Missing cat: Have you seen Moo? – November 11, 2012 4:18 pm

His name is Moo (he resembles a black and white cow) White and black cat. Male. 10# (he’s small) 7yrs old. When curled up on with his right side exposed, two spots create a heart shape. Very friendly little guy. Last seen on California Ave and Andover St. Moo is micro chipped. Last seen Friday November 9, 2012

Moo has been known to con people into feeding him but has a very loving home and family who misses him so much. Moo sometimes will be gone at least for a day from time to time as he explores his neighborhood or hanging with his “furry friends” but this is the longest that Moo has been gone. We feel that his “homeless” cat shenanigans may have backfired on him this time and maybe someone has him.

Please contact his family @ 206-412-1420

6 Replies to "Missing cat: Have you seen Moo?"

  • Rainydays November 12, 2012 (5:50 pm)

    Hope that his homeless shenanigans is true and not the Coyotes!!!

  • Moosmom November 13, 2012 (7:23 am)

    You and me both!!!!!! My kids are lost without their cat! They say our family is not complete without him! We have posted flyers, posted his pic and info with the Seattle Animal shelter, calling all the vets etc! :o(

  • Rainydays November 13, 2012 (3:53 pm)

    He’ll come home, I know he will because he knows that he is loved and when he does KEEP HIM INSIDE.

  • Moosmom November 16, 2012 (3:43 pm)

    It has been a week today that Moo went missing. We are actively looking for him EVERYDAY! Please keep a eye out for him. His family misses him so much! Thank you!

  • Gaynor November 17, 2012 (10:14 am)

    Tippy has been gone for 15 days Alex his owner keeps hoping but I fear something bad has happened
    How did they find the other missing black & white cat anyone know

  • Moosmom November 18, 2012 (9:38 am)

    I am trying to remain positive. Several coworkers have said they have had their cats disappear and after several weeks have returned home. I have been putting food out on the front porch for him in hopes that he will decide to finally come home. There was no mention that I know of on how they found the other black and white cat. Don’t give up hope!

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