day : 13/01/2007 6 results

Not just us

Seems the afternoon “flurries” hit elsewhere too. Some of the bare spots that were finally starting to emerge on our closest non-arterials are now frosted again. That’s supposedly over but now the latest warning … AIR STAGNATION ADVISORY! Which gives us an excuse to show one more photo from the incredibly CLEAR conditions back on Thursday — this one is NOT ours, but reader Bob Bollen gave us permission to post it (thanks!):


Name that snow(man?)

Spotted this afternoon on the curb in front of The Kenney along Fauntleroy, the best West Seattle snowman we’ve seen. However, we’re wondering, what is it supposed to be? Snow squirrel? Snow raccoon? Snow rat?


No business like shoe business

January 13, 2007 12:16 pm
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 |   West Seattle businesses | West Seattle online

Nice writeup for Clementine on Glad people who love the finer things in life have more places to shop in WS, with Clementine, Divina, and others now on the scene. (Although, apropos to one point in the Clementine article, our personal “freak-out price point for shoes” is $25 … it’s Payless or barefoot for us, baby!)

Mars Hill move-in status

If you drive on 35th near the summit, you might have wondered lately what’s up with Mars Hill Church’s takeover of the ex-Doxa church building (MH-West Seattle has been meeting for 3 months at Chief Sealth HS). A new post on the MH-WS blog seems to mention in passing (toward the end) that they’re now shooting for Feb. 18.

How low did it go?

Checking the Weather Service’s “hourly observations” for each hour back through last night, looks like the low was 22 (closest measuring station to us is Boeing Field), 2 am. Up here in the iced-over hilltops of south West Seattle, we’re ready to see it melt. One of us is now laughing riotously about having been excited many years ago, as a child, to see frost on rooftops when the temps dipped unusually low — 40s!!!! — in the warm, sunny hometown. Oh well. Time to go see if we can make it down the hill for a latte without turning into a tv news clip.

What’s up this weekend

January 13, 2007 12:51 am
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The ice-driving-crash-course forced by Winterfest ’07 delayed this roundup a bit, but we also wanted to mention, we’ve morphed the former Holiday Stuff page into a new WS Events page, and that’s where we’re stacking up calendars and links so you can bookmark the page and check what’s up any ol’ time. (Please e-mail us if you’ve got anything coming up!) Meantime, a few of this weekend’s highlights: Kenyon Hall starts a new “Rainy Day Film Series” (how about dubbing it “Icy Day Film Series” for starters) on Saturdays with one movie this afternoon and one tonight … the 8th annual MLK Hip Hop Show, tonight (Saturday) @ Youngstown Arts Center … The second Winter Farmers’ Market in The Junction, 10 am-1 pm Sunday (even if you’re watching the game, drop by at halftime!) …. just a few of many things happening as we all come out of the post-holiday haze.