RANT – door knocking and yelling young man in Belvidere today

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    Just had man (early to late twenties, medium height and build with baseball hat on backwards, glasses) ringing my doorbell and yelling in my window. Said he was “meeting all the neighbors” about some national leadership crap. Had a pamphlet or paper of some kind in his back pocket. Told him I work from home and was on a call so he left. Then my neighbor – a REAL one this time – pulled in their driveway and he stood in the street yelling same thing at them. Headed north up 36th towards Stevens.

    If he’s legitimate, please don’t support these people in any form or fashion. If everyone shuts them out and doesn’t give money, time or interest they’ll stop it. If he’s not legit and up to nefarious purposes they need to know we are around, watching and not tolerant.



    There are more than one – mine was a pretty girl, late teens-ish. No yelling, same racket.

    She actually said there were a lot of them, and if I bought something she’d put a sticker on my door telling the others to skip me.



    “if I bought something she’d put a sticker on my door telling the others to skip me.”

    Creepy. For some reason, I immediately thought of the scene in the Heston “Ten Commandments” movie when blood was splashed on the doors to avert the plague…



    Similar scenario by us yesterday afternoon. I was able to turn the young (20-ish) male away easily enough, but aspects of his pitch and presentation didn’t feel right> And I’ve heard of other encounters with these folks that were not resolved without anxiety or hostility. I wish I’d examined his vendor badge, which he seemed to have but was kind of tucked out of sight.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 12 months ago by rw.


    This just happened to us and another neighbor two doors down. (Alaska Junction) When we said no, he shouted obscenities and got verbally aggressive.



    If I’d had more time I would have stepped outside and engaged a bit, try and find out the story so I could file a complaint. I also am going to start leading all of these encounters with my cell phone camera and let them know I have a picture of them. I’ll demand ID as well. They know my face, my address … it’s only fair I know their name and address.

    Then the next day I got the smoker-breath “wanna buy some meat off my truck” guy!

    Need a “no knock / no soliciting” sign I guess.

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