this is the speech for which President elect Donald Trump demands an apology

Home Forums Politics this is the speech for which President elect Donald Trump demands an apology

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    “Mike Pence we welcome you here. We are the diverse Americans who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights.
    “Sir, we truly hope that this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and work on behalf of all of us.
    “We thank you for sharing this wonderful American story, told by a diverse group of men and women of different colours, creeds and orientations,”



    as usual, the Internet exploded with #nameapencemusical in response to trump’s now-deleted tweet; these are hysterical!

    for those who would prefer not to follow the link:

    Les Deplorables
    La Cage Aux KKK
    A Streetcar Named You’re Fired
    We’re Miserable(s)
    The Pirates of Pence Pants
    The Book of More Men
    The Book of Moron
    Sweeney Fraud
    Hello, Folly
    White Guys and Dolls
    Annie, Keep Your Gun



    I wonder how many who have voiced their outrage at the cast’s statement to Pence were similarly distressed by Trump denying Obama’s American origins?

    I hope Twitter is a sufficient outlet for Trump’s annoyance and anger over various perceived slights, otherwise Alec Baldwin may find himself getting an up-close look at Guantanamo.



    JoB: Why do you think an apology is not due? Where in the entire discourse of the Trump Pence campaign was it ever directly stated that they would not uphold the oath of office? Perhaps the irresponsible tongue lashing directed at Pence was just more baseless hysteria? Or worse, a shameless act of self promotion?



    hmmm… the head of the Trump campaign in it’s final days was the self proclaimed head of a website promoting what he called alt right ideals.. otherwise known in the wider world as racist, homophobic, sexist, etc… and he now has what appears to be a newly created oversight and coordination positition in Trump’s White House.

    the Vice President elect continued to fight allowing legally married gay partners rights in his state after the laws he promoted were struck down… you know. humane issues like allowing gay partners bedside rights while their partners die…
    and that’s just the short list of his “accomplishments”

    the cabinet Trump is assembling is full of people who believe in white national supremacy and have no respect for the civil rights laws…

    but hey.. other than that..

    you find a request for the Vice President elect to uphold the rights of all citizens offensive?
    i guess that answers that.. doesn’t it.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by JoB.


    On a more serious note, I think the sort of indignation and denunciation Trump expresses on is Twitter account is in great part intended to stroke and stoke the alt-right crowd.
    [Women and minorities demanding special treatment. Just look at how entitled they feel. We’ll fix that.]

    Steve Bannon recently attempted to distance himself from overtly racist alt-right elements, asserting he is a nationalist rather than a white nationalist. I know a good part of that crowd regard that posture as a wink-wink, nudge-nudge.

    Some talking head today mused over whether the election will turn out to be about white backlash against minorities or economic grievances over globalization. My goodness, it’s patently obvious it was and will continue to be about both. First, globalization introduced the soft borders and tax competition that fueled job losses and then minorities always get blamed for the difficulties of the white working class.

    Of course, the system has already deteriorated to the point of being unable to meet the expectations of working people for a comfortable, secure present and future, so once that becomes painfully obvious when isolation and trade sanctions fail to stimulate a sufficient degree of economic growth, attention will turn to minorities and believe me, the alt-right isn’t talking about just immigrants.



    I guess now we know who can be provoked with a tweet.




    if you didn’t know what we thought before the tweet..
    you haven’t been paying any attention.



    JTB: Exactly when do you propose “the system has already deteriorated…”? Trump isn’t even in office yet and he is already being blamed for the economic mess Obama exacerbated.

    Why do you suppose so many women and minorities voted for Trump if he and all his supporters are allegedly white male supremacists? Do you think half the country will be joining the kkk?

    JoB: Do you exclusively get all your news from leftist propaganda outlets? This racist crap is getting pretty stale when you have no evidence to support your claims. Please look up the actual definition of racism. By labeling everyone on the right a racist, you diminish the term so that actual racists cannot be differentiated. Perhaps you are doing this because you want to cloud the fact that the roots of race suppression in America are based in the heritage of the democrat party?



    Dave…do you exclusively get your rightest propaganda from Breitbart and Fox News?n Oh, honey…you had to be from the south like me. Yes…you are totally wrong about racism. You don’t see it? “Delusional comes from a Latin word meaning “deceiving.” So delusional thinking is kind of like deceiving yourself by believing outrageous things. Delusional thoughts are often a sign of mental illness, but the word can also be used more loosely to describe behavior that is just not realistic.”

    and, BTW, Mike Pence said he was not bothered by the speech from the stage at “Hamilton”….



    captain Dave..

    do you get any news? Are you aware of the content of the play Hamilton? Are you aware that the cast of Hamilton is exceedingly diverse.. by design..?

    As a radio host Mike Pence described himself as Rush Limbaugh on decaf.. as a political candidate he ran negative ads including those depicting Arabs as Un American and used campaign funds to pay his personal expenses, as a politician Mike Pence has opposed childhood education, prescription drug programs for the elderly, abortion and gay rights including those of legally wedded spouses.

    As a governor he has opposed any increase in the minimum wage, promoted right to work laws and drove the State’s per capita income to $40,998, which was 38th in the United States. to put that in context that is 86 percent of the national average salary of $47,669… and almost $9000 per year less than the neighboring states of Illinois.

    and that’s just the short list.

    to put it plainly, Mike Pence’s political policies have not been good for workers, women, gays and minorities.

    the heartfelt request from the stage that Mike Pence hear the message of the play he had just watched was not dog whistle racism.. it was a response to the policies the politician who chose to attend that play and to stay after being repeatedly booed by the audience.

    You might choose to ignore the impact Mike Pence’s policies have had on the lives of individuals.. but that doesn’t mean the rest of us can or should follow your example.

    Might does not make right Captain Dave… never has and I pray never will.



    To repeat: Pence has said he was not offended.




    cD, the deterioration of the American state commenced in earnest in the 1980’s under the neoliberal revolution directed by Ronald Reagan. Margaret Thatcher initiated a similar campaign in the UK. Thus began the division of winners who prospered in the arena of globalization and losers who saw income stagnate, public services decline, privatization advance and organized labor nearly disappear. Not until the Great Recession did the hollowness of an economic system preoccupied with trade of synthetic money become obvious to all. For decades, working people had been able to ignore the increasing cost of living by tapping into the readily available credit thrust upon them.

    Servicing public debt has become an increasingly primary duty of the federal government as obligations grew and grew to support massive tax cuts, foreign wars of choice, and support of the teetering financial services industry. Tax competition between nation states has resulted in capital flight and loss of revenue for central governments, something that won’t easily be reversed absent a coordinated strategy of all the OECD nations. In fact, a fair and rational trade strategy between the United States and European nations would likely provide a strong impetus to productive manufacturing, but much like the TPP, the trade agreement currently being negotiated with European nations does more for protections for multinational corporations than promote fair trade and transparency.

    You’re no doubt aware of the discussions underway about ending Medicare and privatizing Social Security. Those are long sought for neoliberal reforms and when accomplished will leave ordinary working people confronted with the realization that their lives have finally been completely financialized. My sense is that when that becomes obvious, the white folks in the populist uprising will be directed to minorities as the source of their financial hardship rather than to the structural elements that underlie the absurd inequality in income distribution.



    Booing by the Hamilton audience was pretty tasteless. Pence was gracious about the whole thing.



    you know, JKB…I’m sure it wasn’t the first, nor will it be the last for him. And totally nothing like being called out while giving a speech to the nation before Congress …”You lie!” Perspective



    Oh good, a lesson from Jan.



    This is the guy that is offended that his buddy was booed (not by the Hamilton cast):




    condescending much?
    Jan simply stated fact… Your President was heckled and called a liar on the floor of our Congress… by your elected representatives..

    and that was fine with you…

    but audience members heckling Pence was in bad taste?



    I posted a simple fact – the audience booing – which had not previously been mentioned.

    Yet JanS and JoB both feel compelled to attack. Well, that says something about them both.



    To be a little more specific, note JoB and her ongoing pattern of making stuff up. This time it’s that I was okay with the ‘you lie’ incident. I have never commented or mentioned that incident in any way. JoB has attacked on the basis of made-up stuff before, and is doing it again.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by JKB. Reason: Fix typo


    I this going to deteriorate and preclude any worthwhile discussion of the issues?

    I agree it’s bad form for an audience to boo someone they’ll spend the evening with.

    I think the measured statement after the final curtain was presented respectfully and even appropriately given the long view of history put forward in the play.

    The issue has never been about Pence’s response but about Trump’s.

    While I don’t think it’s productive to drag out a litany of affronts to Obama delivered by Republicans and tolerated by Republicans, I certainly think Trump is in no position to criticize anyone’s lack of decorum given his roll as the champion of birtherism.




    no.. i didn’t lie.
    but instead of doing the he said she said thing .. i will link to President Obama’s response to being heckled at the State of the Union address…

    i think you will find that it has little in common with Trump’s tweets..
    and that ultimately is the point.

    is characterizing countering an opinion as an attack an effective strategy? for you? for anyone else? Not really…

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by JoB.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by JoB.


    Curse that pesky 1st Amendment! That Amendment that the conservatives tout as long as it’s convenient to their point of view and rhetoric but would limit for anything that contradicts what they want!

    I’ll boo Trump AND Pence as I see fit. If I saw them on the street I would boo them until they were out of earshot and beyond. That is my right. It is also the right of the Hamilton cast to make the statement they did. As to Cd’s questioning how we know what Pence’s agenda is and views he hold; he’s a public figure who’s espoused those views often as a radio host and as a politician.

    I’m out.



    I never thought I would defend Pence, but I heard a report that his children were with him (I don’t know their ages.) When he heard the booing, he told his children that it was the sound of freedom. Maybe Emperor-wannabe Trump will learn a thing or two from Mr. Pence.



    Good Morning Liberals !!!

    and of course YOU “ Captain Dave “. Thank You for carrying the Flag of sanity and also exposing the Liberal Mental DisOrder ( LMD ) for what it is. You can tell people about a Mental Illness like ( LMD ) but until they see their adult College student children (that they are paying $30K/yr. in tuition for. Btw..) curled up in the fetal position after the election drooling and crying out for a coloring book , a hug and a puppy then it doesn’t really sink in.

    This has been a true Joy to watch the complete and utter hysterical Meltdown of Liberal “ Love “ machine and to see the ( LMD ) come out from the shadows and surface in the form of Seething Hatred and Death threats because my Grandfather always said “ Lead by example “ Right ? and there are few things that will attract someone to a cause like Profanity laced death threats, looting and burning of cars. Again … Thank You Liberals.
    The more radical and hate filled the more your voted out of office. I am sure it is just a coincidence that the further left and radical you go the more elections you lost. NOW.. you control less overall power at the state and national level than since the Civil War. PERFECT !
    Most people would refer to the sickening threats of Violence and calls for the execution of the honorable “ PRESIDENT TRUMP “ ( Please let that sink in… pause…. ) as a disgusting example of Hate groups that didn’t get there way but I disagree. Nothing says “ I Love You “ and expresses tolerance and Love like Death Threats and burning cars and I am not even counting the warm embrace of the call for the “ Execution of police officers. DAMN IT…. THIS IS LOVE !
    This is the group that voted for Obama who pronounced to EVERYONE…Over and Over when he was running for President in ( 2008 )

    Candidate Barack Obama ( 2008 ) “ I believe that marriage is between a man and a woman “

    But, I don’t remember the Cast of any performance theatre group giving a speech to Obama and his family after Obama made his “ Hate ‘ announcement. ?
    Please send me the Video of the “ Walk Outs” and protests for Obama’s HATE Proclamation about marriage between a “ Man and a Woman ?
    Of course it would be “ SEXIST ‘ to not include Hillary’s HATE proclamation ( against Gay marriage ). I want to make sure that I include ALL of there HATE positions equally. ( See the Link )

    HILLARY HATE SPEECH against Gay Marriage in her own words
    ( )

    See Captain Dave .. It is important that the rest of the Evil , Racist America get exposed to all of this “ Love “ and see if for themselves because you just can’t feel the warmth until your standing next to the car Fire.
    Oh.. Captain Dave.. btw. Since the Liberals are on this whole Trump’s Election of “ Fear “ thing.
    I can forward you the HILLARIOUSLY Funny, Optimistic and Extremely Accurate ( 2006 ) Comedy Film by President Gore ( Ooop’s Sorry ) with the Title of “ An Inconvenient Truth “ where he states that basically there would be no more Polar bears, Ice caps and the every coastal city in the world would be underwater by ( 2016 ) . Which basically stated that Tens of Millions of people would DIE. But, That is not FEAR ? It is just that Love takes different forms I guess ?

    Don’t worry Liberals it will keep getting better. Just continue this “ Love “ march of Hate and people will come around. OR ELSE !

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