West Seattle, Washington
03 Monday
(photo from Carter, showing the space that’ll be jammed with people on Inauguration Day)
Over the past few weeks, we’ve received e-mail from several West Seattleites who will be at the Presidential Inauguration on Tuesday – and they’ve promised to send updates on what it’s like to be there, both before and during (maybe even after). We have our first dispatch tonight from Carter and Dan, Upper Fauntleroy residents who’ve already arrived — here’s what Carter wrote (with more photos, added Saturday afternoon):Read More
Our third followup on Zack the cat is (the one with) the charm: We got word this afternoon from Teri Ensley of Furry Faces Foundation that Zack’s entire medical bill is paid. If you’re joining the tale late, Zack found his way into the life of a West Seattleite named Jane; she couldn’t find his previous owner, but she did learn he had been badly hurt and needed expensive surgery. She e-mailed us, at wit’s end, and we put out her call for donations to pay for Zack’s care. Along the way, Furry Faces jumped in to assist, and here’s Teri’s report today:
Hi, West Seattle Community!
Zack is one lucky cat–not only does he have Jane, but our West Seattle Community! Twenty-eight donors paid his entire bill of $1239.00, plus left a positive balance of $32.00 in F3’s Lien Animal Clinic account. Because of each of you, Zack now has a second chance at having a loving forever home with Jane. The remaining balance will be used to help with any medical followup Zack may need. If he doesn’t have followup needs, then it will be used to help another [future] animal companion who needs financial assistance.
There really are no words to describe how grateful, humbled and inspired F3 is feeling. Our Oliver’s Fund helps animal companions, whose humans are on restricted income (going through difficult times, etc.), with unexpected Veterinarian bills, however, alone, Oliver’s Fund did not have even close to enough money to cover the full cost of Zack’s surgery. Thanks to everyone for your generosity.
And please help us thank:
1. Jane—who rescued and adopted Zack
2. Lien Animal Clinic who performed the surgeries and provide pre/post op care
3. West Seattle Animal Hospital (WSAH) for starting Zack’s fund so that word could get out. At the time Zack’s fund was started, Jane did not know where Zack’s surgery would be performed. WSAH was very supportive of the change to Lien Animal Clinic and quick to let donors know that their donations would need to be redirected to Lien Animal Clinic. We know this created duplication of effort for both WSAH and all of the donors, so greatly appreciate your patience and follow through.
4. West Seattle Blog for posting Zack’s need and keeping all of us informed of his status.
Have a lovely weekend. And think about smiling at everyone you see…they just may be one of Zack’s benefactors. ; )
From the city Parks Department:
Alki Community Center will close today, Friday, Jan. 16, at 6 p.m., and will remain closed all day on Saturday, Jan. 17, due to the fact that the heating system for the building is temporarily out of service. All Friday evening activities have been cancelled. Saturday basketball games have been moved to Madison Middle School, 3429 45th Ave SW. All other Saturday activities have been cancelled. The center will open again on Tuesday morning, Jan. 20, for regular programming.
That means no roller skating tonight; we’ll amend the West Seattle Weekend Lineup.
MONDAY CHANGES: Metro wants to make sure you know it’s running at reduced service levels for the MLK Day holiday on Monday. Here are the details, including a list of which routes won’t be operating that day.
SNOWSTORM FEEDBACK: In our report on last night’s post-snow open-house feedback session at Southwest Community Center, we mentioned a printed survey Metro was circulating. It’s not available online but Metro provided us with a copy to share with you – you’re invited to print it out and mail it in by next Friday, or use the e-mail address on the form to send your answers to their questions.
What we mean by that is: Our weekly list of Friday-Saturday-Sunday events is a “map” in its own right, but the big map activity this weekend happens tomorrow afternoon, when Snowstorm ’08 WSB mapmaking star Alice is leading an informal session on how to make Google Maps – that, and other activities including a big concert rescheduled from its snow-scuttled date, are all part of more than 30 events and activities in West Seattle this weekend, ahead:Read More
Even though new school years start in fall, decisions about each year are made the preceding winter, so this is a busy time for local schools and families. Today, we’re welcoming a new WSB sponsor, The Community School of West Seattle, which invites you to attend an open house tonight or tomorrow morning. Here’s what they’d like you to know about their school: The Community School of West Seattle (CSWS) provides a unique family friendly learning environment. Their philosophy of Organic Education creates respectful early learning experiences in an enriched, anti-bias environment. The teachers work with the children on communication skills and problem-solving techniques, they support social, intellectual, physical, emotional and cognitive growth in a creative and developmentally appropriate space that has lots of outside space and a large dedicated studio. They believe in supporting the whole family by offering a year round program, parenting workshops, social events and a resource library. CSWS is currently accepting applications for Fall 2009. There’s two open house events — one tonight (Friday, January 16th) at 6 pm, and another tomorrow (Saturday, January 17th) at 10 am. These events are for adults, but you and your child will be able to schedule an observation when the classes are in session. At the open houses, parents will learn about; Messy Play Day for Toddlers age 18 months to 3 years. Pre-school for 3- and 4-year-olds. And, the multiage Kindergarten through 2nd grade program. We welcome The Community School of West Seattle to the WSB sponsor team; full lineup’s on this page along with info on how to become part of it!
(from the brochure in Tigrigna, spoken in parts of Eritrea and Ethiopia)
Working on the forthcoming West Seattle Weekend Lineup, we stopped by the High Point Community Center website and remembered that HPCC’s Brian Judd had asked us to share this with you: An informational brochure about HPCC is now available in 11 languages besides English. If you have friends, neighbors, co-workers, relatives who speak any of these languages — Amharic, Arabic, Cambodian, Chinese-Simplified, Chinese-Traditional, English, Farsi, Oromo, Samoan, Somali, Spanish, Tigrigna, Vietnamese — you’re invited to print out the material or point them to the website – the links are all on the HPCC home page.
Got a couple notes last night about a police search/containment operation along the Fauntleroy side of Lincoln Park, but the units were gone when we went to check it out. So this morning we got the scoop from Southwest Precinct Lt. Steve Paulsen: Two juveniles tried to steal beer from the Lincoln Park 76 station (map). As they ran, the clerk hit one with a bottle. They still managed to get away; no arrests so far.
If you drove The Bridge late yesterday, no doubt you noticed the re-striping work wasn’t all done. And indeed, there’s more ahead – plus 35th and Fauntleroy as soon as the city can get to it – according to this citywide update just in from SDOT:Read More
(scroll down for latest information, continuing to add it as we get it)
(photo by David Hutchinson)
ORIGINAL 6:23 AM POST (which was headlined “Alki Homestead fire out”): That’s according to Helen Fitzpatrick of the Seattle Fire Department, who says flames were coming from the rear of the restaurant when crews arrived. Crews were sent out about 5:20 am. The Homestead’s log-house building on 61st SW south of Alki SW (map) is a city landmark (since 1996); the restaurant business was up for sale last year and we had reported just before the holidays (11/25/08 WSB report here) that its owner, Tom Lin, had found buyers. According to the Fire Department, no one was in the building at the time of this morning’s fire. More details and photos shortly. 6:43 AM UPDATE: Another photo from David Hutchinson, this one showing the fire-response vehicles lined up all the way onto Alki Ave. Witness reports say firefighters had to cut into the building while fighting the flames. No word of any injuries.
6:49 AM UPDATE: Co-publisher Patrick has an update from SFD spokesperson Fitzpatrick at the scene: The fire broke out on the 1st floor and flames did shoot up through the roof. No idea yet what caused it. Damage is mostly confined to the 1st floor (which of course is the restaurant’s main floor). 61st remains blocked off from Alki Ave to SW Stevens (Log House Museum).
7 AM UPDATE: Most of the fire vehicles are starting to pack up to leave. We’re not being allowed around back of the building so far, so it’s too soon to say just how extensive the damage appears from the outside.
7:06 AM UPDATE: Fitzpatrick says there’s “significant smoke and char damage on the first floor” and some damage in the attic area. Investigation into the cause continues.
7:22 AM UPDATE: Patrick just talked with owner Tom Lin at the scene. The message he wanted to reaffirm: Nobody is hurt – in the past there were tenants renting some space in the building but that space has been vacant for a while. Tom knows his office was damaged but doesn’t know the extent of the restaurant damage yet and so has no idea when it’ll reopen. He told us that he lives nearby and heard the sirens; when he realized how close they were, he went over to look and was shocked to find out it was the Homestead. Patrick asked about the in-progress sale mentioned in our November report; Tom said it hadn’t closed yet but the prospective purchaser had been actively preparing for some potential remodeling work, and the restaurant had been scheduled to close soon because of that (as he’d told us in November). Patrick adds that the fire damage is not visible from outside, at least from the front of the restaurant; Tom believes the thickness of the log structure kept the flames from actually breaking through the framework, aside from the aforementioned attic damage. (added later – video we shot as a TV reporter was interviewing him with the same questions we’d asked some time earlier)
7:38 AM UPDATE: Owner Tom just told Patrick investigators believe the fire was electrical in origin.
8:01 AM NOTE: We’ll have more photos back shortly, more clearly showing the damage from outside. Regarding the mention of the attic, we’re reminded that we covered a special sale at the Homestead last April (here’s our story, with photos); many of the items had been brought out of storage in the attic.
8:15 AM UPDATE: Adding more photos. First, this is from behind the restaurant, showing the roof damage – that’s right behind the famous vertical neon sign:
Looking at the roof from the front, only a little damage can be seen, right around the chimney:
Here’s a wide shot of the restaurant’s century-old building – from this angle, if not for the fire trucks, you wouldn’t have known there’d been a fire:
By the way, if you’ve never been inside the Homestead, here’s a photo of the interior.
10:29 AM UPDATE: From Dana Vander Houwen at the SFD: The fire is blamed on “excessive draw of power for Christmas lights plugged into a single outlet” and damage is estimated at $400,000.
11:45 AM UPDATE: From an opening to the courtyard on the alley behind the restaurant, you can see this sad scene – burned items from inside the restaurant.
If all goes as currently planned, the Elliott Bay Water Taxi‘s long-anticipated year-round operation will start a little more than a year from now. But first, some improvements – including a new dock and gangway worth about $2 million at Seacrest, in the configuration above, displayed Thursday night at Alki Community Center during a public meeting about the proposal. The gangway will be 80 feet long and 10 feet wide, to accommodate people walking in both directions, which doesn’t work well on the current 6-foot-wide gangway. The new dock will extend past the end of the fishing pier, and then join with a 75-foot-long north-south section where the boat will tie up, keeping it further away from divers. The meeting brought other updates about the foot ferry’s future — read on:Read More
(January 8 photo by C. Simmons)
Eight days ago, we told you about the huge fire that gutted Pacific Sheet Metal and adjoining music facility The Dutchman on the south side of the Spokane Street Viaduct section of the West Seattle Bridge, still smoldering when many West Seattleites passed it hours later on the way to work. Seattle Fire Department spokesperson Dana Vander Houwen now says investigators have finished their work, and determined that the fire started in the engine compartment of a truck in the PSM building. Damage total: $4.2 million. A relief fund for the music studio’s owner continues to accept online donations; haven’t found a link to any such fund for PSM – let us know if you know of one (editor@westseattleblog.com). FRIDAY AFTERNOON UPDATE: Got a note from Nancy, who doesn’t know of relief efforts but does know that Pacific Sheet Metal’s owners are a longtime West Seattle family – founder William Zaknich lives on Alki; son Nick Zaknich, who runs the company now, lives in Shorewood.