The view this morning from the alley behind 4116 California, where the old green rentals are coming down to make way for apartments and retail (we mentioned the demolition permit just two days ago).
The view this morning from the alley behind 4116 California, where the old green rentals are coming down to make way for apartments and retail (we mentioned the demolition permit just two days ago).
I feel bad for anyone who was displaced but this is one address I am not “concerned” about as far as being conservative on development :)
hehehehe…Gina…if you run up there really quick, maybe you can get a souvenir ;-)…maybe there’s still some corn in the back – lol…
corn, lol, that was a funny story about how the neighbors wondered why they attracted rats!
Wow. the memories. I think the green paint will be on that lot forever. I had the pleasure of inhabiting the one right on California. Watched a motorcycle jump off the sidewalk onto the street, gunshots in the middle of the night from INSIDE the house next door, giant snakes and some funky carpet. And a neighbor that would make us stop BBQ-ing because the smoke gave him Emphzema.
Ah, the good times.
Clancy, the neighbor with emphysema, was the same neighbor who would laugh at his wife (who had Alzheimer’s) when she mistakenly thought the house was on fire during the sunset.
And then there was the great pre-WiFi-days network Doom tournaments. Yep, good times…
Ain’t no party like a GREEN GHETTO partay! I wonder if they found all the bodies when they excavated….? I think I grew up there.
We were young, we were beautiful, we were rock stars, we lived in the houses and would BBQ every weekend we were not on the road. Ahhh the early 90s – it was a time when you did not care about much except a place to call home, with a basement so you can play drums whenever you wanted. The murals on the two houses near the parking spaces were painted by me and my neighbor when we were bored and off the road for a bit. There were records recorded in those basements; we called it Myrtle’s place (local cat and play on Melrose Place). I will miss you dear green ghetto; many good memories there.
I miss you guys…KL, JRod, WhiskeyPete…sending love to you all. We need to all have a drink to the GG.
Sending love to my old crew….KL, JRod, WhiskeyPete…we must all have a drink to the GG…myrtle’s place…our old home.
Long live the Green Ghetto…..and long live Patty. She traded a camel for disease and once offered me an ancient box of cheerios for my vacuume. “Something is missing and I think you all know its a hamburger!!” was my personal favorite Patty quote. I woke up one day to find the front of her house painted yellow with red splotches, but of course she didn’t do it. The painters?? None other than the Revlon girls, who snuck out of Nordstroms in the middle of the night armed with red fingernail polish. When I picture those little green bungalows of love, I can’t help but see Patty in her wolf mask sitting on the porch, smoking a cigarette, gripping an empty gas can which housed the mouse she dipped in sweet and sour sauce. Patty’s advice??? “Never trust anyone by the name of Bill.”
Those were the days, my friends. Good times, good neighbors….the kind of neighbors who would come over in the middle of the night to help you throw buckets of water at a smoldering ceiling. For many of us the GG was the secret passage way from the small town into real life. The place,the people and the times are all remembered fondly….but not the mouse or the smell so much.
I just hope that whoever torched the condo project and subsequently ran the Eyes-Rite & Mailbox West businesses out of operation, gets what’s coming to them.
Goodbye Green ghetto, goodbye cielings catching on fire, goodbye crazy patty(ok ok i’ll give you a cigarette for a half eaten box of cheerios), goodbye enrique’,
ahh what good times, …..good times.
If those houses weren’t made of asbestos I’m sure they would have burned down! I will miss myrtle’s place. I’ll miss ol’ man clancy, I’ll miss ruth and her loud bird, I’ll miss the russians and even Lonny, who lived was only seen in the wee hours of the night. Most of all I’ll miss the music!
More of my lovely neighbors and dear old friends. May the green houses always live in our hearts.
Nnnnnooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! My green ghetto is no more!!! say it aint so !!!!! good looks Hill on lettin me know about the demo. i can’t believe the good times i had there. for those who don’t know this is mr. lavish. lived in the first one on the right. who put that hard rock sticker on my window??? what went on in those basements stayed in those basements! i found a dried snake skin in my basement when i moved in! when i get enough loot i’m gonna build a lifesized replica of the green ghetto and make ’em like a motel wonderland for bands!! lot’s of good night’s runnin out the house naked up and down the courtyard, just cause it was encouraged.
b-boy genre
big ben
bassy mike
killa HIllary
mr. murph
john dizzoe
lyrical rhyme creator
mr. kenny lavlav
crazy patty
we’ll all miss it.. long live the green ghetto.
This is so sad to hear. Mr. Lavish, the snake skin was from Madalyn the snake. She was a 13 foot python that belonged to my roomate. Madalyn was stolen from the bite of Seattle when the car she was in was stolen. I hope she bit them when her box was opened. And that hole in the floor was a laundry shoot. I hope you didnt fall through. I have some wonderful memories in that place. Jerod, were you still living there when they decided to tear it down? And what was the story with the bike guy? Creepy. Thanks to cami for teaching me the basics of gardening. I still could use some help though. I miss the x-files too. I miss all of you. Hope you are all doing well. All our love Dave and Janell
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