Update: German Shepherd found wandering in Lincoln Park area – July 7, 2014 10:48 am

UPDATE: See comments – this dog has been trapped, so is no longer in the park.

EARLIER: We don’t usually publish “dog on the run” notes because more often than not, the dog is on its way home, and if it’s not, someone will eventually catch it and we’ll be able to list it as a found dog – but in this case, we’ve had multiple reports of a dog wandering in Lincoln Park, clearly lost, and perhaps mentioning it here can help. It’s described as a light-colored German Shepherd. A text this morning said it was wandering in the park near the north parking lot.

16 Replies to "Update: German Shepherd found wandering in Lincoln Park area"

  • Kevin July 7, 2014 (5:32 pm)

    I saw this dog by the back fence of the lower (south) baseball field at 7:30 AM Friday (July 4th). Given this dry/hot weather, I hope the poor thing can find water.

  • Bree July 8, 2014 (4:28 am)

    I saw it traveling quickly down the sidewalk going down hill by street near Lincoln Park towards Beach Drive. I turned around and drove back hoping to get the dog. Sometimes if told to go home, they will & it turned around and went back up the hill. I was unable to get it as it was just too scared & turned again & disappeared. There was no collar on. I could not send a message to anyone due to my type of phone & pulled over and asked someone if they could send a message to the blog which apparently they did. We have done quite a few dog rescues & were let down we were unable to get this dog for someone. It was just too scared & probably hungry. Unfortunately, we did not have dog treats in car as we so often do. This was July 7 at about 7:30/8 AM. Thank you West Seattle blog. Perhaps this will help someone find their dog as appears it is hanging around Lincoln Park & perhaps it is finding food in and around there.

  • Mark July 9, 2014 (8:06 am)

    Just saw this light colored Shepard by lower picnic shelter on beach 8 am, 7/9. Scared and would not get close to us. Headed back up towards park woods.

  • bree July 9, 2014 (9:20 am)

    I just spotted the same dog again this morning 7/9 just a bit after 8AM across from Lincoln Park at 46th and Fauntleroy. It is scared & I am sure getting hungry. Going to put food in the car in case I see it again. I hope someone finds their dog….if they will just go to Lincoln Park and call it, it will find them I am sure. Stay in one place. I am not finding any postings yet re a lost dog like this yet….this dog looks like it has shorter hair so it could be a German Shepherd mix?

  • bree July 9, 2014 (9:42 am)

    This dog is light colored but still has the tan/brownish coloring to it of a shepherd.

  • Marianne July 9, 2014 (11:19 am)

    It will probably need to be trapped. Is anyone able to get a dog trap from the Seattle Animal Shelter [(206) 386-PETS]?

  • ArborNeighbor July 9, 2014 (2:00 pm)

    My husband and I have noticed this same dog — a stray German Shepherd running loose in the Fauntleroy area of West Seattle, near Lincoln Park.

    We were driving this morning, saw him and pulled over. We talked to neighbors there, who said the dog is indeed a stray and has been living in a burrow he created near a home in that location (Fauntleroy Place SW and 46 Avenue SW).

    They said they’ve tried to catch him — he has no collar and is very skittish around strangers. However, they said he seems to be OK with dogs and kids. Apparently, he is fed on occasion, but the dog clearly looks distressed and is thirsty — we saw him drinking out of a dirty puddle. He’s been there for at least several weeks, before the 4th of July, according to one neighbor.

    He runs the risk of getting struck by a car or simply getting dehydrated.

    My husband and I are willing to help (we live in Arbor Heights), but we’re not sure what to do.

    Thank you, West Seattle Blog, for posting this.

    • WSB July 9, 2014 (2:03 pm)

      I would think that at the very least Parks would work with the Seattle Animal Shelter to get him out of there, although I defer to the animal advocates who kindly check this section often in hopes of helping – they would know better what’s the best thing to do. I don’t think any of the various reports have included a photo but if I do find one I can get this to the main page, there might be somebody who lost the poor thing a while back and gave up hope of finding it …

  • Jim July 9, 2014 (2:31 pm)

    I have a large humane trap I can set if people are willing to help monitor the trap.

  • ArborNeighbor July 9, 2014 (2:35 pm)

    Update: I called the Seattle Animal Shelter just now and the earliest they can get a patrol out is tomorrow. I’m not sure if it’s the right or best thing to so, but I am concerned that time is running short for this beautiful dog. I have provided the address of the supposed burrow that the dog has been seen living in, so hopefully, they can find him.

  • Jim July 9, 2014 (4:57 pm)

    I have taken a couple of okay pictures of this dog. You can see them at the craigslist ad I posted for her. A humane trap has been set.

  • Marianne July 9, 2014 (5:54 pm)

    Jim, thank you so much for setting the trap. I emailed you through the Craig’s List posting. I can help monitor the trap over the next few days.

  • ArborNeighbor July 9, 2014 (7:03 pm)

    Thank you, Jim! I have contacted you via the Craigslist posting and can be available after 6pm to check on the humane trap. Again, huge thanks and appreciation.

  • Jim July 9, 2014 (7:42 pm)

    The dog went in the trap. I think female. No microchip on initial scan. Does anyone know of someone missing a dog like this?


  • ArborNeighbor July 9, 2014 (9:09 pm)

    Jim-This is great news. Thank you for posting. How is she doing? Does the dog have a temporary place to stay? I have two dogs, but let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

  • Jim July 11, 2014 (10:51 pm)

    Faun has her own web page now. She checked out okay at the vet. Still looking for the owners.


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