Pediatrician in West Seattle

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    Hello, I am looking for pediatrician recommendations in West Seattle. We currently go to Swedish Children’s Center and have had good experiences with the doctor we see there.

    However, the last few times my husband and I have been waiting on the phone for what seems like long periods of time, and getting an appointment is very difficult (I was told three weeks to bring my daughter in for a flu shot). Just want to know if there are better options that people would recommend.

    Thank you for your time!



    We go to Swedish in West Seattle. For flu shots our doctor recommended directly scheduling with the medical assistants/nurses who can see you sooner than the physicians espcially since they are the ones administer the shot. In my experience I haven’t had any issue with phone wait times.



    I also am looking for a new dr for my daughter. I do not want to go to Swedish anymore. I would love to hear some feedback. Thanks



    It’s a little further south than you may want, but we really like Dr. Kenneth Dong at Southwest Pediatrics in Burien. Our daughter has been seeing him for 11 years now.



    Dr. Terrell Harrington for sure.



    I took my now six and 1/2 year old daughter to West Seattle Natural Medicine until about 2 years ago (near Swedish Pediatric on CA Ave.), Naturopathic clinic that has a pediatric doc there. Loved them. The only reason we stopped going is b/c my current health insurance doesn’t cover naturopathic physician care. So we switched to Grace Chapman, who is a Nurse Practitioner (that I’ve gone to for a couple of years now myself). She used to be located on Henderson and 35th in upper Fauntleroy, and now she’s on California Ave. just kitty corner from West Seattle Nursery. I believe the new name is Westside Family Clinic. Anyway, they do pediatric care, and all family medicine needs. Highly recommend.



    Second Grace Chapman, she is great! Can always get me in and is pretty aggressive about screenings which I need. She also I feel has really treated the whole me and not just my physical issues. When I was going through a VERY stressfull situation she was open to refilling my anxiety meds even though they are something she doesn’t personally believe in prescribing due to the possible addiction that can happen. Because I had been on the med before with out addiction issues and just couldn’t get in to see a therapist right away she agreed to write the script. Truely a life saver at that time.

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