West Seattle snow aftermath: Sunday scenes

December 28, 2008 11:49 pm
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 |   Seen around town | West Seattle weather

While walking to The Junction this afternoon, we noticed this juxtaposition – a festive snowman and snowdrift on a business window along California SW, seen across the top of the road-median “snirt” pile. Snow, of course, always looks especially lovely from a distance:

JayDee sent that photo from 56th/Spokane (map), as well as this photo of 56th looking blissfully ice-free in today’s sunshine:

Thanks yet again to everyone who has sent photos during and after Snowstorm/Snowmare/Snow-however-you-prefer-to-remember-it ’08 … we appreciate and publish photos all the time, from breaking news to community events to timely beauty shots, so please keep our address (editor@westseattleblog.com) handy (if you can spare a moment, program it into your cameraphone too)!

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