From Alki photographer extraordinaire David Hutchinson, a photo of the Statue of Liberty Plaza‘s first New Year’s Eve — though we never got around to drawing up the traditional “Top Stories of ’08” list (too busy covering NEW news!), certainly the plaza’s construction and September 2008 dedication (WSB coverage here) would have been on it. With the photo came this message from the Plaza Project Committee:
New Year’s has arrived and the “Final Sale” of inscribed bricks for the new
Plaza is over. The Seattle Statue of Liberty Plaza Project would like to thank all of you who have made this great addition to Alki Beach possible. The order for the new bricks will be sent to the engraving company by the end of this month and we will notify donors when their bricks will be installed as soon as Seattle Parks and Recreation sets a firm date.We wish all a Happy New Year!
Seattle Statue of Liberty Plaza Project
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