Reader reports: Two alerts – road rage, dog danger

Now that weather woes have mostly passed (for now, at least), we’re going back through the WSB inbox to be sure we didn’t miss anything to share with you. Here are two alerts from WSB’ers who wanted to get out the word about scary incidents that happened to them – read on for the details:

First, from Kate:

I wanted to report a incident of road rage at Westwood Village by the video store. My husband pulled into the parking lot at Westwood Village (Saturday) afternoon. It was very crowded and a lot of cars were lined up trying to get in and out of the parking lot. For no reason, a violent man in another car jumped out, started screaming racial profanities and threatening my husband. He came over to the passenger window and starting hitting the glass, screaming for my husband to get out of the car. My husband said this man was so violent and angry that he feared for his life. My husband decided the best thing to do would be to get out of the parking lot, but the man followed him up 35th. There was a slower car in front of my husband, but this made the man angrier, so luckily he decided to go by him instead while yelling more profanities and threats. Luckily he didn’t see where we lived. My husband was very shaken up when he got home. I called to Seattle Police, since the West Seattle blog says to report anything suspicious. However, they said there was nothing they could do, since we didn’t have a license plate number. Just wanted to send a warning to people shopping at Westwood Village. Needless to say we won’t be shopping at Westwood Village anytime soon. The police told me this is very common right now, since so many people are overwhelmed by the snow and holidays. However, it’s frustrating you can’t do anything when you feel your life is in danger.

We asked Kate if she had any descriptive information about the car or the person. She e-mailed back: “A little bit more information, my husband told me later the man was not just threatening him, but threatening to kill him. He said he was sure if he got out of the car he would be dead. The car was a red SUV or truck with a cab on the back. He said it looked like a Toyota 4 Runner or similar. The suspect was a very large African American man. He was around 6′ 4″ with a muscular build. He had the build of a weight lifter or body builder.”

Next, from MAS, warning about a dog he describes as an “uncontrolled aggressive pit bull” at 32nd/Webster (map):

Just a heads up for folks that walk their dogs in the area. I walk my dog past this house every day, and know about the dog – usually contained in the fenced yard. (Friday) it was off leash in the alley and attacked my dog as we went by (my dog was on a leash.) I managed to get between them and the owner finally got control of his dog before I was forced to hurt it. As far as I can tell, just a couple of patches of hair pulled out, no lasting damage. I don’t recommend going anywhere near that intersection with or without your dog at this point though.

I told the owner he was violating the leash law, no response – but he did want to make sure that Charlie wasn’t hurt. Since I couldn’t find any obvious injuries at the time and Charlie REALLY wanted to get out of there I just left it at that and came home. Since I encounter off-leash uncontrolled dogs about every six months walking my dog, I expect I’ll have to start carrying mace or some ammonia spray to deal with them. My only other option would be actually injuring the loose dog, and I want to avoid that since it’s not the dog’s fault.

34 Replies to "Reader reports: Two alerts - road rage, dog danger"

  • kurto December 28, 2008 (12:56 pm)

    A man almost bites man and a dog almost bites dog story.

    Bummer deal.

    Let’s all stay safe out there.

  • bcoy December 28, 2008 (1:13 pm)

    I live on 34th and Webster, and if this is the dog I’m thinking of, I had a run it with him too. He came bolting out of his yard when I was walking by with my dog. He just came up to us and started sniffing around. No bite or attacks. His owner came out and grabbed him. No harm no foul in my case. I believe the dog’s name is Oscar.

  • Meghan December 28, 2008 (1:22 pm)

    You really should report the dog to city’s animal control department. We had a problem with 2 chronically off leash dogs in N. Admiral a few years ago. We called the city (number easily found on the city’s website) and the city was surprisingly responsive. They called us to confirm the situation, promptly warned the owner to contain the dogs at once or face a citation — and it worked!

  • cleat December 28, 2008 (1:53 pm)

    Re the first incident above.. I was told a long time ago by a police officer if someone is following you in a car being crazy like that guy was, drive to the police station and honk like mad and they will hear and come out…. don’t know if still true … maybe our local branch officers will see this and let us know… but it makes more sense than leading them to your home…
    Sorry this kind of thing happens!!!!

  • JoB December 28, 2008 (2:05 pm)

    thanks for the heads up about the dog.. we walk by there often.

    i am not sure who would get the worse end of the deal in a confrontation … the pit bull or my shibas…

    but i sure don’t want to find out.

  • onceachef December 28, 2008 (2:06 pm)

    If you have a cell phone (good to have in this kind of situation), call 911 as the incident is happening…there are often police in the Westwood shopping center or nearby.

  • Jim December 28, 2008 (2:37 pm)

    There are no officers at the station have you ever been there. You have to buzz a intercom and then wait an wait, No staff at front desk.

  • WSB December 28, 2008 (2:40 pm)

    They do staff the front desk sometimes. We’ve been there often. I’ll ask for their advice but if I were driving to the station in case of an emergency, I’d drive around the west side where the vehicles are (borders Home Depot’s parking lot) and sound said horn like crazy. If Home Depot’s open, you may attract someone from that direction. At the very least, a pursuing person would have to be nuts (and maybe they are, to start with) to keep it going AT the police station – there are at the very least watch commanders inside at all hours, for example – TR

  • LB December 28, 2008 (3:02 pm)

    As other posters have mentioned, CARRY YOUR CELL PHONE AT ALL TIMES and USE IT to call 911.

    In the case of the road rage incident: Describe eveything that is happening. Rather than drive off, give the 911 operator the license plate of the offender, a physical description, etc.

    Doing so helps get these people arrested and not just go freely on to harrass and harm another day.

  • JH December 28, 2008 (3:04 pm)

    Oscar the pit bull needs to meet crazy guy in car.

  • JoB December 28, 2008 (3:56 pm)


  • Michael December 28, 2008 (3:56 pm)

    No response is what keeps these people doing what they do.
    PLEASE call 911 AT THE MOMENT when such situations arise. (“I’d like to report a violent threatening/dog attack IN PROGRESS…”) Describe the assailant while he is standing in front of you.
    If you don’t want to do it for yourself, do it for the rest of us. Please.

  • changingtimes December 28, 2008 (4:16 pm)

    this guy was 10 min ago in the safeway parking lot! got the heck out of there!!! he was scary!!!

  • angelescrest December 28, 2008 (4:38 pm)

    It’s hard for me to see where any of us could do anything more than try to escape w/our lives if we’re being followed by such a violent attacker. Hard to keep your wits about you and drive, let alone dig out the cell. This is so scary; I’m glad your husband made it home, but this is not an incident easily forgotten. A total nightmare.

  • changingtimes December 28, 2008 (4:45 pm)

    im surprised no one else witnessed this at safeway! i got a few blocks away and still could hear him yelling…..i know the one day i dont have my cellphone on me!!!

  • Sue December 28, 2008 (5:57 pm)

    If anybody is ever following you while driving, do NOT go anywhere near your home until you are 100% sure they’re not anywhere near you anymore. When I suspect I’m being followed by a crazy person, I will turn many corners to try and shake them, going well away from my home, and heading towards the police station. Usually it’s just some irate tailgater who wants to “teach you a lesson” by following you, but they get bored after a little while. But I did once have to go to the police (back east) and the honking in the parking lot did get their attention.

  • Driver & Daughter December 28, 2008 (6:25 pm)

    Kate, We were behind this SUV and your husband and we did write down the plate number. I have called that into Officer Buzzy Katzer at the SW police station. If you want to file a report please call the station at 773-9800 and talk to him. He works evenings and will be there until 11pm. He has my number if he needs anything else. I am sorry that this happened. It was very intense.

    BTW we watched him follow your husband up Barton and turn off onto 35th where we lost sight. Good luck and God bless.

  • RainyDay1235 December 28, 2008 (7:37 pm)

    Yep, this is the same dog I posted about in the blog recently. The one that is always chained up to the jungle gym…no wonder it’s aggressive. I actually walked by during the storm to make sure they brought him in. But I knew if it ever got loose someone would get hurt. Guess we’ll be steering clear of that alley from now on.

  • scaredoutoftree December 28, 2008 (7:55 pm)

    just re-read incident. the one at safeway was a black suv with an asian guy with a red hat….anyone else see what happened?

  • Jana December 28, 2008 (8:29 pm)

    I definitely experienced the grumpy, overwhelmed attitudes from people today at Safeway. I was almost run over by mad shoppers several times and I’m not a mindless wanderer. I don’t care if everyone is overwhelmed by the snow and the holidays, we can at least be kind to each other.

    It is very unfortunate that courtesy and loving your neighbor as yourself is becoming less and less common. I thank the survival of the fittest mindset for that, which basically shows it’s ugly head in the way we treat each other … “it’s all about me”, rather than consider others better than yourselves and love them as you love yourself.

  • rockergirl December 28, 2008 (8:50 pm)

    MAS – what was the address of the pitbull incident – we live near there and my husband walks our dog 2x daily in the area – want to make sure he avoids the specific area but need more information.

  • Jan December 28, 2008 (9:21 pm)

    I saw this guy in the red truck yelling at another car right at the intersection of Morgan and Fauntleroy right behind Tully’s – he was crazy! Two Thriftway employees were trying to get the other car to leave the parking lot – thought it looked handled.

  • JH December 28, 2008 (9:58 pm)

    Is there a full moon?

  • datamuse December 28, 2008 (10:00 pm)

    Not till January 11th, JH. Sorry.

  • b December 29, 2008 (9:37 am)

    MAS, you ***REALLY*** need to file a report about that dog with animal control, or the owner will never change their behavior, and other people (and their dogs) will be attacked.

    You should know that a certain jerk at 7925 31st – who allows his large Boxer to roam uncontrolled near his house – was ticketed in June because his dog ran up behind me while I was out on a run and attacked me (bit only my shoe, fortunately) across the street from his house. He watched it attack me two more times, and basically did nothing to stop it.

    He tried to lie his way out of it…the judge was unconvinced. He paid a $225 fine ($50 for off leash, $175 for attacking someone), which could have been $350 total (the judge gave him a slight break). His attitude showed that he hadn’t learned anything, however.

    Dogs are great. But a LOT of Dog owners in Seattle – on the other hand – seem hugely selfish in this way. He probably asked if Charlie was hurt to know if you would sue him or not.

    You need to make sure that dog owner gets the punishment they’ve earned.

    I know which pit bull you’re talking about, it tries to rip its way through the fence every time I go down that street. It’s super aggressive, and the owner damn-well knows it.

  • Kate December 29, 2008 (9:38 am)

    Thank you so much Driver and Daughter. We will call Officer Katzer and file a report. It scary to know this man is still out there. I’ve never seen my husband so shaken. I hope no else has an encounter with the man. Thank you for watching out for your neighbors.

  • Tim December 29, 2008 (9:59 am)

    So the pit bull in this story…This dog also attacked our dog on an evening walk. The dog was off leash, and the owner didn’t give a damn! His dog attacked ours and really scared the crap out of us. Our dog wasn’t terribly happy and was scared for the rest of our walk home.

    If I see this dog again, I can’t be sure that I’ll be as accommodating as I was the last time. I will be reporting this jerk if I ever see him with an off leash dog again.


  • LisaM December 29, 2008 (10:37 am)

    I think if all of you call animal control and report the dog owner, the volume of complaints will get attention.

  • Elizabeth P December 29, 2008 (11:05 am)

    Hi, just wanted to mention that mace doesn’t always work, it could serve to make the dog even more angry. But then again, what options do we have.

  • Justin December 29, 2008 (11:15 am)

    About the pit bull: we live near this alley (someone asked for specific address–I don’t have that, but it’s the alley that connects Webster and Holden, runs parallel to 34th and 32nd ). I didn’t know there were attacks by this dog (there are two pit bulls on the property: one tied up to the jungle gym and one in a chicken-wire pen). I will definitely keep an eye out–I walk through there twice a day–and call animal control if I see either of them loose. Once I wrangled the jungle gym dog back home–it was not aggressive toward me, just seemed starved for attention. But, I’ll be more cautious now that I know about the attacks.

  • WTF December 29, 2008 (5:53 pm)

    I had an SUV road-rager come up on me at WW Village, too; she was very lucky I was in a good mood that day. But, I WILL remember her.

    I am so sorry to hear that the mindless crazy people are out of their cages again. NO ONE has the right to threateningly attack another person unprovoked. Please, please follow through with the police. The next time this lunatic could cost someone their well being or their life. Someone post his description, car description and license plate number so we can avoid him. The police will tell you not to do that, but they can not/will not do anything unless this AH finally hurts someone, so what recourse do we have but to choose to 1) run away 2) do something to help one another!

  • Bill T December 30, 2008 (10:10 am)

    The off leash laws here are a joke. Have you walked Lincoln Park lately? In the span of 30 minutes you will see minimum 5-10 dogs off leashes. Off leash dogs often make leashed dogs anxious and agressive. But my dog? A pit bull mix – the sweetest dog ever – my neighbors will call animal control if he’s off leash on my driveway! Luckily, like I said, the law is not taken seriously and animal control knows my dog is harmless. That’s the good and bad of it… for me. BTW I think the full moon is actually on the 10th but I could be wrong – look out!

  • Disillusioned January 6, 2009 (10:28 pm)

    I have to say that all of this advice to promptly call the police makes me laugh a bit. Whenever I call the police nothing ever happens and they never seem to show up. I just don’t really think there is a solution to these types of problems other than to ignore them and protect yourself without escalating the situation.

  • ScaredWitless January 10, 2009 (6:50 pm)

    I had an incident of “drive-through” rage today. I was with my young twin daughters in the McDondald’s drive-through on California, near Thriftway. My husband, stationed in Iraq, called my cell phone as we pulled into the parking lot. There were three cars ahead of me and I caused no delay to anyone as I pulled up to the order box, the man behind me in a black Mercedes started screaming at me to get off the phone. Calling me profane names and giving me the finger. It was horrific. I was terrified and called 911 (I was off the phone already.) I could not get his plate and the McDonald’s staff was totally unhelpful and clueless. I am still shook-up at the level of this man’s anger. And in West Seattle. So sad.

Sorry, comment time is over.