More about West Seattle’s next megachurch

If you’re curious about what brings Seattle’s best-known fundamentalist church to WS, new Web pages shine some light: It’s the building. (Didn’t realize they’d already shut the whole thing down for renovation & transformation, looking ahead to a fall/winter launch.) I don’t know anyone involved with Doxa or Mars Hill — but even as an outsider, if you read between the lines of the pages on the MHWS site, including this FAQ, it sounds like quite the takeover.

3 Replies to "More about West Seattle's next megachurch"

  • surf logs kill June 9, 2006 (1:00 pm)

    I live nearby. One thing they don’t mention. The church is 50,000 sq. ft–but has no parking! It will be interesting to see this megachurch make it work.

  • Brian June 15, 2006 (8:44 am)

    Hi there. As a past attender of Doxa I’ll say that while the FAQ might sound a bit takeover-ish, it was very much a decision by the Doxa leadership to invite Mars Hill to merge the two churches. As for the parking situation, our community is VERY aware of the potential problem and is working very hard to find a solution that will have the least impact on our neighbors. If you’re in area, feel free to email with any questions or concerns you might have.

  • Rick June 27, 2006 (8:35 am)

    I’ve been going to Mars Hill since last fall. In March I moved over from Fremont to the Admiral District, and visited Doxa one Sunday morning. I’m looking forward to attending and/or helping out with Mars on the west-siiiiide! :)

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