West Seattle, Washington
12 Wednesday
In the final half-hour of this weekend, we look ahead to the next one … which will bring two events to Alki involving both exercise and fundraising/awareness-raising. Next Saturday, the first-ever One Race/One Village 5K run benefits the Agathos Foundation, a faith-rooted organization working to build farming communities to sustain children and elders left adrift by the AIDS epidemic in Southern Africa. (Registration, route, and time info here.) Next Sunday, churches from around the city are participating in the Seattle CROP Walk to help fight hunger globally and locally (according to this site, which includes contact info if you want to participate, part of the proceeds will benefit the West Seattle and White Center Food Banks). The CROP Walk will start at Alki Congregational UCC, which also is inviting everyone to its annual “Blessing of the Animals” service the same day. (Post-closing pitch: All of the aforementioned is linked from our new Events page, which we will continuously update with major events happening in the weeks and months to come; if you have something to add, e-mail us!)
That’s what Mark Bourne wrote as the subject of the e-mail in which he sent us this photo, and really, we couldn’t say it any better.
Wildlife danger isn’t the only reason not to let your dog run loose on local beaches. Potential penalties are another good one. And the best news is, you do have somewhere to take your dog and let it run free: Westcrest Park. The park steward for the off-leash area, Steve McElhenney, e-mailed us this weekend (with photos taken during sunnier times) and wanted us to get the word out. Steve says, “Off-leash area are created in conjunction with Seattle Parks & Rec and COLA, Citizens for Off-Leash Areas, to offer locations for dogs to run and play off leash … It’s a great little community we have, a great place for the dogs, and a way to meet new people and make new friends.” As with the gathering in the photo below:
There’s even a Yahoo! list for Westcrest users to share dog photos and updates on park events, such as a work party that Steve says is coming up October 18th from 6-8 pm (much like the one in the second photo he shared):
Steve also says Westcrest has a separate “small/shy dog area,” and 98 total acres of trails. Ready to check it out? Here’s the city link again; the parking lot is at 5th and Cloverdale.
Here’s another WSB RRR, posted in the neighbor-helping-neighbor spirit, in hopes someone else in West Seattle can help when your F2F friends/family/neighbors can’t. This one’s from Jen:
I’m wondering if any WSB readers know of and can recommend someone who can do a small piece of embroidery. I don’t have a large volume job – just embroidering a name on one item. Since I lack a sewing machine, I can’t do it myself, and I have no idea where to find someone who would be willing to fulfill such a small request.
Please post suggestions as comments to this post. Part of the beauty of RRRs is that they provide information searchable later for anyone trying to find something similar. Don’t forget, we are gathering them all in their own category (here).
-Today’s Pacific Magazine (Times) features the latest lovefest for Bakery Nouveau.
-Remember the West Seattle Farmers’ Market is open (till 2 pm today & every Sunday), rain or shine. The market folks sent us the latest (long!) “Ripe ‘n’ Ready” fresh sheet if you want to see if it’s really worth going out in the rain (note this is their citywide list, so a few things are highlighted as only available at certain other markets around the area):Read More
We have an informal policy that if anyone involved in or close to a situation surfaces in comments on a post about it, we will single out that comment to be sure you see it, rather than just leave it there to be discovered, or not. So, if you missed it below this post, the following comment came in very early this morning, signed Sharon Huling. (The residence-related remarks relate to a discussion in that original comment thread.)
My family and I are deeply saddened for our friends and former employees who will be losing their jobs when Gee West Seattle closes its doors. Our hearts go out to them.
I have lived in West Seattle for 27 years. My husband and kids were all raised here. We are listed in the phone book, though we have never lived on Sunset. We love WS and will continue to be a part of this community.
There have been many inaccurate and wrongful accusations recently in the news, in blogs and in the above quote from MD Johnson, Inc. With the Gee’s pointing the blame and threatening a lawsuit there really isn’t much that I can say except that the truth will come out in due time.
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