WS Community Garage Sale Day postscript: The winners are …


As you might recall, for our first year as organizers of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day (the 4th-annual edition was this past Saturday), we added a couple contests to the mix, asking entrants to e-mail us photo entries by mid-afternoon today. That big bag of duck decoys shown above is the “Most Unusual Item” winner (open to shoppers as well as sellers) — Pam (who writes Nerd’s Eye View) reports she found it at the alley sale near 37th/Holden. Pam gets a Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) card. Meanwhile, we promised two prizes in the contest with the most entries, and that was “Best Sign” — our winners are:


Cheryl gets the Illusions Hair Design (WSB sponsor) gift certificate for that sign promoting the sale that raised money for her upcoming participation in the Breast Cancer 3-Day Walk (Sept. 12-14; her fundraising page is here; you’ll recall the 3-Day came thru West Seattle last year – WSB coverage here). (P.S. Cheryl says teammate and garage=sale-mate Jana Sorsen made the sign; here’s Jana’s 3-Day page.) And the other “Best Sign” winner:


That’s Val, who proudly reports about her sign, “Please note: all materials used were recycled from a party a couple of years ago, nothing was purchased!” Val gets a gift certificate from the new Body Bar dayspa. And we have one more bonus prize:


Ashley, who joined other sellers in the Hotwire courtyard, was the only person to enter BOTH contests; we have a Hotwire coffee card for her too. The photo shows her beautifully lettered sign (her candidate for “Most Unusual Item” was betta-fish tanks she offered for sale). Congratulations to all (we’ll e-mail the winners to make arrangements for delivering prizes); thanks to Hotwire, Illusions, and Body Bar for donating the prizes; thanks to everyone who was part of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day; stand by for an online survey we’ll be setting up within a few days, and mark your calendar for the 5th annual WSCGSD on May 9, 2009!

5 Replies to "WS Community Garage Sale Day postscript: The winners are ..."

  • pam May 13, 2008 (7:43 am)

    I’m DELIGHTED to start my day with a fabulous prize! THANK YOU! And thanks, Duck Decoy Guy!

  • ValMalGal May 13, 2008 (8:04 am)

    So, I made WSB my homepage a couple of week ago, and my husband wakes me up this morning to let me know my grinning mug is up there. THANK YOU West Seattle Blog! THANK YOU BodyBar! What a wonderful way to start the day.

  • nerd’s eye view » Blog Archive » File Under: Always Carry Your Camera May 13, 2008 (10:13 am)

    […] photo won the prize for “Most Unusual Object” in West Seattle Blog’s Garage Sale Contest. No, smart guy, the unusual object […]

  • Cheryl Fehlen May 13, 2008 (10:32 am)

    Credit for the Best Sign goes to Jana Sorsen my garage sale partner and one of 13 team members on Hiking for Hooters–our Breast Cancer 3-Day team. Thank-you West Seattle Blog, Illusions and all garage sale shoppers!! We raised over $950!! :-)

  • Amy May 18, 2008 (7:55 pm)

    Yay Val!!! =8-)

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