Two more from the Sunday paper

-Buried near the end of this article about wi-fi on state ferries is the note that it’s expected on the Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth run by mid-July.

-We’ve talked before about the city’s crackdown on unlicensed pets; here’s a case where it appears to have gone way too far. HERE’S A LINK YOU SHOULD CHECK TO SEE IF ANYTHING IS PENDING AGAINST YOU. (Mentions your past history, too.)

2 Replies to "Two more from the Sunday paper"

  • Aidan Hadley June 10, 2007 (12:04 pm)

    Damn, it continues to amaze me how much the City of Seattle has available online. I just put my neighbor’s name into that Municipal Court engine and discovered that my next door neighbor has quite a criminal history. Yikes!

  • Forest June 10, 2007 (5:15 pm)

    I’m not listed for any violations, but it turns out that somebody else with the very same first and last names and the same middle initial (not the same middle name) is listed for half a dozen violations.


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