Holiday helpers: WS-based Vending Solutions’ donation drive

That photo shows some of the food and clothing collected so far for West Seattle Food Bank and West Seattle Helpline by the folks at Vending Solutions. Linda Jarvimaki wrote to tell us that VS — a “West Seattle-based, nationwide management company” — is having an office competition to liven up its campaign to support those in need, “the gals against the guys… The team with the most points wins a prize and the individual person who brings in the most points wins a prize, both prizes donated by management. Each week, there is a bonus point day – everything from goofy hat day to slipper day where teams can accumulate points if every team member complies with the bonus point day requirement and brings a one-point item (such as a can of food.)” Linda also shared a team photo from the aforementioned “goofy hat day”:

She adds, “We also had a salad bar day – everyone brought an item for the salad bar and then contributed a dollar to eat (and also had to wear an apron.) In addition, we are having an auction – several people donated their talents (photography, baking, crafts) and all monies collected will be donated to our community. Although our office is small, it’s amazing what can be accomplished. We want to make a difference and invite other businesses to do the same.” Linda and everybody at Vending Solutions also invites you to drop off donations at their office – they’ll deliver them for you! 5415 California SW (map), Monday-Friday, 8 am-4:30 pm. As listed on our West Seattle Holiday Happenings page, donation drives are also under way at other businesses including AAA Travel, Cafe Rozella, and C and P Coffee. If we’re missing yours, please e-mail to let us know (photos welcome too – when we heard from the Vending Solutions folks, we asked them if they had pix, and that’s why they sent these – so we could show you the places and faces making West Seattle better every day), so we can share the good news.

3 Replies to "Holiday helpers: WS-based Vending Solutions' donation drive"

  • HunterG December 3, 2008 (1:49 pm)

    I have that exact same Medusa hat!!

  • jbar December 3, 2008 (2:37 pm)

    Those vending solutions folks are amazing!

  • Mary December 3, 2008 (2:42 pm)

    Hey! We have a WS Food Bank collection bin over here in the Twilight Gallery. :)!

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