Small dog found in Westwood Village area – REUNITED – December 17, 2012 3:11 pm

(info removed)

6 Replies to "Small dog found in Westwood Village area - REUNITED"

  • ML December 17, 2012 (3:23 pm)

    What does the dog look like?

  • Keb December 17, 2012 (3:37 pm)

    Checked for microchip. There is not one.

  • Keb December 17, 2012 (4:10 pm)

    I purposefully left the dogs description and sex out of the post so the owner could describe both to claim the dog. If you think this might be your dog please call and describe your missing pup.

  • Keb December 17, 2012 (6:26 pm)

    The wsb pet forum worked again! “Lucky” has been happily reunited with his mom! Thank you!

  • Josie December 17, 2012 (6:59 pm)

    Thank you so much for posting this ad and thanks for keeping my dog, Lucky, safe.

  • Kelly December 19, 2012 (8:33 am)

    The staff at PetPros are amazing for working so hard to find Lucky’s mom. Great work making this Christmas miracle come true!

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