day : 13/07/2006 2 results

Dig it

One more big event this weekend, besides Summer Fest (see below): Garden Tour!

I am sorry to say that the WS Blog World HQ failed to make the cut once again this year. Our gardening style can be described in one word: Overgrown. We’ve planted so much in our decade-plus on our little lot, we’re out of space. If you check the aerial photo of our house from one of those Google Earth-type programs, it’s a whole lot of greenery and a little spot of roof. So we might have to take the tour, just to see what an actual “garden” is supposed to look like.

Festival countdown

The “no parking after …” signs are up at strategic spots around the Junction … this time tomorrow, the street-blocking will be under way … the newly renamed Summer Fest is almost here! The musical programming we’ve been discussing here has really generated a new sense of excitement; even here at WS Blog World Headquarters, one of those acts is making the festival a Must-Go for WS Blogger Spouse.

You know parking will be a nightmare, so consider taking the bus (the Trip Planner feature is handy if you need it).

And once the Summer Fest is over … I’m going to be relentless about this … PLEASE come to the parade a week later, even if you think you’re too old and jaded for parades, or just not interested, etc. If you’ve never seen a local parade, you have to check it out at least once for yourself. Most of the summer parade regulars usually turn up — the All-City Marching Band, the Chinese community girls’ drill team, the Seafair Pirates, various assorted politicians, and a LOT more, including the Vancouver (BC) and Seattle motorcycle drill teams. Bring a chair, bring drinks and snacks, stake out a spot along Cali Ave. Which reminds me, I promised myself we’d buy new chairs before parade season this year … gotta get to the store!