Sunday’s biggest West Seattle party: Bridge Park grand opening

September 14, 2008 11:59 pm
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OK, who said retirement means shuffleboard? We found that pool table upstairs from the great room that was headquartered for today’s grand-opening party at the newest retirement community in West Seattle, Bridge Park (WSB sponsor). Guests of honor at the party — Bridge Park’s first residents:


Highlights from today’s event, ahead:

You can’t have a grand opening without a ribbon-cutting; Bridge Park’s resident managers Ray and Kathy Harris did the honors:

Before that, Father Jack Walmesley of not-too-far-away Our Lady of Guadalupe offered a prayer, preceded by this blessing:

And the colors were presented by the Eagle Scouts of Troop 282 (which by the way has a Cub Scout recruitment night next week):

Speakers included executives from Bridge Park’s parent company, Oregon-based Holiday Retirement; a mayoral proclamation was read by Irene Stewart, the West Seattleite who is director of the mayor’s Office of Senior Services. Once the ceremonies concluded, a lavish buffet — with a punch fountain and chefs in traditional tall-hatted garb — resumed, as did music by the Duwamish Jazz Band:

You can find out more about Bridge Park in the sponsorship welcome we recently published (including details of its pet-friendly policy) and at its website,

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