Seals on Alki: Life and death, side by side

As posted on Creighton Space (with photo) — a seal pup on Alki (which, Creighton wrote, was being guarded by Seal Sitters), close to a dead seal. (Perhaps the same dead seal that someone posted about in this comment last night on an old post?) Overall, it’s been a fairly slow season for the Seal Sitters, but they had expected the recently arrived chum run to bring along more seals.

1 Reply to "Seals on Alki: Life and death, side by side"

  • Eugene Carlson November 23, 2008 (6:47 pm)

    My wife and I spotted a seal pup on Maury Island this morning. On an east side beach, across the Sound from Des Moines. We came over a log and spotted the pup, about two feet above the tideline. The pup eyed us, then slowly slithered down the sand and into the water. A first for us. Is this common this time of year?

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