day : 22/08/2007 7 results

Caught on camera! A short burst of summer!

We were so hoping to snag a pretty summer sunset photo tonight for the first time in a while. The clouds refused to cooperate. So instead, in case you didn’t get to go out and enjoy it, here’s actual proof that summer returned for a while this afternoon …. honest.


PCC goes plastic-free

As of October, all PCC stores (WS & 7 others) will discontinue plastic grocery bags.

Election results update

sundquistphoto1.jpgmariaphoto1.jpgKing County has posted its latest ballot count, and in Seattle School Board District 6, nothing has changed from last night – looks like it will be Steve Sundquist (left) vs. Maria Ramirez (right) for the West/South Seattle school board seat that Irene Stewart is giving up. After today’s count, Sundquist has 51.8% of the vote, Ramirez has 24.1%, with Dan Dempsey at 17%. The unofficial Seattle Public Schools Blog notes that more people voted in our district than in the other district with a primary battle, North Seattle District 2, and also notes that while the primary votes were by district, the entire city votes for all school board races in the fall, so Sundquist and Ramirez (along with other school board candidates) will have to campaign citywide. One other WS note from the election: King County Councilmember Dow Constantine lopsidedly (91%-9%) beat his eclectic fellow Democrat primary challenger Goodspaceguy Nelson, and now goes on to a general-election race against Republican John Potter (who doesn’t seem to have a campaign website). 

From the “be on the lookout” file

Reader e-mail:

I’ve noticed a couple of well dressed guys driving around in a new Ford Explorer, blue. They’re trying to pull the age old scam of saying that they were out on an install for ‘home theater equipment’ and that they accidentally picked up a double order and they’re willing to sell it to you for dirt cheap. This is a scam … also when I turned down their offer to buy this home theater system they got upset and hostile.

One of the comments on our last door-to-door alert thread mentioned, ask to see a “residential sales license” before buying anything at your door from anyone.

If you heard the sirens

P-I has a short mention of the fire on Webster in east WS last night. (We saw the call on the city’s ever-handy live 911 log but it had closed before we were able to survey in person.)

Wednesday morning miscellany

August 22, 2007 9:31 am
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 |   West Seattle people | Wildlife | WS culture/arts | WS miscellaneous

-The saga of Alki seal-sitting is told poetically in the P-I by WS writer Brenda Peterson.

-Also on seal-pup watch, Cathy Woo points out that unleashed dogs can be among their worst enemies.

-The Weekly tries to find new nuggets in the casino-cheating case involving Hizzoner’s son, among others, unearthing details including what’s on the walls in the “pad” where Jake Nickels lived while working at the casino dubbed “the Sack.”

-For everyone in the Short Stop sign discussion who thinks WS needs a little more spice, the Chelan Cafe is the place you will want to be tomorrow night.

-Ending on a G-rated note, tonight is opening night at ArtsWest for the show put on by its Musical Theater Adventures Camp kids — “Schoolhouse Rock Live Jr.” (photo courtesy ArtsWest)


Next best thing to being there

Huge thanks this morning to Sage K, who already has enriched WSB with eyewitness reports about incidents including last Friday night’s Delridge fire scare and the August 12th Longfellow Creek Apts. fire. When we realized we couldn’t get to last night’s West Seattle Community Safety Partnership meeting, we asked Sage about possibly providing notes — and what notes they are — comprehensive, enhanced with attachments featuring informative handouts from the meeting, such as a list of West Seattle businesses fined for liquor violations in the past several months …Read More