West Seattle Crime Watch: 1 more break-in report

Also from Upper Fauntleroy – thanks to Steve for the note:

There was also a burglary reported in the 8800 block of 38th SW, occurred around 9AM Thursday 3/13. Apparently a glass door was broken to gain entry.

A year ago a local locksmith told me it was highly unusual for burglars to break glass to gain entry, seems like that is changing.

We are just back from today’s half-day-only testimony in the Satterlee House case (that writeup to come) and will be checking with the Southwest Precinct shortly for more on what’s going on – stand by for updates.

12 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: 1 more break-in report"

  • I Heart Jiggers! March 14, 2008 (4:09 pm)

    Thanks for this update. It’s been a busy week in the Admiral 37-39th area, too. Three days in a row we’ve had ‘magazine salesmen’ in the neighborhood. My husband didn’t know until this morning about the city license and though it would be great if we knew what one looks like.

    Our neighborhood typically gets lots of solicitors (gads), but a Monday night set at 8:30 p.m. was very disturbing to our babysitter…

  • Bonnie March 14, 2008 (5:19 pm)

    I live about a block from there. I will be keeping an eye out. Thanks.

  • kb March 15, 2008 (10:58 am)

    we’ve had 2 days in a row of solicitors, with the exact same story. 2 different african american ladies. story is something along…”i’m not the crazy lady in the neighborhood but i’ve just been talking to mr. jones, and mr. anderson, and so on.” as if they know our neighbors and it gives them credibility. we’re in the gatewood hills area. told hubby about the license thing too so he can ask next time.

  • Gina March 15, 2008 (5:32 pm)

    Would residents be as concerned if the magazine salesman/woman, environmental canvasser, etc. were Caucasian? Honestly.
    I’m beginning to wonder if white people ever commit any crime in West Seattle? Every single post lists an African American person or persons as being the suspicious character in a given scenario.
    I understand that race is an important identifying characteristic that helps the police catch the bad guys , but I’m beginning to feel a bit of a “boogeyman” vibe on this blog.
    I am not asserting that black people haven’t committed any of these crimes. I’m just wondering if white folks who approach citizens or canvas neighborhoods get a pass, or if they are met with the same degree of suspicion when it’s not actually known if they’ve committed a crime.
    I find it hard to believe that every miscreant in West Seattle is black. I also find it hard to believe that every single person who goes door-to-door is a criminal.
    I don’t like criminals of any stripe, but this concerns me.

  • WSB March 15, 2008 (7:51 pm)

    Gina, we had a really lively discussion here in another thread some weeks back re: race as an identifying factor. When I worked in TV, I was adamant about never including race in a description unless there was extremely detailed information to go along with it (hair color, eye color, clothing, etc.). However, thinking about it more, withholding information of any kind – whether it’s race, a vague description of a getaway car, what have you – boils down to withholding information. So currently my policy is that it’s OK to include that info regardless of how many other details exist. I know that the summaries I’ve written from police reports, as well as reader reports of crime or suspicious incidents, have included white suspects as well as suspects of color. Most recently, the lead item here:

  • Gina March 15, 2008 (7:59 pm)

    WSB, thanks for including the item. I am not one of those people who think race shouldn’t be mentioned in a report, I just wonder if white people engaging in the same activities come under as much scrutiny.

  • Diane March 16, 2008 (5:58 pm)

    I live in the Bryant/Ravenna neighborhood and we had three houses (all next to each other) broken into last week; they broke windows to gain entry into two of the houses. The locksmith also told me that it was unusual to see broken windows.

  • Barbara March 16, 2008 (7:15 pm)

    kb, I had that same person come to my house a few days ago.

  • Gina March 16, 2008 (9:32 pm)

    Bryant/Ravenna? Where is West Seattle is that?

  • WSB March 16, 2008 (10:02 pm)

    North Seattle but people do find their way here from other parts of the city and country … especially on the topic of door-to-door solicitors … we tend to index fairly high on Google. Our headlines appear on some citywide/regional aggregators too.

  • Lisa March 17, 2008 (6:56 am)

    I want to know everything possible to identify a would be burglar or criminal of any kind. Leaving out race is just plain ridiculous when here in the great USA we have a melting pot of races. Narrowing the field of suspects is important. Frankly I am suspicious of strangers walking door to no matter what they look like. There are all kinds of schemes and black, white, male, female…doesn’t matter to me. If they are lurking in the neighborhood or driving by in unmarked vans they are gonna get the stink eye from me. I read this blog regularly, well the headlines and comments at least. And, I do not get the feeling folks are being wrongly accused or even profiled based on race alone. The bottom line is, suspicious behavior is suspicious no matter what your skin color. I for one will get my dander up when the white guys passing out flyers from Garlic Jim’s come lurking up to the door. And I should mention the said unmarked van drivers have all been caucasian. A while back the suspicious door to door alarm salesman who rang my bell and caught us off guard, therefore we opened the door, was clean cut and white. And right away I knew he was bad news. Not because of how he looked but because of his behavior. Criminals come in all shapes and colors so it is the behavior not the race that worries me when I encounter someone who makes me feel heebie jeebie. This is something I spend a lot of time working with my kids on. Pay attention when someone or something gives you a startle or seem to be in an unlikely situation. Look around, be aware. Don’t live in fear but honor those feelings. If I can narrow down a suspect based on any description then it is helpful. There have been burglaries in the past month on my street and a block on either side. I live in Fauntlee Hills. I want everyone on the lookout for anyone suspicious. And based on the new alarms systems going in and folks out walking the streets people are looking out. Watch out burglars!

  • snowlion March 18, 2008 (9:46 am)

    Gina – yes, they would, especially if they displayed such odd behavior as the fellow that pounded on our door on Sunday. Why would anyone leave out race? I cannot believe that there are people out there who would sacrifice their safety and the safety of their neighbors just so they won’t offend anyone. :p

Sorry, comment time is over.