Buddha Ruksa closed for remodeling

After a worried Thai-food fan e-mailed to ask why they’re closed and not answering the phone, we found the building permit for their remodeling work, then went by and saw a note on the door says they’ll reopen for dinner 1/15 and for lunch 1/22. (2 other concerned would-be customers came by just during the few minutes we were checking!)

11 Replies to "Buddha Ruksa closed for remodeling"

  • Admiral Janeway January 9, 2008 (9:43 pm)

    I’ve had a craving for crispy garlic chicken lately. Yikes!

  • Nate January 9, 2008 (9:47 pm)

    On my commute home I was about two sentences from convincing my wife that I should pick up Thai on the way home. And yes, we would have ordered the crispy garlic chicken.

  • grr January 9, 2008 (9:48 pm)

    whew…I thought us ‘crack garlic chicken’ junkies were gonna be doomed.


  • Nate January 9, 2008 (9:55 pm)

    Crispy Garlic Chicken is to West Seattle what Red Mill Burgers is to Phinney Ridge. Both restaurants are guilty of adding an addictive ingredient to their specialties.

  • coffee geek January 10, 2008 (11:14 am)

    Imagine picking up Lee’s 7 flavor beef AND Buddha Ruksa’s garlic chicken, then heading to beverage place for a accompanying bevvies. Would your head explode? Would you pass out in ecstasy? Would secrets of the universe be revealed?

  • MF January 10, 2008 (11:18 am)

    Second only to the C.G.Chicken is their Pumpkin Prawn Curry. THANK YOU for sharing this update on their status.

  • PZI January 10, 2008 (12:41 pm)

    thanks for being so on top of things… I was really getting worried when there was not answer, and the voicemail is not set up… perhaps someone should explain to them that they should have a voicemail notice indicating why they are closed… Just a thought.

  • westseattleite January 10, 2008 (3:28 pm)

    I hope they are somehow accomodating more tables. My husband and I went last Friday and it was so jammed we had to leave.

  • Lachlan January 10, 2008 (6:03 pm)

    Thank god, if they had closed I would’ve cried. Good to know!

  • Mark January 13, 2008 (3:18 pm)

    That’s really good news! I was complaining to a friend today that the restaurant just disappeared. He forwarded this part of the bolg to me. When we went by this week I saw no notice/sign of any sort. I called several times–no answer. They seemed to just vanish. Thank goodness Buddha Ruska lives.
    Yes– Crispy Chicken!!!

  • grr January 23, 2008 (4:39 pm)

    anyone been back?? I need some crack chicken. :)

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