What to look for at the Farmers’ Market tomorrow

By the time we got home from the Farmers’ Market last Sunday, it was too late to mention this in time for anyone to act on it. But now with 12 hours to go till the market opens, it’s worth mentioning — SPECTACULAR STRAWBERRIES. At least three booths offered them last Sunday, some as low as $3/pint, ripe Skagit County strawberries, nothing like the plasticky supermarket ones from California. Yum! (Also for strawberry fans, as linked in our weekend roundup, Metro Market sells strawberry shortcake for $3, noon-5 pm tomorrow.)

1 Reply to "What to look for at the Farmers' Market tomorrow"

  • A June 17, 2007 (3:51 pm)

    Thank you for the tip. We just got back from picking up a half flat of strawberries. Nearly $50 later, we also brought home a couple pounds of cherries, a loaf of olive bread, a wedge of cheese, some tomatoes, an apricot oat bar and a pint of apple cider. The bar and the cider didn’t make it all the way home.

    The bread, tomatoes and cheese became “Welsh Rarebit” with strawberries and cherries on the side. Best summer lunch ever, even if it IS raining out.

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