You can take action to save a life – right now

Go here to set up an appointment online to donate blood through the Puget Sound Blood Center. We got a note from WSB reader Mark wanting everyone to know that PSBC supplies are at emergency (low) levels – confirmed by the red bar across the PSBC home page. Mark is a regular blood donor, and when we e-mailed PSBC for more info, they sent this update asking that more people make that part of their lives:

Throughout the month of January, Puget Sound Blood Center and blood transfusion recipients across Western Washington recognize and thank blood donors through the annual celebration of National Blood Donor Month.

Each year, more than 4.5 million patients need blood transfusions in the U.S. according to a recent study by W. Riley (et al) published in the July 2007 issue of Transfusion. Only 37 percent of the population is eligible to give blood; however, less than 10 percent of the eligible population actually gives annually.

Holidays, busy travel schedules, inclement weather and illness all combine to make the winter months a time when blood is often in short supply. This year is no exception as the local blood supply in Western Washington is experiencing a shortfall that could become critical if action is not taken. Because of this, Puget Sound Blood Center would like to challenge the community to make a New Year’s resolution in 2008 that is easy to keep: donate blood.

And there is no better time to start than during National Blood Donor Month. Puget Sound Blood Center is asking all eligible blood donors to schedule an appointment to donate blood this month and throughout 2008.

As blood usage increases, it is becoming more critical that people become regular blood donors – one who gives two to three times a year.

“If it weren’t for the generosity of local blood donors, people with disorders such as Thalassemia and Sickle Cell would not live a productive life,” says Richard B. Counts, M.D., president and CEO of the Blood Center. “Many more are alive today because there was blood on
the shelf when they needed it after an accident or emergency surgical procedure. Puget Sound Blood Center would like to thank those who have continued to support the cause, and ask those who have not previously donated, to start a new habit in 2008: giving the gift of life by becoming a regular blood donor.”

To be eligible to donate blood you must be 16 years of age, at least 110 pounds and in general good health. For more information about donating, please visit or call 800-398-7888.

Here’s that online appointment link again. Also just found out via the PSBC search page that two mobile blood drives are coming up here in West Seattle, too — January 26 at Westwood Village, and February 23 at Admiral Safeway (we’ll be adding both to the WSB Events page pronto). ADDED 9:50 PM: In comments below, Jen also points out the east side of West Seattle has a blood drive coming up at South Seattle Community College too.

7 Replies to "You can take action to save a life - right now"

  • Mark January 6, 2008 (7:47 pm)

    FYI, you don’t have to make an appointment ahead of time, drop ins are acceptable, if you find you have a some spare time inbetween. The parking for the downtown Seattle location is free and always accessible. Besides all the obvious positives, you get a quick check up including, blood pressure, temperature, pulse, etc., and they record this information on your donor card. We are able to donate every two months…
    Just check donation hours at the PSBC website.
    This truly is one instance where it is better to give than to receive… Thanks all for reading!

  • Jen January 6, 2008 (8:17 pm)

    Looks like there’s also a mobile blood drive scheduled at South Seattle Community College on January 17 (found on the same PSBC search page).

  • Marco January 6, 2008 (8:20 pm)

    Too bad they don’t want my European blood – Moooooooh!

  • LyndaB January 6, 2008 (8:43 pm)

    it’s great to see this posting on WSB. i’ve been donating ever since that horrible bus crash off of the aurora bridge. i hope more people will add this to their new year’s resolution lists. this is a worthwhile activity. i look forward the annual donors and volunteers luncheon this month. it is really moving to see and hear how your donation can help lives.

  • Jan January 6, 2008 (10:01 pm)

    I have B- blood…and one of the saddest post-scripts of being a cancer patient is that one can no longer donate blood, or be an organ donor (except for corneas). I hope that everyone who can donate will…it’s so very important….and the good karma will come back to you, for sure :)

  • Shell Marr January 7, 2008 (1:13 pm)

    I just scheduled to give on Jan 26th! :)

  • Mickymse January 8, 2008 (6:23 pm)

    Wow… Maybe they’d have more donors if our government health authorities didn’t discriminate against gay men. Guess I’ll just keep my blood.

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