Reader report: Launch day for the ‘Candy Unicorn Mini Mart’

The latest tale of West Seattle kids’ summer creativity is courtesy of Meighan. When she e-mailed to let us know about this, we were in the middle of covering breaking news – but we suggested perhaps a wrap-up report could be made available later. She obliged:

Who doesn’t like a tall glass of lemonade on a hot day? Combine that with a Unicorn and what could be better?

Four budding, local entrepreneurs, Brendan, Cashen, Catie, and Sabin, hit the streets Thursday at the corner of Stevens and 45th to realize their vision of the next generation of lemonade stands. The Mini Mart. The Candy Unicorn Mini Mart, no less.

They strategized about the venture for days. They took out a small business loan from Brendan and Catie’s nanny for $11, and convinced her to take them to the local Safeway to procure materials.

They scoped out a location a few block from both of their houses. They meticulously planned each detail. Pricing, signage, and unique combo meals of pretzels, cookies and lemonade. The night before the opening, they confided to their parents, that if all went as planned they would end up on the West Seattle Blog. These kids dream big.

They opened up shop and thirsty west-siders flocked to the stand, many of which were on the way to the hot Caspar Babypants concert at Hiawatha. Their hard work paid off with a 10x return on investment.

When we asked the young entrepreneurs about whether this was a one-time gig, they responded, “No, definitely not, we will open shop again on random days, at random times at the same location.” So keep a look out for the Candy Unicorn Mini Mart.

Moral of the story? A lemonade stand is never “just” a lemonade stand.

14 Replies to "Reader report: Launch day for the 'Candy Unicorn Mini Mart'"

  • Mike August 1, 2014 (5:38 am)

    Startup entrepreneurs, I like it!

  • CEA August 1, 2014 (5:51 am)

    This brings such a smile to my face!

  • miws August 1, 2014 (5:56 am)

    What a great story!


    I wish they were in my neighborhood. If they were, I’d definitely stop by and partake in a refreshing Summer beverage, and some tasty comestibles! :-)


    Best of luck to these creative Business People!



  • Lox August 1, 2014 (6:46 am)

    Best article EVER on the blog! Bravo!

  • ML August 1, 2014 (7:01 am)

    I love this! I’ll keep my eyes peeled for their next “random” opening! :)

  • Meg August 1, 2014 (7:14 am)

    Thanks for helping the kid’s West Seattle Blog dream come true!

  • onion August 1, 2014 (7:42 am)

    I passed them going to and returning from an appt. Infectious salesmanship. Shrewd thinking if they kept the stand open until the start of the Hiawatha concert.

  • KP August 1, 2014 (8:09 am)

    Totally awesome Kids!

  • Hey August 1, 2014 (8:41 am)

    Really cute! Wish I had come across these guys. This is a great summertime story.

  • Lindsey August 1, 2014 (10:46 am)

    Even little kids know that if it’s not on the blog, it didn’t happen! LOL. I love their spirit.

  • heather August 1, 2014 (2:58 pm)

    Candy Unicorn. Best business name… ever!

  • Rick August 1, 2014 (3:09 pm)

    Wait ’till they discover city,county,state and federal taxes,licenses fees,insurance requirements,street use fees,location fees,etc. to become entrepreneurs. Not so exciting then. Anyway, best wishes.

  • m August 1, 2014 (10:53 pm)

    Bah humbug, Rick!

  • Jason August 2, 2014 (1:10 am)

    Sweet profits!

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