month : 01/2009 365 results

Welcoming a new WSB sponsor: Jackson, Morgan & Hunt CPAs

With income-tax time looming around the corner, we welcome our newest sponsor, the accounting firm of Jackson, Morgan & Hunt. Longtime West Seattle residents Jim Jackson and Chuck Morgan have been serving local clients for decades, and recently welcomed Scott Hunt as the newest partner to the firm. Jackson, Morgan & Hunt serves the accounting needs of business, individual, and estate clients, with an emphasis on meeting the specific needs of owners of closely held businesses and their families. The firm offers a full range of accounting, tax planning, and advisory services to help clients reach their financial goals.

(Scott Hunt, Jim Jackson, Chuck Morgan)

The firm has community roots and business experience in West Seattle dating back more than 25 years. Scott, Jim and Chuck pride themselves on providing top-notch accounting expertise in a friendly neighborhood setting. Please feel free to drop by their office at 4123 California Ave SW (between Genesee and Dakota Streets, just one block north of the Post Office; map) or call 206-932-1314 to schedule a consultation to discuss your personal or business accounting needs. WSB welcomes Jackson, Morgan & Hunt to the sponsor team, viewable in its entirety on this page, along with info on our booming traffic and how to take advantage of it to grow your business too!

West Seattle Bridge burnout: Light replacement Wednesday

(Monday night video view of the western half of the high rise, with the most burned-out bulbs)
Update on the dangerous problem so many have been asking about, numerous burned-out streetlights on The Bridge: Word of the Wednesday work comes from Seattle City Light via City Councilmember Tom Rasmussen‘s office: They’ll “replace bulbs” on the high bridge this Wednesday, using three crews to minimize how much time they’ll have to spend on The Bridge. They’re still working on a timetable for replacing burned-out lights on the Spokane Street Viaduct section.

Alaskan Way Viaduct tunnel announcement: From the briefing

(briefing is over – coverage below, posted as it happened)

We’re on the fourth floor of the World Trade Center West, across the street from Bell Street Pier. The Stakeholders Advisory Committee members were briefed on the tunnel plan a bit earlier; right now, before the governor, county executive, mayor, and port CEO make the official announcement, it’s something of a party atmosphere, with officials of the various governments mingling with committee members, media, and others:

Outside, along Alaskan Way (not far from the TV trucks) – a handful of pro-elevated, anti-tunnel demonstrators with “No Big Dig” signs.

From the official news release: This is a $4.24 billion plan, which “includes investment in improved bus service, east-west city streets, a new seawall, relocated utilities, and an upgraded waterfront.” The state’s commitment remains $2.8 billion. The city, the release says, will spend $930 million to “replace the central seawall and construct a waterfront promenade, relocate utilities, build a streetcar on First Avenue, and improve east-west streets.” The county “will seek new motor vehicle excise tax authorization from the legislature to fund more than $190 million in transit capital and $15 million annually in operating expenses.” The release adds that the Seattle Port Commission will be asked “to consider a $300 million investment in the replacement of the south mile of the viaduct and a new east-west connection to the container terminals.” Federal funding also is involved. Timeline: Construction to start in 2011, tunnel to be open in 2015. We will add more details as they’re announced during the briefing.

The governor is in the middle of the announcement. She says “This is not a solution for tomorrow, this is a solution for the next hundred years.” She also makes it clear, this is not the same tunnel that went before voters — “this is a new solution.” She says, now is the time to make a decision. No additional details so far beyond what we wrote above. She opened by quipping, “My mother always said good things come to those who wait,” although she later went on to insist that the viaduct project is still on schedule.

8:51 AM UPDATE: Mayor Nickels is speaking now. He says, “The package announced today is a victory” — a victory for the people of the city, county, and state. He also calls it a compromise, and says he had hoped there could have been a solution that would not have required the building of a “new traffic corridor,” but says that turned out not to be possible. The mayor says the 1st Avenue streetcar will go from Pioneer Square to Queen Anne Hill. And he says federal and state help will be pursued “in upholding our end of the bargain.”

County Executive Ron Sims speaks next. He calls this a “very good” proposal and says he is happy that it’s a four-lane solution and not a six-lane one. He is now thanking West Seattle’s County Councilmember — now Council Chair — Dow Constantine for his role in the process. (Photo added later – Constantine and others, mostly Seattle councilmembers, to the right of the podium as the executives’ speeches continued)

Sims says that he, the governor, and mayor had a long and candid conversation in early December. He says that this could increase transit service by 25 percent – one million new service hours. (He has repeated that number many times.)

The three executives have just ceremonially signed an agreement. Photo in a moment. Now the governor is taking questions.

9:09 AM UPDATE: KOMO’s Bryan Johnson says an initiative is to be filed by some opponents of this project and asks what a delay would do to the project. The mayor answers: It would cost millions of dollars a month. He and the governor say “people have the right to voice their opinions” but she says “I will be very disappointed … if we delay this project … Because that viaduct, in my opinion, personally, is not safe, and needs to come down … We are on schedule now and I don’t want to delay it.” She also says, “This is not the same tunnel (people voted against).” And she says Boston’s Big Dig problem was trying to “move the world” to build a tunnel. “We’re going to keep the world in place,” she says. The governor was then asked if the viaduct still will come down in 2012; she says “we’re looking at whether … we leave the viaduct up with restrictions on it (beyond 2012) … One of the virtues of this idea is the lack of disruption to businesses on the waterfront … That’s one of the clear goals that led us to this decision – do not force those businesses on the waterfront out of business.” She says they have “not reached a final conclusion” on when the viaduct will come down.

9:15 AM UPDATE: In response to questions about whether this is the right decision, the basic theme is that the viaduct could come down any time soon — we are overdue for an earthquake. “We are not interested in nature making that decision for us … End this debate. It’s time for this to end. Let’s just move forward,” says county executive Sims. “It’s not going to be easy, it wasn’t easy getting here,” says the governor. “We now turn to the legislature and ask them for help … They must make the appropriation … for moving forward. If we don’t come together and move forward, will we look at ourselves like Minneapolis and ask, where were we, why couldn’t we move forward, and forge the political will to get something done. The day has come, the time is now, let’s go get it done, the people of the state of Washington and their families deserve it.” With a huge round of applause from the onlookers filling the room, that concludes the briefing – the governor says she has to get to Olympia for the legislative session. We will be circulating for reaction; more later.

9:27 AM UPDATE: OK, one more update before we leave the briefing – just talked to County Council Chair Constantine, who says it’s up to state engineers whether they determine the viaduct safe enough to leave up while this is built, but he’s definitely concerned about West Seattleites’ mobility. We also talked about the motor-vehicle tax that is mentioned as the county’s contribution to raise money for more transit – a 1% excise tax, which means that every $10,000 your car is worth, it will cost you $100 a year. The County Council will have to approve it, and he says that it’s always tough to vote for a tax, but that there is a “crying need” for more transit service around the county.

11:08 AM UPDATE: Back at HQ now and will post a followup later with video, more graphics, reaction – First, though, another way in which this might cost you: Heard state Transportation Secretary Paula Hammond talking live with KIRO radio’s Dave Ross as we drove back. She told him that while the state is committed to $2.8 billion, it only has $2.4 billion of that locked down, and the $400 million gap might come from a toll – $2 or less. What happens next all depends on what goes on in the Legislature, so whether you’re for the tunnel or against it, you might consider letting your legislators know how you feel: State Senator Joe McDermott, Rep. Eileen Cody, Rep. Sharon Nelson.

11:34 AM UPDATE: The Alaskan Way Viaduct website is updated with more information – you can follow links from this page, including the map that shows where the tunnel is supposed to start and end, and how it’s supposed to reconnect near Aurora, on the north end. The map also mentions the Delridge RapidRide bus service that will be added as part of the plan, which also was mentioned by stakeholders’ committee member Vlad Oustimovitch of Gatewood; our post-announcement interview with him will be in the followup.

Fauntleroy ferry-route changes: The Kitsap view

January 13, 2009 6:07 am
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 |   Fauntleroy | Transportation | West Seattle news

Next week, Washington State Ferries comes to Fauntleroy (1/21; details) for a public hearing on its draft long-range plan, which includes some potentially dramatic changes for the terminal and the route it serves. Hearings are happening in other ferry communities, too, such as Southworth last night —here’s what the Kitsap Sun reports.

Busless in Seattle: More from Metro on snow woes

(December photo courtesy Austin)
Finally finished watching video of the entire Metro snowstorm debrief at Monday’s King County Council meeting (which happened concurrent to the City Council snowstorm debrief that we watched in real time). Since we covered what Metro boss Kevin Desmond told Seattle councilmembers last week, our summary here will just focus on additional information revealed at this briefing.Read More

Design Review followup for The Kenney: More images online

January 13, 2009 1:46 am
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 |   Development | The Kenney | West Seattle news

The imagery available online before and during last week’s Southwest Design Review Board meeting for The Kenney‘s redevelopment project (WSB coverage here) didn’t include everything shown onscreen at that meeting. Now (thanks to Cindi Barker for the heads-up) the complete “packet” is on the city website; that includes the rendering for Alternative B (above), which board members considered most promising. It also includes comparison renderings of views from neighborhoods and Gatewood Elementary, with and without the new buildings proposed for the site.

Denny Site Design Team: Closing in on a final proposal

During Seattle Public Schools‘ current closure process, we’ve heard a lot about “design teams” — groups formed to talk through a project, with members drawn from a variety of groups with stakes in the process (district employees, school reps, community members). Tonight, one of those teams continued working through the process of designing what will happen on the current Denny Middle School site, once the new Denny is built and open. They’re close to a final design; three options were developed in the past few months, and recapped at the start of tonight’s meeting by Robert Evans, Denny-Sealth project manager. Landscape architect Jonathan Morley ran through a PowerPoint presentation (you can see it here either as a narrated clip, or drag the playbar along to fast-forward through the slides). As we’ve reported earlier in the process, the Denny site may eventually be home to a new elementary school, in addition to the tennis courts and softball team that are being installed as a replacement for what’s been torn out on the Chief Sealth site, so each of the three options was shown with and without a school building. Team members were asked to identify which features they liked most, so a “hybrid” drawing can be developed before the next meeting February 9th; the most popular ones included keeping existing trees, incorporating rain gardens and swales to keep rainwater onsite, and creating a terraced area for use as an amphitheater. Once a final proposal is developed, it will require School Board approval. You can find district background on the project on this website; our past coverage of the design-team meetings, newest to oldest, are part of our Denny-Sealth story archive.

Another West Seattle coffee shop brews up a name change

Thanks to WSB Forums member Bunnypug for pointing out that, after almost a year and a half in business, Bubbles on Delridge has changed its name to Pearls. Like original namesake Bubbles on Alki, they serve bubble tea as well as espresso, and as you know if you’re a bubble-tea devotee, the “bubbles” are also known as “tapioca pearls.” We stopped in to inquire about the name change; no particular reason, we were told, and nothing else has changed about the shop – same people, same beverages and food, etc. This is the second West Seattle coffee shop to change its name recently – as noted here in late November, the Harbor Ave drive-through that used to be Sleepless is now West Bay.

Delridge-to-Junction Metro Route 50: More ways to weigh in

January 12, 2009 4:00 pm
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 |   Delridge | Transportation | West Seattle news

As we first told you last Wednesday night, Metro plans a West Seattle open house next week for Route 50, which would include a Delridge-to-Junction leg (originally reported in this WSB story last October). The county has just officially announced that open house, and this afternoon’s announcement includes many more details on how you can provide feedback even if you can’t attend that event. See the announcement here.

Inauguration Day countdown: Shoes, service, labradoodles

Three items of West Seattle news related to next week’s inauguration of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States:

SHOE DRIVE: The WSB Forums shoe-collection drive has just kicked off. Read all about it here; collection boxes are now in place, including the one shown at left at Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) in The Junction. Another one’s set up at Full Tilt Ice Cream in White Center. Please take new (or lightly used) shoes to one of those spots between now and Inauguration Day; they will all be donated to Soles4Soles (read about that organization here). If you have a question, here’s where it’s being discussed in the forums. And here’s the official flyer.

DAY OF SERVICE: One day before Inauguration Day, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Monday 1/19, is a National Day of Service – and Laura calls our attention to a link where you can find West Seattle-area events and opportunities. We found five atop the list in this configuration; if you know of more West Seattle service opportunities that day or the preceding weekend, please add a comment here, or e-mail us ( – thanks!

WEST SEATTLE LABRADOODLES: Dog lovers know the Obama family has been talking about bringing a new pet to their new home, and in an interview yesterday (see the video here), the President-elect revealed they’re considering either a labradoodle or a Portuguese water dog. Longtime WSB’er Amy Gates is a labradoodle breeder – here are two of hers:

Amy is the owner of Sound Labradoodles, breeding multigenerational labradoodles. She tells WSB, “This means our dogs breed true — we’re not just putting a poodle and a labrador together. Australian labradoodle breeders have refined the breed over the past 30 years, including infusing a few other breeds like Irish Water Spaniel into the breed.” She says the breed is appealing to the Obama family because of the allergy-friendly aspect (Malia Obama is allergic to most dogs): “Due to the breed refinement, our dogs are more reliably non-shedding and allergy friendly. A simple poodle-lab cross will not have a reliable result. It might shed, and it might cause allergies.” Amy also says Labradoodles are perfect for the kind of busy environment that’ll constitute life as First Dog: “Labradoodles are really people-focused. They were first bred as service dogs, and many labradoodles are still used as service dogs and therapy dogs. This means they can be trained to be very calm and patient with lots of people around, which is definitely a factor in the Obama household!” Amy’s website is at

City Council snowstorm briefing: Who saw the “big picture”?

(12/18/08 photo by Raymond Overgaard)
Quick notes from this morning’s Seattle City Council briefing on snowstorm response, third one in one week (our coverage of the previous two: Monday 1/5 and Tuesday 1/6). Today, councilmembers heard from – and questioned – city Emergency Management director Barb Graff. Here’s what it all came down to: Who really had a handle on the big picture, the fact that the roads were in bad shape, buses weren’t running because of that, and more reinforcements needed to be called in? Read on for what was said, who said it, and what next:Read More

Interim president announced for South Seattle Community College

January 12, 2009 1:48 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle schools

This just in from South Seattle Community College – an interim president has been chosen, now that Dr. Jill Wakefield is running the entire Seattle Community College system (as reported here last September). Gary Oertli (photo left) is a former Shoreline Community College president, and is a West Seattle native, according to the official news release, which you can read in full by clicking ahead:Read More

West Seattle snow aftermath: Bridge may be re-striped sooner

As everyone who drives The Bridge is more than well aware, it’s been without many of its lane markings since Snowstorm ’08. We checked back today with SDOT’s Rick Sheridan to ask about any update on when that problem might be fixed, and indeed, he just told WSB it now MIGHT be just a matter of days:

> As we need warm, dry weather to apply the lane markings, SDOT is closely monitoring the weather and pavement conditions. The paint will not adhere if it is raining and takes a long time to dry if too cold. The forecast for the upcoming week appears to have a break that will allow SDOT to restripe the West Seattle Bridge. We will keep a close eye on this high priority location and will perform the work as soon as the weather allows. A traffic advisory will announce the work before we start.

Viaduct decision reportedly made: Deep-bore tunnel


Thanks to Frank for the tip – this is breaking in citywide news media right now. The formal announcement reportedly is to be made tomorrow. ADDED 12:08 PM: Added the graphic from the state’s original announcement of eight possible “scenarios” for replacement of the Viaduct’s Central Waterfront section. When the “final two” were announced several weeks ago, this was not among them, but was mentioned as a candidate for future study. Here’s a link to the informational handout that accompanied the graphic during the original “8 scenarios” announcement. Keep in mind, that’s just the deep-bore-tunnel version that was proposed during the original review; so far, there is no official report of exactly what configuration might be the focus in this new agreement – there’ve been sketches of a double-stack type of tunnel, rather than side-by-side. 2:34 PM NOTE: One of West Seattle’s two Stakeholders Advisory Committee members, Vlad Oustimovitch, tells WSB he’ll reserve comment until after the stakeholders are officially briefed on proposal details tomorrow morning. We meantime have received official word of the media briefing planned after that; the listed attendees are not only the three executives that have been involved in this all along — governor, mayor, and county executive – but also Port of Seattle CEO Tay Yoshitani. ADDED 3:21 PM: Statement from West Seattle’s King County Councilmember Dow Constantine:

The combination of a deep-bore tunnel and a surface boulevard is a very good compromise proposal to replace the Alaskan Way Viaduct. This solution—combined with improvements to the Spokane Street Viaduct and the creation of a new stadium interchange for State Route 99—will maintain access for West Seattle and South King County residents to and through downtown Seattle. The removal of the old viaduct will help reconnect downtown to our historic waterfront. And, because the tunnel will not share the alignment of the old viaduct structure, we also have the opportunity to maintain traffic on the SR 99 corridor during construction.

The challenge to Seattle and King County is to provide the other surface and transit improvements needed to make local transportation work. We now must consider how this work will be funded, how quickly it can be implemented, and how we will be able to sustain the needed transit service in the future.

As of today, by the way, Councilmember Constantine is officially council chair. ADDED 7:30 PM: We’ve also been in contact with West Seattle’s other rep on the Stakeholders Advisory Committee, Pete Spalding, and while he too is reserving detailed comment until after tomorrow morning’s briefing (the stakeholders will be briefed at 7:30, before the media at 8:30), he says, “I think this is the best of all worlds for our West Seattle community.”

Welcoming a new WSB sponsor: Three Tree Montessori

While WSB is all about West Seattle, on occasion we receive sponsorship inquiries from folks whose businesses and organizations are not based here, but do serve, and enthusiastically welcome, West Seattleites. That’s the case with a new WSB sponsor we’re welcoming today, Three Tree Montessori. The school is in Burien (just blocks from a Burien business that’s popular with West Seattleites – Trader Joe’s!). At left, a few of their elementary students; as with all new sponsors, we offered Three Tree Montessori a chance to tell you something about themselves: “Montessori is a time-tested, child-centered developmental education method that is focused on the individual child’s potential, giving the child hands-on experiences that nurture the love of learning. Montessori emphasizes collaboration, self-expression, and self-motivation in beautiful learning environments which foster respect, peace, and joy. Come meet the staff and see Three Tree Montessori‘s beautiful classrooms with outdoor extensions to garden and play areas for children ages 12 months through 12 years at our open house: Saturday, January 31st from 1:00 – 3:00 pm. Immediate openings are available in our half-day Toddler and Elementary programs.” Three Tree Montessori is at 220 SW 160th in Burien (here’s a map), 206-242-5100, and online at WSB welcomes Three Tree Montessori to our sponsor team, whose current members are listed on this page, where you’ll also find information on how to join them!

Snowstorm followups: City, county briefings both under way

January 12, 2009 9:44 am
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle politics | West Seattle weather

Both councils are tackling Snowstorm ’08 followups this morning (in addition to other agenda items), and both meetings have now begun, live online and on cable TV – the Seattle City Council, or cable 21; King County Council, or cable 22. We’re monitoring both and will post here if anything major is revealed/announced, with wrapups later. City councilmembers, by the way, have a big meeting later today too, announcing their collective and individual priorities for 2009 at 2 pm, with public comment to follow.

Time to think baseball: Little League registration starts tomorrow

baseballclipart.jpgThe next two Tuesday nights, it’s sign-up time for West Seattle Little League. Cami e-mailed us the official announcement: “Grab your glove – It’s time to register for Little League! In-person registrations will be held on Tuesday, Jan 13th and Tuesday, Jan 20th – 7-9 pm at West Seattle High School, Rm. 212. West Seattle Little League teaches not only baseball, but lessons learned through teamwork, dedication and pride. Divisions include T-ball, Coach-Pitch, Minors, Majors, Juniors and Seniors. T-ball through Majors play most games at Bar-S Fields, at 6464 SW Admiral Way. For forms, payment and more information, go to” Registration also is under way now for West Seattle Pee Wee Baseball — details on that, coming up later.

Wanted: Your opinion! West Seattle Wayfinding kiosk art

Another reason to think about spring and summer here in the heart of winter: A request for your opinion on the type of art that could grace the West Seattle Wayfinding kiosks to be installed at key walkable points around West Seattle, thanks to a $100,000 city-matching-funds grant. Two workshops have been held in recent months to invite more community involvement with kiosk development; now the “pilot” kiosk is in progress near the Delridge Library, and project leaders want your thoughts on art concepts for the kiosks that will go up in other West Seattle neighborhoods, to provide information and direction for those on foot – read on:Read More

Looking ahead: Major West Seattle issues on the agenda all week

January 11, 2009 11:46 pm
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 |   Elliott Bay Water Taxi | Neighborhoods | West Seattle jail sites | West Seattle school closure

Lots going on this week. This is all on the WSB West Seattle Events calendar too, in case you lose track:

City Council briefing on snowstorm response, next steps: 9:30 am, City Hall (live online or on TV)
County Council briefing on snowstorm response, 9:30 am, County Courthouse (live online or on TV)
Denny Middle School Site Redevelopment Design Team, 7 pm, Denny Library

“Scoping meeting” for proposed West Seattle jail site, Brockey Center at SSCC, 6:30 pm
-Community meeting re: Cooper Elementary “program closure,” Cooper Library, 7 pm
Junction Neighborhood Organization meeting with transit and parking updates, 6:30 pm, Ginomai
Fauntleroy Community Association meeting, 7 pm, The Hall at Fauntleroy
Admiral Neighborhood Association meeting, 7 pm, Admiral Church

2nd Delridge Skatepark meeting, 6 pm, Youngstown Arts Center
34th District Democrats meeting and reorganization election, 7 pm, The Hall at Fauntleroy

Mayor’s “open house” promising one-on-one chats with citizens about snowstorm response, 6:30 pm, Southwest Community Center
City/county-led public meeting about Seacrest dock changes to facilitate year-round Elliott Bay Water Taxi, 7 pm, Alki Community Center

Again, this is not EVERYTHING that’s happening, but those are the biggest events on the radar, so far. (Know of something major we somehow missed? Please let us know — thanks!)

$20 million fuel theft on Harbor Island

(photo from state Ecology Department website)
Posted at the P-I site tonight: An estimated $20 million in diesel is missing from the BP terminal on Harbor Island (1652 SW Lander; map), and police are investigating. ADDED 8:41 PM: As Scott points out in comments, there was a multimillion-dollar fuel-theft case on Harbor Island just a few years ago. Different fuel depot, according to this story about the resolution of that case. (A little more background on that case here.)

Trumpeting a request: Westside Symphonette needs brass

January 11, 2009 4:57 pm
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From Toni Reineke with Westside Symphonette, West Seattle’s community orchestra:

We are short 3 trombones, 1 or 2 trumpets, and at least one French horn player … we have great strings this year (though we could always use more, especially violas). We even have an oboe player!

We started our winter/spring session last Tuesday but players are welcome to join any old time. They could call me at 206-243-6955 or e-mail

Next rehearsal is at Chief Sealth (in the Boren Building) this coming Tuesday, January 13.

Alki seal pup update: Back at sea after “17-hour nap”

(Saturday photo, by Colby)
The harbor-seal pup who decided to climb the Alki boardwalk-to-beach staircase across from Pegasus is back out to sea, after an all-day/all-night vigil by the Seal Sitters, on whose behalf Brenda just posted this update in the comment section following our Saturday coverage:

A little past midnight on Saturday, the juvenile pup Forte aptly lived up to his name by returning to the sea at low tide. He had a little trouble navigating the big steps on Alki back down to the beach, but he demonstrated his strength and health by doing so after enjoying his 17 hour nap in the middle of the city’s busiest beach.

We are happy to see the pup back in the waves and wish him good fishing, safe journey, and calmer seas! Thanks to NOAA and their full-time stranding expert, Kristin, for her good advice.

Thanks to all the intrepid Seal Sitter volunteers who kept vigil over Forte all those long, chilly hours and to the West Seattle neighbors who showed concern and care by keeping their distance and just letting the pup rest amidst us.

Keep your eyes out for any other pups on our beach. We are so fortunate to share our shores with wild animals. It’s what makes our neighborhood a little larger than just us, a little more welcoming to all. For further information on Forte’s big day on Alki Beach and more photos, see the Seal Sitters blog at

And thanks so much for the West Seattle Blog’s concern and coverage.

Your neighborhood Seal Sitters

Seacrest TV shoot update: “Detonation” pictures, video

(For original report with background on what this is about, go here)

1:56 PM UPDATE: Adam shot photos separate from the webcam, and here are two of them (above and below).

Note the burning car tipped on its side; WSB co-publisher Patrick Sand, who was covering this on the ground, says hydraulics were used.

ADDED 4:23 PM: Three WSB video clips – first, the car (a BMW) as it burned:

Second, the fire being put out:

Third, a hooded contestant arriving at the shoot:

The plot of “The Phone” apparently involves contestants answering ringing cell phones in major cities, and embarking on an action-packed race for cash prizes. We’ll watch to see when it’s scheduled to premiere — and we’ll be looking to see when this episode turns up. One more photo: Adam snapped the helicopter that was participating in the shoot – note the attached camera:

Published earlier in the afternoon:

1:12 PM UPDATE: Much better pictures from the webcam mentioned below, sent by Adam (thank you AGAIN!). What follows is what we originally posted at 12:54 pm:

That’s a screen grab from a couple minutes ago via the webcam set up across the street from Seacrest, where – as first reported here yesterday – the TV show “The Phone” is shooting today, and their promised “detonation” simulating a car explosion was just set off. Lots more pix/video to come later. (Reminder, the parking restrictions remain in effect till 6 pm.)