You’ll see more kids/teens out and about tomorrow, because it’s the second consecutive Monday off for local public-school students — the so-called “day between semesters.”
West Seattle, Washington
06 Thursday
You’ll see more kids/teens out and about tomorrow, because it’s the second consecutive Monday off for local public-school students — the so-called “day between semesters.”
I don’t remember these “day between semesters” back in my days? Is this a Starbucks promotion?
Don’t know how many years it’s been going on, but at least as far as we can remember in our parent-of-student days.
I remember the day between semesters days back in ‘the day’. This was in the 80’s.
For some reason, the district’s makeup plan was: Tack the days on at the end of the year first (which they’ve already done – the school year this year is now three days longer), THEN use this day as infill if there was a fourth day to make up (which there hasn’t been), THEN there’s a day in March that can be used if there’s another snow day before then.
Most teachers are attending previously scheduled training workshops around town today. That is why the school district chose to avoid using today or that day in March for snow makeup sessions.
Year Round Schooling. 5 days a week, 50 weeks a year. Two week vacation in August to help with the harvest. Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year.
No more Mamby-Pamby treatment, No WASL needed. Probably have a positive impact on the crime rate as well.
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