the opposite side apparently has a certificate of authenticity attached to it.

  • Peter April 23, 2009 (4:45 pm)

    nice pickle. now these kids just need to find some trucks, wheels, grip tape, and hardware.

  • Leroniusmonkfish April 23, 2009 (4:46 pm)

    That needs to be mounted above the fireplace!

  • carrieann April 23, 2009 (6:59 pm)

    How awesome. And those are some cute kidlets (love the ear-to-ear smiles). Congrats!

  • Jennifer Wells April 24, 2009 (12:06 am)

    I am so proud of my neighbor’s kids – they look adorable in this photo! They are very kind to each other and they deserve this prize!!!

  • DRyan April 24, 2009 (7:54 pm)

    This is sooo cute and sweet!

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