West Seattle holidays: Southwest Precinct’s top two take a Junction turn

(WSB photo by Patrick Sand)
The Southwest Precinct promised more foot patrols during the holiday season, as reiterated when we published this year’s round of safety advice. This afternoon, the precinct’s top two were on foot in The Junction – Operations Lt. Pierre Davis and precinct commander Capt. Joe Kessler. They stopped in businesses, greeted passersby, and talked with us for a few minutes too. We asked about the recent major investigations – no new information in either the High Point murder or Roxhill Park rape; Capt. Kessler mentioned that Seattle Parks had been out in the park clearing some overgrowth to improve visibility. Asked if today had been as relatively quiet as it has sounded to us so far, they did mention that if you saw a major response in Arbor Heights earlier, that was a search warrant being served. (No other details yet.)

P.S. Before we caught up with Lt. Davis and Capt. Kessler in The Junction, the precinct asked us to share this holiday message:

Southwest Precinct's Holiday Message

If you can’t see the message in the frame above – click here for a PDF version.

15 Replies to "West Seattle holidays: Southwest Precinct's top two take a Junction turn"

  • RG December 19, 2013 (3:47 pm)

    Best of the season to the SW Precinct and their families. May your holidays be safe and peaceful.

  • Al December 19, 2013 (3:51 pm)

    The message above is to blurry to read. Thanks Al

  • JoAnne December 19, 2013 (4:36 pm)

    Holiday time can be dangerous. It is dark, with a lot of crowding and people rushing around.
    I for one am really glad these guys are on the job.
    Thank you, guys.

  • iggy December 19, 2013 (4:57 pm)

    So nice to see such a visible presence. I am grateful that our West Seattle cops are on the beat trying to keep us safe. I have always found them polite and helpful. Would love to see the Police Horses back at Westwood. They would keep Roxhill Park under control, as would a dog patrol or two. Happy to read that Parks Department is clearing some brush. Now we just need King County Metro to step up to the plate and move its lines of parked buses and have more of a security patrol presence at the bus stops at Westwood.

  • Brenda December 19, 2013 (5:16 pm)

    Thank you SPD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • timh2o December 19, 2013 (5:20 pm)

    just as much as I like seeing them in Junction I would prefer they walked the beat late at night. 11 to 2am? Or least have a presence during that time.

  • JanS December 19, 2013 (5:27 pm)

    Al…click on the link right above the message…it’ll open to bigger print

  • West Seattle Hipster December 19, 2013 (6:10 pm)

    I agree with timh2o, a nighttime patrol would be more effective than a photo op in the afternoon.


    Seattle, please hire more cops! Let’s get our priorities straight.

    • WSB December 19, 2013 (6:36 pm)

      To be clear, there have been other foot patrols, and I am told that some have been at night. This is the first one we were able to connect with. At night, we’re usually at meetings. (As I am now.)

  • DarkHawke December 19, 2013 (10:49 pm)

    I appreciate these officers stepping out to wave the flag, but all things considered, why weren’t they doing this in the Westwood Village area? It’s not even a long walk from the precinct and THIS is where the thugs seem to think is easy pickins.

  • WSB December 19, 2013 (10:53 pm)

    Sorry – at one point I had that in the story, that they had other stops planned later in the afternoon, including Roxhill Park/Westwood Village – TR

  • MyEye December 19, 2013 (11:32 pm)

    So very nice to see them during a banal time of day in a relatively safe area. Perhaps having them stroll around the area where there was a rape, murder, and multiple assaults would have been more of an impact, but they’re they experts.

  • Garden_nymph December 20, 2013 (9:46 am)

    SPD, Thanks for everything you do for our communities each and every day. Stay safe out there and a very Happy Holiday Season to you all! @WestSeattleHipster, the Seattle City Council has limited the ability to hire more police officers. We pay for a DOJ apartment and staff for oversight to the detriment of our police force. Heck, there isn’t even enough money in the budget for a taser for each Police officer. Contact Seattle City Council and ask for change!

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