West Seattle New Year’s Eve: Wondering what’s happening where?

Wanted to let you know that while holiday fun went on the back burner during Snowmare ’08, a list of West Seattle New Year’s Eve happenings is well under way on the WSB Holidays page, from church services to restaurant/bar parties – even a walk! (If you know of one [or more] WS NYE events we’re missing, please e-mail us a few details, editor@westseattleblog.com – thanks!)

3 Replies to "West Seattle New Year's Eve: Wondering what's happening where?"

  • Leroy December 28, 2008 (7:33 pm)

    While I understand the difficulties many had getting to work and attaining food etc, I must assert that many of us see your ‘Snowmare 08’ as the best season ever. Who needs to be able to drive to Target when you have atmosphere.

  • Mike Dady December 28, 2008 (9:26 pm)

    Couldn’t agree more Leroy @ 7:33pm. The snow provided a quiet that rarely occurs in Seattle. If some adults were unable to accept natures show then I think it is their loss. The children, teens and adventurous adults will certainly look back on Christmas 2008 as a very beautiful and good time:-)

  • WSB December 28, 2008 (9:49 pm)

    Well, I’m not totally sold on Snowmare as a label but it’s the only one that people have repeated back in e-mail :) – sorry, it’s old TV news habit, where we had to tack a label on everything. KING started it during the late ’96 snow, which they dubbed Holiday Blast and from thereon out, everything had to have an official title to the coverage. But I digress. I personally think the snow had its merits, but we work from home so didn’t have to deal with struggling to get to work and back every day (did that every previous storm while in TV – there was no “I can’t get to work” – last serious snow a couple years back, my car got stuck near The Junction while I was driving home at 2 am, and I had to walk the remaining couple miles home, without appropriate shoes). Even more to the heart of the point, the snow itself wasn’t the nightmare here – the trouble that thwarted essential government-provided services (transit, trash) WAS – TR

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