Lincoln Park Off Leash Enforcement Coming…

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    To all who choose to let your dog off leash in Lincoln Park – either in the upper meadows or the beach area – be forewarned. It may not happen this month but it’s coming and it’s not cheap.

    If you’re reading this and know of people who use the illegal off leash area in the upper meadow or have dogs running along the beach or elsewhere in the park, please let them know this is going to happen at some point in the near future.

    I’ve learned that:

    A) No warnings are given, tickets are issued.

    B) Proper licensing will be checked and must be present or additional violations will be issued.

    A BIG thanks to all who obey the law and especially those that attempt to get their fellow dog owners to comply as well. From experience, I know it’s not fun.

    And please, no flame mails in response. If you have a legitimate point, it’s always welcome.



    As my elementary school teacher always said, “A word to the wise is sufficient.”



    Great news!!! The leash law is there so we ALL can enjoy the park!



    let us know when the tickets begin to take their toll.

    the pups and i miss walking in Lincoln park

    but it’s just plain too risky with so many not so well behaved off leash dogs in the park.



    There will likely be a notification coming before the enforcement push starts. Yet another opportunity for compliance before consequences.



    wakeflood, DBP, and all who have taken up this off-leash cause — THANKS!


    Many moons ago, I got nowhere with this issue for Lowman Beach Park off-leash nonsense… must have been ahead of the curve. Of course, it has gotten much worse over time and is so out of control, I gave up. No point. No patrols, no tickets, not disincentive.


    My guess is, unless the Lincoln Park “patrols” include Lowman Beach Park, that Lowman Beach Park will become the new unofficial popular “dog park with beach access.” Oh, boy….


    For all the years (2004 to now) I have played tennis and sailboarded at Lowman Beach Park, I have essentially spent significant time with off-leash dogs on the court, and in the water… I call that book “Swimming with Dogs and Dodging Doo.”


    I hope the promised patrols are more than just promises. Animal Control is completely overloaded with work and enforcement of off-leash laws is dismal.


    I really think they should pass a law to allow for the training of “marshalls” who could be “bounty hunters” and get a cut of all the tickets handed out. Use helmet or pocket cams to record all ticket processing, and cite aggressive offenders for misdemeanor harrassement, etc. Give some motivated people a chance to some good, clean, community-minded work!



    Yeah, I’d hate to see Lowman turn into off leash central but you’re right, it’s a bit like any other enforcement of these things, it follows the path of least resistance…

    And I’d totally be up for a citizen’s patrol. Unfortunately, there’s enough nuts out there with weapons that eventually we’d have some altercation with a bad result. Even for simple stuff like this. We’ve lost civility as a society.


    me on 28th Ave SW


    I sent a message last fall (!) to Seattle Animal Control after the goose attack in Lincoln Park and never heard back until today. There was a message left on my answering machine that 18 citations were given out at Lincoln Park (I presume recently?). At any rate, the wheel of progress turns slowly, but apparently turned nonetheless.


    Genesee Hill

    Yup. I am sure the leash-less doggie walkers are cowering. Big city, so little enforcement.

    But, good luck.



    There needs to be an off-leash area in Lincoln Park.


    tom kelley

    This topic comes up from time to time and I think shihtzu may have a point. Has there ever been an effort to designate an off-leash area in LP?


    Genesee Hill

    How about 3500 feet off-shore? At lowtide.



    As tom mentions, this topic comes up form time to time. There are past discussions of it, both on the Forums, and in Main Page Comments.

    I don’t recall if any formal proposals have been made to put an off leash area at LP, but the recurring response from Parks has basically been that the entire park is too environmentally sensitive for one.




    Shihtzu….there is a wonderful dog park called west crest. Take advantage. Off leash at Lincoln park would be a mess.



    The general stance of off-leash proponents is that off-leash areas should be anywhere and everywhere they want them, so that they don’t have to bother with making a special trip. I doubt that an off-leash area on every block would make any difference to these people; their dogs would still be off-leash. There has been ample warning; let the ticketing begin!



    I live half a mile from Westcrest and still regularly encounter people’s dogs running around in the street. Even if you don’t care about using a designated off leash area, aren’t you at least a little concerned about the dogs getting hit by a car?

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